Author Topic: New to the Forum...Looking for feedback  (Read 1620 times)

Offline Gyno_112

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I have Gyno and am looking to have the surgery soon. I have been
looking through the forums and seems that I may have a
testosterone issue.

I will start from scratch and will highlight my symptoms as I have read about them on here.
--I started to have serious self esteem problems as a teenager with excessive underarm sweating. I went to my GP after several years and was given a product to dry up my swaet glands
--I started having symton of Dry Skin and was of course diagnosied Psoriasis
--I have always had an active sex drive but had some small issue with premature ejac in the past. Psorisis kept getting worst and worst
--Started getting sgns of the gyno at am 40
--Now having issues keeping an erection...Think it might be mental...not sure
--Wife and I decided to try to have a child and went to doctor as could not have children. 1st test was no sperm...2nd test had sperm...but low mobility...low count.
--Have hypogonadism...I guess
--Have had bouts with depression...never seen a pyschologist or take any meds for though
--Some loss of libido...yes
--Do drink ...mostly beer...donot smoke cig...used to smoke Marijuana since 16 until about 30.
--Work in a highly "Stressful" sales environement

We are trying to have a child and this is more on my list of importance. Felt I could live with the gyno until self esteem came into I am reading more about the Testosterone issue and I am worried.

How can I raise my testerone? Will surgery do me any good?
What are my options to get my testerone in check?

thanks for any feedback

Offline headheldhigh01

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it's not just the test, it's more complicated including balance, and too much test can convert into estro.  an endocrinologist could help assess levels and any related issues. 

a surgery won't correct if it's an effect of something else, it'll just remove the symptoms (which if there's another source, could come back).  on the other hand, don't fault yourself for wanting one, an op can do real good things for your self esteem, and it sounds like some of your issues are psych-based, which with gyne can be kind of a vicious circle.  i don't understand "i guess" about hypogonadism though, was it a diagnosis or not? 

don't kill yourself worrying, stuff can be fixed. welcome to the boards  :) 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Gyno_112

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Thanks Man...I will have to see an Endo then.

actually...I can afford the surgery and and looking forward to it, but
I got really scared when I saw a post that outlined everything I put down.
The sweating...the psoriasis/dry skin...they all worked my self esteem.
I try to control the psoriasis through light treatments and other stuff.

I think I live healthy...I was raised on fruits and vegetables...I lover salads
and eat at least on a day. I do have my weaknesses though...Beer is one of
them. I was just raised that a cold beer after a hard days work was normal.
Some people smoke...some over eat...

The sperm issue is what is killing me also. Have there been any threads on here
about Homeopathy?...Just wondering

Again...Thanks...this board has made me feel like "I am not in this boat alone"

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'll second what headheldhigh said.

With a hormonal problem, if you do things out of sequence, the Gynecomastia could come back.

The right way would be to see the Endocrinologist and deal with the hormonal issues first.

Gynecomastia is not the problem in your case, it is only a symptom. When the problem has been dealt with, the symptoms will diminish and the residual effects dealt with effectively.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan


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