Author Topic: Had my op with A Karadis Saturday 4th Oct *15 days post op pics added*  (Read 10031 times)

Offline newlife

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I know exactly what you mean but I really did not care for anything but leaving hospital at the time.

I did get a call from his office today to see how I was and also a call form Mr K this evening to see how I was feeling etc. He explained that he was in theatre until 6.30pm and did not think it fair to make me wait until he had seen me before letting me go. Anyhow the time has passed now so no point dwelling on it.

He was telling you the truth mate - he was operating on me until then. I think he had a long day, I was meant to go down at 4 but didn't actually get to go until about 5.10. In all honesty, you wouldnt have got anything from him seeing you anyway as you would have been too groggy.

How are things progressing? I have still got swelling under my arms and a little bit on my chest but I think that this will be transient. My wounds are all but healed now but my nipples are itching like crazy!

My biggest concern after the op was loose skin (there was quite a bit). However, this has subsided massively since the op and seems to be getting better every day now as the skin is going back to normal. Dr K tells me that this is normal and the skin and muscle will knit back together over the recovery period so the loose skin will be taken up and this is happening already. He did advise me that I would be an idea to wear the vest for a month rather than 2 weeks as he did remove a lot of fat and to make sure that I get the best results long term. I will do so as although this thing is a pain it is amazing just how quickly you forget it is there.


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Hi mate glad its going well. I am also used to wearing the vest now.

I have no pain really just a little tender. All dressings removed today and all wounds nitted well. I have some loose skin which is evident when I tense my muscles but as you say it is improoving each day. Still plenty of bruises and I have some swelling on my left side, well I hope it is still swelling as it looks like fat still compared to my right which is very flat and well sculptured. I do still have some fat under my arms which I will have to try and shed by doing aerobic workouts. My stomach could do with a little off too and toning to make be look better overall.

So far though I am happy and here's hopeing it gets even better by the time next summer comes ;)

Good luck with the recovery. Are you gonna post some before and after pictures soon so we can see just what has been done?

Offline newlife

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I will try to - I havent got any before pics (though Dr K has!) but I will try and sort out some afters soon.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Guys, most surgeons operate in more than one hospital.  Many times I will finish an operation in my office operative suite and then go to another hospital for another surgery before that patient is fully awake.  My recovery staff obviously takes care of the patient.  I sometimes get back to see the patient before he or she is discharged, but usually not, as they usually go home within a couple of hours after the surgery.  Am I missing something here?  Tell me how important a phone call to your home from the surgeon that evening would be.

Dr. Pope, M.D.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261


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The phone call home is a nice touch I agree. I was not concerned about a visit after the surgery and have said a few times it did not bother me. I was more concerned about leaving and having something to eat! I think it bothers others more, as for me it is the results of the surgery that is the most important part.

Offline Roversboy

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I'm lucky enough to have private medical insurance through work and unfortunately over the last couple of years I've had to have several private operations, hernia etc, unfortunately I haven't seen the surgeon after any of them :(. I have to admit its bugged me each time but maybe its the norm?? I'm in with Karidis in just over a week and I have to admit panic is beginning to set in!!
Surgery : 25th October 2008
Surgeon : A Karidis
Location: London UK


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I'm lucky enough to have private medical insurance through work and unfortunately over the last couple of years I've had to have several private operations, hernia etc, unfortunately I haven't seen the surgeon after any of them :(. I have to admit its bugged me each time but maybe its the norm?? I'm in with Karidis in just over a week and I have to admit panic is beginning to set in!!

Don't panic mate you will be fine. The staff and Mr K are great and make you feel just fine. I had a great experience from start to finish.

I have just managed to start massage at 11 days post op and bruising is starting to go. Results are good too. I am very flat and contoured to my muscle. I have some slight swelling which changes to flat and back daily and some creasing of the skin when muscles are tensed along with creasing on the bottom of the nipples. I am not worried though as it is still early days and plenty of time in the next 6 months to sort out. I am after all not even passed 2 weeks yet!


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I am 12 days post op now and things are settling down and in general look good. Today both sides are becoming uneven and creased and slightly concave on both nipples or slightly swollen either side. I assume its all part of the healing process with the internal scar tissue etc.

I am not worried though as after reading many posts on here about experiences post op it is normal and full of good days and bad days with constant changing. I am continuing to massage twice a day so hopefully come 6 months everything will have been worth it :)

Offline newlife

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how's things going after two weeks mate?

My chest has become very sensitive over the last few days, I think the nerve endings are growing back as the feeling is coming back.

I am still wearing the vest as advised by Dr K but it is getting irritating.

I am still v happy with the results, hope you are.


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I am now 15 days post op and have added new pics. I am changing every day. Some days look good and some look no so. I have still got some bruising and it is a little tender still and tight when I raise my arms. I have creasing on both sides when tensing my muscles as skin has still not shrunk fully there. I also have creasing and slight indentation on my nipples due to the incision area and that I still have some swelling either side of my nipples. The swelling comes and goes every day really. I am slightly uneven too due to the lumpy scarring taking place. I also have some fat left below my arm pits as he took nothing from there. It looks kind of odd too with chest being flat. I will have to resume the treadmill soon as my chest is less tender and add some push ups to tone it.

Still early days I know and things can change lots in 6 months. I do not have my follow up until December 3rd so plenty of time to improove by then.


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how's things going after two weeks mate?

My chest has become very sensitive over the last few days, I think the nerve endings are growing back as the feeling is coming back.

I am still wearing the vest as advised by Dr K but it is getting irritating.

I am still v happy with the results, hope you are.

Yes mate in general I am happy. I am also very sensitive yet numb which is strange. I am also still wearing the vest and will do for as long as I can as i feel better with it on and it will surely help it along. I am quite liking the vest strangely and find in comfortable now :o

Offline WXYZ

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In the pack Karidis sends out it says have nothing to eat or drink 6 hours prior to the op. Does that mean you can't even drink water during this period? ??? That's gonna be hard for me to remember because I have a habit of drinking water every few hours.


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