Well like some of you, I have a serious case of gyno. If you look in the gallery, im alot like Billy. The first one. I dont mean to point fingers but ive never bothered to take a picture of chest as im not too pround of it
Anyways, Im 15. Living with Gyne for about 3 years and im at my wits end with this. Im developing terrible posture because i slouch hoping it will cover, but ofcourse, all you see is 2 little points popping out. Occasionally there is the odd breast joke and I do my best to laugh it off, but ive realized it just isnt going away. I guess i could say im over weight. Im about 5 11, 205 pounds. Big built. Excersising has always been so discouraging. Ive realized when I put on a tight shirt, my only flaw is these damn breasts! I have these big massive shoulders and arms but its just this chest holding me back. I was hoping it was just fat that i could work off and i even ordered excersise tapes. I was doing so well, everything was shrinking. My breasts were still there so i just stopped doing it. Basically my only modivation to work out was to lose em.
Since i was very young ive been terrified of going under. I had some some work done on my teeth and it was just a terrible experience. Then a few years back i had something else done and that was an awful experience. For days all i tasted was this disgusting gas in my mouth and i felt like crap for a week. But i need this operation! Ive been floating around the forum and i noticed some of your are in your 30s and still live with it. I couldnt imagine another year with it. I have Doctor Fieldings information (taken from the site lol) but im just too scared to call him. School is almost over this year and i would like to ahve the operation done on me in the summer so when i get back i can live my life as a normal god damn teenager. Its affected my social life like you would not beleive. And my confidence in so many aspects.
Im sorry for the long post. But this is the only place ive been able to get this out and it feels damn good. Like were all in this together. I could never tell my parents or my friends. My mom knows i want the operation but she has no idea how much its affecting me. And telling my dad is just out of the question. I know forsher he would laugh lol. My mom has no problems with it because theres no money being spent and im doing whats best for me. If i were to tell the truth to Fielding like i have told you guys, what would he say? Would he laugh? Also, my parents definitly dont have the money to for the this operation so i was hoping OHIP can cover as ive read here it has covered some peoples operation. Any advice?