Author Topic: Female body-types and Gyne?  (Read 5687 times)

Offline shen

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Does anyone else here have problems with having a "female body type" and also suffering from gyne? I have no doubt the two are related...

My story, briefly. I am 22, 5'8, 145 lbs, "lean", muscular, I run, I bike, I lift. I have a six pack abs, ZERO belly fat. I have a very strict diet, I eat healthy. HOWEVER, nearly ALL my fat goes straight to my thighs and gluteus (like a female). Compared to the rest of my lean shape, that area really stands out. I have fought it for years - and no matter what, I just can not "spot reduce" that area.

And I have gyne. Minor I guess. Anyways, I am having surgery done next month and I am debating whether having these other areas lipo'd at the same time. Like I said...I am 145 lbs, I don't have much more weight I can actually lose to "target this area". I could fast, but it would just come back.

I have no doubt it is due to estrogen levels...whatever. I just feel strange, being only 22, and considering liposuction when I am 145 lbs.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Offline cecly

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Have you had your estrogen levels tested?

When I was younger I had more weight on my hips, but it all has seemed to have flattened out.

Offline helloHELLO

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yea i think they are both related too.
i carry a good amount of weight in my lower body (thighs, legs, buttocks).
it also seems like i cant get under a 35" waist.
i wonder if it is a hormonal problem though. because when i got tested prior to my gyne surgery there were no problems with hormone levels.

i'm hoping that its just stubborn fat. i'm muscular 195 pounds at 6'
trying todrop to 175 in hopes that i'll see a difference


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Does anyone else here have problems with having a "female body type" and also suffering from gyne? I have no doubt the two are related...

My story, briefly. I am 22, 5'8, 145 lbs, "lean", muscular, I run, I bike, I lift. I have a six pack abs, ZERO belly fat. I have a very strict diet, I eat healthy. HOWEVER, nearly ALL my fat goes straight to my thighs and gluteus (like a female). Compared to the rest of my lean shape, that area really stands out. I have fought it for years - and no matter what, I just can not "spot reduce" that area.

And I have gyne. Minor I guess. Anyways, I am having surgery done next month and I am debating whether having these other areas lipo'd at the same time. Like I said...I am 145 lbs, I don't have much more weight I can actually lose to "target this area". I could fast, but it would just come back.

I have no doubt it is due to estrogen levels...whatever. I just feel strange, being only 22, and considering liposuction when I am 145 lbs.

Does anyone else have this problem?

A female body fat distribution is one of the Red Flags I use during the evaluation of my gynecomastia patients. I have seen such contour problems in many unusual causes of gynecomastia such as Adrenal Genital Syndrome, some patients with Klinefelter's Syndrome, and other conditions.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline shen

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Even if it is a hormonal level problem, can I really expect drugs or treatments to permanently "level out" my body? One can not take testosterone supplements for his entire life. That is why I am considering the lipo, from what I heard, if the actual cells are removed, you can't expect fat to ever deposit there again.

I was mostly curious if it was a common issue with gyne sufferers, but apparently it is not.

Offline phxguy123

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Just FYI -- I had my entire upper body lipoed in October.  I haven't watched my diet and I gained it all back.  The weight first went to my rear and thighs, but it eventually added on back to my stomach/chest/love handles.  Contour of my love handles isn't as bad as before, but yes you CAN gain the weight back there.  I had the same misconception...however, it's my fault for the weight gain.


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Even if it is a hormonal level problem, can I really expect drugs or treatments to permanently "level out" my body? One can not take testosterone supplements for his entire life. That is why I am considering the lipo, from what I heard, if the actual cells are removed, you can't expect fat to ever deposit there again.

I was mostly curious if it was a common issue with gyne sufferers, but apparently it is not.

I work with many transgender patients who need hormones to change their body.  For many, the hormones can change body fat patterns.  For others, liposuction can help with localized fat distribution issues. Plastic Surgery can then deal with other issues of contour. 

Just FYI -- I had my entire upper body lipoed in October.  I haven't watched my diet and I gained it all back.  The weight first went to my rear and thighs, but it eventually added on back to my stomach/chest/love handles.  Contour of my love handles isn't as bad as before, but yes you CAN gain the weight back there.  I had the same misconception...however, it's my fault for the weight gain.

Liposuction should never remove all the fat between the skin and underlying structures.  Too much removed can look terrible as in the Crater Deformity Defect After Gynecomastia Surgery.  Leaving a natural layer of fat behind permits a natural motion of tissues.  Remaining fat cells can put on more fat.  Liposuction is not an alternative to losing weight nor an aid to keep weight off.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Liposuction Body Contouring

Offline Plarkin

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Does anyone else here have problems with having a "female body type" and also suffering from gyne? I have no doubt the two are related...

My story, briefly. I am 22, 5'8, 145 lbs, "lean", muscular, I run, I bike, I lift. I have a six pack abs, ZERO belly fat. I have a very strict diet, I eat healthy. HOWEVER, nearly ALL my fat goes straight to my thighs and gluteus (like a female). Compared to the rest of my lean shape, that area really stands out. I have fought it for years - and no matter what, I just can not "spot reduce" that area.

And I have gyne. Minor I guess. Anyways, I am having surgery done next month and I am debating whether having these other areas lipo'd at the same time. Like I said...I am 145 lbs, I don't have much more weight I can actually lose to "target this area". I could fast, but it would just come back.

I have no doubt it is due to estrogen levels...whatever. I just feel strange, being only 22, and considering liposuction when I am 145 lbs.

Does anyone else have this problem?

A female body fat distribution is one of the Red Flags I use during the evaluation of my gynecomastia patients. I have seen such contour problems in many unusual causes of gynecomastia such as Adrenal Genital Syndrome, some patients with Klinefelter's Syndrome, and other conditions.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

I'm not sure if a fat butt and thighs and below-the-waist fat is the only female body form that can afflict men. I have wide hips, but like no ass fat, and long thin legs and arms, and arms longer than my height by about two inches. I've read this is a female body form as well (plus I light beard and a couple other minor feminization things, late puberty, osteoporosis.) I have had a little belly roll and moderate gyne since adolescence. (I'm now 53). But I am an otherwise a relatively thin 53 year old, 5' 11" 175 lb guy. (Don't have KS, either; I've been tested actually, a year ago.) Endos over the years have said say it's all normal, probably the low normal end, but normal -- no need for HRT and no cause of the gyne is know; they call it idiopathic. But I strongly suspect the gyne is related to the other issues, and hormonal, and it is a concern that there is an unacknowledged undefinable hormonal issue here that might raise the odds of regrowth should I have the surgery. Any thoughts, doc?

Offline Paa_Paw

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While it might be true to say that a person who had a pattern of fat distribution which was more or less gynecoid would also most likely have gynecomastia.

The reverse, however is not true. Nothing I have ever seen would indicate that men who have gynecomastia are predisposed to be fat or have a feminine pattern of fat distribution.

It is actually not uncommon for men who are lean and quite masculine to have gynecomastia.
Grandpa Dan


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Does anyone else here have problems with having a "female body type" and also suffering from gyne? I have no doubt the two are related...

My story, briefly. I am 22, 5'8, 145 lbs, "lean", muscular, I run, I bike, I lift. I have a six pack abs, ZERO belly fat. I have a very strict diet, I eat healthy. HOWEVER, nearly ALL my fat goes straight to my thighs and gluteus (like a female). Compared to the rest of my lean shape, that area really stands out. I have fought it for years - and no matter what, I just can not "spot reduce" that area.

And I have gyne. Minor I guess. Anyways, I am having surgery done next month and I am debating whether having these other areas lipo'd at the same time. Like I said...I am 145 lbs, I don't have much more weight I can actually lose to "target this area". I could fast, but it would just come back.

I have no doubt it is due to estrogen levels...whatever. I just feel strange, being only 22, and considering liposuction when I am 145 lbs.

Does anyone else have this problem?

A female body fat distribution is one of the Red Flags I use during the evaluation of my gynecomastia patients. I have seen such contour problems in many unusual causes of gynecomastia such as Adrenal Genital Syndrome, some patients with Klinefelter's Syndrome, and other conditions.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

I'm not sure if a fat butt and thighs and below-the-waist fat is the only female body form that can afflict men. I have wide hips, but like no ass fat, and long thin legs and arms, and arms longer than my height by about two inches. I've read this is a female body form as well (plus I light beard and a couple other minor feminization things, late puberty, osteoporosis.) I have had a little belly roll and moderate gyne since adolescence. (I'm now 53). But I am an otherwise a relatively thin 53 year old, 5' 11" 175 lb guy. (Don't have KS, either; I've been tested actually, a year ago.) Endos over the years have said say it's all normal, probably the low normal end, but normal -- no need for HRT and no cause of the gyne is know; they call it idiopathic. But I strongly suspect the gyne is related to the other issues, and hormonal, and it is a concern that there is an unacknowledged undefinable hormonal issue here that might raise the odds of regrowth should I have the surgery. Any thoughts, doc?

Some problems of body contour have no specific traceable causes, even after a thorough work up.  However if a cause can be found and stabilized, risks of recurrence are much less.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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