Author Topic: xmas party at my house 4 days after surgery  (Read 4308 times)


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my mom and dad areh aving their annual xmas eve party at our hosue on the 24th, i hav surgery the morning of the there anyway i can not wear the vest for a couple hours or is the vest noticable??? cover stories?? my family will all be wondering and i no they will be giving me attention because i just won a state championship

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You will be 4 days in at that point... Having your vest off for a few hours will not adversely affect your recovery progress. Compression is a good thing.... but it doesn't have to be 24/7.... It's all just common sense!.....  ;)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Dr. Cruise

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At 4 days out, I would recommend still wearing it if you can, as it will help decrease the swelling and discomfort. Taking it off for a couple hours, as Grandpa Bambu says, will not adversely affect your healing. But, it will be a little more sore and swollen if you remove it. I often recommend getting an under-armor type compression shirt (the ones that are usually worn to workout) for events like this. It is less bulky, and looks completely normal under sweaters and even a button up or polo shirt. It will not have the same quality of compression, but is better than nothing and is less noticeable. Many men wear them on a daily basis (even those without Gynecomastia).

Remember, be careful as well. You are not going to want to be partying too hard as your body is still going to be a little weak and needs time to recover to full strength. Have fun!
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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Offline Dave_8

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If you do plan to wear the vest, just say you have a sore back and the vest keeps your back straight and keeps the pain away. Ohh and by the way, what sport did your team win state? You're in Hawaii right?
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.


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Offline Dave_8

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Nice. My cousin lives in Hawaii and when my other cousin went down there he got to see some of the highschool players practice, he told me that they're Phuckin huge down there. Did you get to play against Farrington?


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yes sir, we played them in the state semi final. in my opinon they shusdve been playing us in the state championship..hell of a team. we barley won. btw...if u talk to neone from hawaii. dont mention anything about a kid from the state champs team getting surgery..that would be great. anyways, farrington is always tough.

Offline Dave_8

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Of course, I won't talk about that to anyone. All my family don't know that I have this account on this website, not even my cousins and friends and mom. Don't worry, you're secret is safe with me. You live in Owahu? Or something like that.


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yes the island of Oahu. My school is in manoa and farrington is in kalihi, a pretty tough area with a lot of polynesians.

Offline Dave_8

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thats what my cousin said. You hawaiian? or somoan? Sorry for askin but I gotta lot of family there in hawaii. I'm marshallese. You know a few down there?


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no, i am not polynesian. i know a few tho..not any from farrington, i live pretty far from the kalihi neighborhood and dont go there to often. i know OF some of their good players but thats about it.

Offline Dave_8

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  • Posts: 411 that neighborhood is pretty "bad". It's so bad, dog the bounty hunter was lookin for some crackhead near my cousins apartment.

Offline iki4life

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DONT TAKE IT OFF!..its best to keep it cover it up, wear a REAL vest for your party one can tell water from water :P


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haha yea my friend lives in kalihi..on haloween they emptied all their candy out to inspect it..found razor blades and thumb tacks stuck into candy bars.

Offline Dave_8

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What the hell? HAHA that's so messed up.


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