Author Topic: Calling out all Bodybuilders!! Question  (Read 6062 times)

Offline omega

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Okay so i know that working out on chest wont exactly get rid of the gyne, but it will deff make it look alot better, especialy since im not going to be doing the surgery for atleast another year =(
Well anyway. Should i avoid bench presses?? Or they arent too bad??
Ive heard working on the upper chest is the best thing to do?? True?
And that decline chest workouts, will push the gyne out a bit more.
Any advice is appreciated
Thanks all :)

Offline GPTkid

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muscle with gyne is better than fat with gyne!!! nuff said 8)

Offline omega

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muscle with gyne is better than fat with gyne!!! nuff said 8)

Havent got fat with gyne man
Ive got muscle . Il post pics later
I havent got a good lower chest though
So i was wondering if declines wud actualy help, or make my gyne look even worse?

Offline omega

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If you want my perspective, you're generally just better off the harder you workout, gyne or not.  Don't ignore chest.  The whole thing about chest work making it worse I don't really subscribe to.  Gyne is gyne.  You'll always look better being more fit.

But do try to keep your body fat down.  Fat likes to get in between the glands in the breasts and fill it up.  The same as how girls lose weight from their chest first.

And if you do chest, do incline bench press more than decline.  That will build the upper pec.  You definitely don't want to focus on building the lower pec more, that will just really push out the gyne and would even look funny on a guy without gyne.

But yeah, the gyne is there.  Just try to look your best with or without it...

Makes alot of sence. Yeah i wont just ignore chest . I'l deff not do decline though
How about working MOSTLY on the upper chest?
Should i barbell bench bress as well, or those i shud avoid as well?
How does this sound
Incline bench press
Incline dumbell press
Il post pics later to show ya'll how my gyne looks

Offline omega

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I swear it doesnt look very puffy
it is though

Offline omega

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Looks like a fairly mild case, but the pics aren't that high quality so the detail in the chest area is getting lost a bit.

Sounds like from your suggested regimen, you'll be doing a more comprehensive chest workout than most people that work out regularly.  I don't think you'll hurt your appearance by adding flat bench.  But if you do, I'd go lower weight, higher reps.

Just make sure you're being equally comprehensive with shoulders, tris, bis, back, etc...  The last thing you want is to disproportionately work out your chest so that it would draw undue attention even if gyno wasn't a problem.  But from your original question, it sounds like you already know that, and seems like you've been working the rest from the pictures.

But anyway, your case looks pretty mild if that's any extra motivation.

Thanks bro. Does make me feel alot better
And yeah i do workout everything. Have a decent clean diet. I cheat eat every  now and then
How much wud you rate my gyne on a scale of 1 - 10??
Thing is im concous about my body. And i cant do the surgery anytime soon, so yeah..

Offline MSJ108

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If you want my perspective, you're generally just better off the harder you workout, gyne or not.  Don't ignore chest.  The whole thing about chest work making it worse I don't really subscribe to.  Gyne is gyne.  You'll always look better being more fit.

But do try to keep your body fat down.  Fat likes to get in between the glands in the breasts and fill it up.  The same as how girls lose weight from their chest first.

And if you do chest, do incline bench press more than decline.  That will build the upper pec.  You definitely don't want to focus on building the lower pec more, that will just really push out the gyne and would even look funny on a guy without gyne.

But yeah, the gyne is there.  Just try to look your best with or without it...

Well said. Good post!

Offline MSJ108

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I don't see gyne AT ALL in above pics.

Offline whoknows

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if you have gyno building up the pecs actually make it look WORSE.

from experience as well not just BS

but if you take a look at the anatomy you'll know why

Offline whoknows

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If you want my perspective, you're generally just better off the harder you workout, gyne or not.  Don't ignore chest.  The whole thing about chest work making it worse I don't really subscribe to.  Gyne is gyne.  You'll always look better being more fit.

But do try to keep your body fat down.  Fat likes to get in between the glands in the breasts and fill it up.  The same as how girls lose weight from their chest first.

And if you do chest, do incline bench press more than decline.  That will build the upper pec.  You definitely don't want to focus on building the lower pec more, that will just really push out the gyne and would even look funny on a guy without gyne.

But yeah, the gyne is there.  Just try to look your best with or without it...

Makes alot of sence. Yeah i wont just ignore chest . I'l deff not do decline though
How about working MOSTLY on the upper chest?
Should i barbell bench bress as well, or those i shud avoid as well?
How does this sound
Incline bench press
Incline dumbell press
Il post pics later to show ya'll how my gyne looks

flat bb bench does work your lower as well so if you want to be completely safe I would avoid it. (from experience too)

Offline omega

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Thanks alot for the advice guys.
I'm sure ive still got some gyno there. The surgeon did a good job the first time nevertheless.
And yeah i think i will avoid flat bench press, oh but ya'll that work out, do alot of incline (upper chest) workouts, its helped me ALOT.
As well as flys

Offline omega

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Ah, I just realized that if I click on the pictures they get bigger.

I'm downgrading my rating of your gyne.  On the 1-10 scale, I actually think I'd give it something like a 0.5.  In the first picture I can just MAYBE see the tiniest bit of nipple puffiness - but the thing is, if you were to cut down to a six pack, you might have nothing there and a perfectly defined lower pec ridge.  I don't really see the chest as being disproportionately "breasty" at all in the context of your tone and body composition...

I know the last thing someone with a minor case wants to hear is don't worry about it...  But if you have gyne, the case is truly minor.  I would be surprised if anyone was noticing your chest as being "moobish."  Maybe you have pictures from other angles that highlight the issue more, but yeah...  0.5 dude, you should feel pretty good.

Thanks bro! Makes me feel alot better. Maybe the puffy nips wont completly be gone, but they'l deff look better because im sure there is some fat as well.
Im not going to cut till after another month and a half though, so we'll see then :)
Thanks once again

Offline tomo25mcr

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i find doing chest workouts brings my gyno out more and makes me more sore so im gonna try sticking to incline bench press too now and see how it gos, cant see any gyno on your pics? do u have sore lumps there?

Offline CAVA

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well in my case working Out really helped me..i lost a lot of fat in my chest..and now i just have mainly the glandular tissue..I work all incline, flat & decline..yea it does push it out..but when i get the surgery done..i know my chest is gonna look good all round..your case dont seem to be a bad one..tell u the truth..if mines was as good as urs..i woudlnt even consider surgery.. check my pics out and see how bad it is compared to urs..


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