Author Topic: Does Letro work on Propecia induced gynecomastia?  (Read 7393 times)

Offline koopa

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Hi guys

I started propecia 1pill per day around 12 months ago. It stopped my hairloss and restored the full thick head of hair i had in my teenage years. Im 26 now. However i noticed around 4 weeks ago that despite all the exercise i do and low carb high protein dieting, my chest just would not look right unless i was cold or pumped from the gym.

After a bit of internet research i have since come to learn that i suffered gyno most likely caused as a side effect from the propecia.

It is not as obvious as some of the cases i have seen from people with natural gyno but it is enough to cause me frustration. Especially as the medication i was taking was for my own selfish vain reasons - to look good!

I have been completely off propecia now for approx 4 weeks and have started a course of letrozole to battle the gyno. I do not have painful lumps, more like swelling behind/slightly under the nipples towards the armpit are so that the nipples are larger and oval shaped when they are warm. When im cold they tighten up and i look fine.

My question is, will running a course of letrozole help to minimize gyno that is caused by finesteride? How long does it usually take for the letro to 'kick in'.

Thank you for any help in advance 

Offline koopa

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Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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I have been in touch with Merck, the manufacturer of Propecia and have posed numerous questions to them.  They actually mention gyne as a possible side effect of Propecia -- but describe it  as "swelling."  Believe me, if you do have this side effect, this is not swelling (swelling is actually a collection of fluid, as in a swollen ankle after a sprain).  This is actual tissue build-up on the chest.

There are no studies as to the possible spontaneous subsidence of gyne after cessation of Propecia.  Nor are there any studies on whether continuing Propecia after gyne surgery may or may not result in additional breast tissue growth.  We simply do not have answers to these questions.

As to use of Letro for your own case, I would suggest you pose that question to an endocrinologist.  My own gut feeling is that once the gyne tissue is established, it will not resolve on its own and would require surgical removal.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline koopa

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thank you for the advice doctor jacobs

Offline Paa_Paw

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I agree thoroughly with the Dr.

It is not odd for us to hear from someone who tells a story such as yours.

Obviously there are a lot of men who use Propecia without ill effect and we only hear from those who have a problem. The problem does exist though and I suspect it is understated in the side effects of Propecia.

As an old man who is quite bald, I can assure you that my lack of hair does not disturb the ladies at all.

The girls seem to be much more concerned with what is going on between our ears than how much hair adorns our heads or how much tissue we have on our chests..

Baldness and Gynecomastia are our issues and the ladies seem to care little about either.
Grandpa Dan

Offline moobius

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once the gyne tissue is established, it will not resolve on its own and would require surgical removal

spot on. letrozole, aromasin, nolvadex, arimidex won't get rid of established tissue no matter the dose or duration

Offline Dr Kapoor

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Hi guys

I started propecia 1pill per day around 12 months ago. It stopped my hairloss and restored the full thick head of hair i had in my teenage years. Im 26 now. However i noticed around 4 weeks ago that despite all the exercise i do and low carb high protein dieting, my chest just would not look right unless i was cold or pumped from the gym.

After a bit of internet research i have since come to learn that i suffered gyno most likely caused as a side effect from the propecia.

It is not as obvious as some of the cases i have seen from people with natural gyno but it is enough to cause me frustration. Especially as the medication i was taking was for my own selfish vain reasons - to look good!

I have been completely off propecia now for approx 4 weeks and have started a course of letrozole to battle the gyno. I do not have painful lumps, more like swelling behind/slightly under the nipples towards the armpit are so that the nipples are larger and oval shaped when they are warm. When im cold they tighten up and i look fine.

My question is, will running a course of letrozole help to minimize gyno that is caused by finesteride? How long does it usually take for the letro to 'kick in'.

Thank you for any help in advance 

I recently operated on a young male who had propecia induced gynecomastia- he had been off it for several months before surgery, with no change in the condition. As Dr Jacob points out, once breast tissue is established, it's unlikely to respond to letrozole or any other medications. Ask your endocrinologist, but i think if the condition is well established, then you should consider surgery if it bothers you.

Offline barcafan

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Just another money-hungry plastic surgeon.

Chemical regression is definitely possible, with the right medications and under the care of a competent Medical doctor.

Breast tissue requires hormones to sustain itself, otherwise why would female bodybuilders who inhibit estrogen and artifically increase testosterone start losing their breasts?

Offline moobius

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propecia inhibits production of DHT which directly impacts the androgen/estro ratio and can make gyne growth possible. once the glandular tissue is established nothing short of surgery will make it disappear (even synthetically raising androgens and/or lowering estrogens)

Offline barcafan

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See you're just swallowing what people WHO Have an active interest in performing surgery are telling you.

You should read some 'steroid' forums (In laymans terms), they know their stuff better than i can explain.

Offline barcafan

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To touch upon my previous post, You cant just take a simple aromatase inhibitor and expect it to magically reduce your glandular tissue.  You need to follow a fairly strict protocol which INCLUDES limiting yourself to enviornmental estrogens, taking a prolactin inhibitor, maintaining a caloric deficit, watching insulin spikes, and more.  Surely you dont expect a magic RX to fix you right up? It's definitely more involved than that.

Obviously you're free to do as you wish, go to a plastic surgeon, have him 'cure' you of your SYMPTOMS for a few grand.  Remember, the tissue REQUIRES a hormonal balance to sustain itself, otherwise it dies.  As per my previous example.  Only trying to help, not harm, i just hope you can get in touch with a forward thinking doctor.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 06:40:02 PM by barcafan »


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