Author Topic: Surgery on friday the 13th and new here hello  (Read 3440 times)


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Hi people, firstly i'm new to this site and i also have surgery on the 13th of this month. I've been troubled by this since i went through puberty and i'm now 28 so i've had a longtime of the usual hassles it's caused that i'm sure all of you have had to deal with. I used to be a bit over weight in my teens so over the past few years i've trained and kept to a strick health diet in order to help the situation which has helped a lot but i still have puffy nipples. My surgeon is going to cut out the gland and perform slight lipo but i'm just hoping everything goes well. I'll post a pic here but it's rubbish and doesn't show the problem cause i'm so cold, when my nipple are relaxed it's really apparent on my left nipple and no matter how much training i do it'll never go. Some guys on here who have had surgery and are similar to my build could you please send me a post, i'd be grateful for your input as i'm concerned after reading some peoples stories there is still chances things might not go to plan. Anyway hi to all and i'll post some better pics showing my gyne and show progress before and after op.


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I thought i'd add to my first post. I know people who have been troubled with gyaecomastia will wonder what i'm worrying about maybe after looking at my photo but i have to stress i'll post a pic that shows it in more detail. I understand that some may look at this as offensive as they have battled with far worse situations but it's only been recently that i've been so healthy, i've been living with a diet that's verging on unhealthy in my own battle to rid this. I've learnt, being overweight myself that training  does help, it will never get rid of the glandular effects as i've learned but overall it does help. It helps show that it can't be passed off as being over weight and maybe more likely to be a medical problem. I struggle daily with keeping my weight at bay, i'm the sort that gains weight easily. I'm really new to posting on anything let alone such personal things. I look forward to my surgeryy but i thought i'd get used to talking about things on this site and could possibly share some decent pictures before and after  along with progress and advice that could help anyone in a similar position. Anyway thanks to all and also this site, very informative reading.

Offline demha

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just dont get fat during the healing process lmao. As long as u got a good PS u should be fine.


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Lol I'll try my best not to, i doubt i'll be doing any training for a while though. As far as i'm aware he is a good surgeon but i don't hear of many people getting this kind of surgery up in scotland. Anyways not long now till i wave my moobs goodbye  ;D


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Well guys had my surgery yesterday and pretty pleased so far. I'm quite sore but the work that's been done as far as i can see looks tip top and really pleased. Long way to final result but all in all it was a trouble free day. I'll get some pics up here soon.


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Hi coffee, i'll give you as much info as possible. Firstly if you go into general chat and look at the thread i have been talking, think it's called "should drain tubes always be used" something like that. You can see some of the pics i took today after the op to give you some idea what to expect and also help put your mind at ease. I still have my worries as it's healing that maybe my puffy nipple might still be there but i'm sure it may all be a mental thing due to having this "£"! for so long it's hard to imagine not having the problem. meantime i'll post the days events on here for you alright bud!


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Right here we go.
I drove up in the morning to Murrayfield Spire in edinburgh along with my good lady and headed into main hospital where i was welcomed by the receptionist and then showed to my own private room. My woman came with me to see i was settled and within 5 minutes the head nurse came in for a chat who was very nice. She explained all the minor details, left a wee pot, took my blood preasure, left my gown, showed me how the bed, telly etc etc worked and i thought she was really nice and kept me at ease. This was all around 11:45am and my op was due for 1pm. So my partner helped me with my gown and i waited, by this time i was on my own, woman had to go and i was getting a little nervious. Nurse came in and asked some questions then left, again very nice. i then waited to see my surgeon and aneistatist. they came to talk about 12:30 and went through prettymuch everything we spoke about beforehand in the consultations. What i did add to that was i told him from the research i'd done that most of the people who turned out to be unhappy with their surgery results were mainly people who felt their surgeons took the more reserved outlook and they felt they never removed enough. He totally agreed with my thoughts and that put my mind at ease. Right i'll get to the nitty gritty.
I was walked to a room beside the OR which i was put on a bed and the nurses aorund were very pleasant again. the aneistatist then started talking to me which i was sure was a destraction as she put the needle thing into the back of my hand which i really didn't notice all that much, she had given me gass as she was doing it and kept talking. she then said i'd be given goodies to make me sleep and i have to add, ive been for a couple of ops years ago and could feel myself drifting off but it was like flicking a switch. I was out cold, BLISS hehe. I then woke up fairly bright and free of pain in my private room.
I would say things went very well. Not at any point did i feel overly nervious or in any sort of pain. My expectations of what i was going to feel like after the op were way worse than it actually was. I couldn't really call it pain it was more discomfort and even that wasn't bad. once the nurse made sure everything i needed was close to hand and i was comfortable she left and i got my first look under my gown. It was a little filled with fluid under the skin but still i must say i had very little pain, bit stiff and dreamy. Once i was alert and feeling fit later that night and had seen the surgeon and passed urine etc etc they said i was fit, if i wanted and had my partner to help me, i could go home after a few checks and so on. It was my choice but i thought i might aswell in my own bed than in there, so the lady got me and bye bye hospital. All in all a trouble free and pain free trip.

Anything else you wann know or talk about feel free, even now i'm not dying with pain. I'm a bit stiff and taking it easy. I wouldnt worry mate, i bet it's a breeze, You'll be fine really. Hope things go well for you!


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Coffee. In regards to what i done to take my mind off things was train hard. I always but always once i'd booked for op was if i was deep in thought about things i'd end up in the spare room with my weights, rowing machine, huge mirror and work myself hard, i've always worked hard at keeping fit but over the past couple of months i threw my whole mindset into it. Purely to help the end results. Also one thing i noticed upping my training was that i almost rid myself of any fat around that area, my skin is very thin if that makes sense to you? went on a cutting diet and kept a diet record which i will continue to do so. i've changed my whole way of thinking on the buildup to this and really i looked forward to my op date. look at it as a good thing. what little time your down unable to workout, use that as rest time and plan a progressed workout starting easy of course and think of what you'll look like with your puffy nipple gone. Rightnow i'm sitting on pc, typing this but also writing out my daily diet plan with reduced intake etc for the next few weeks where i can't train. Just try to keep things into perspective, keep your mind on what you want from this ie how you wanna look, where your going to take your goals fitness wise and most of all look forward to being able to look at yourself in the mirror with pride that everything you've worked hard for actually compliments the surgery you've went through. Maybe im going on too much ha. Try not to worry mate, a few weeks and it'll all be over. If you don't mind me asking, are you in the uk and who is doing your surgery?


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