Author Topic: 5 weeks post op and worried about recovery:(  (Read 2837 times)

Offline hangeul

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I'm 5 weeks post op and am having some issues. I only had gyno on 1 side. I've got tethering of the nipple where the incision was made, plus it's a bit sunken and I'm still quite swollen.

I had a lot of fluid and had 50cc taken out at about 2.5 weeks post op, a further 25cc taken out at about 3 weeks and 10cc taken out at 4 weeks. At 5 weeks, if I take the vest off for some time I feel the nipple area swelling and it gets quite painful. Even with the vest it's still quite uncomfortable. It's probably more uncomfortable now than it was quite soon after the op as it was pretty numb for a long time. I'm told it was all gland and was big at 30g. Excision only and I don't carry much fat.

I'm back doing some training and still wearing the vest almost 24/7.

I know it's still quite early days but am I likely to see an improvement to the tethering and sunken nipple? When is the swelling likely to subside? I think I'm gonna need a revision :(


Offline dondante

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Don't jump the gun too soon, it's still VERY early. Have you spoken with your surgeon?

Offline hangeul

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Yeah I spoke with my surgeon but I had to travel overseas to get surgery so I cannot pop in plus there's 9 hours time difference. Wasn't so happy about some of the things that have been done such as I think the vest wasn't tight enough IMO. He said the blood would clear on it's own and would be clear by 3 weeks and I didn't need to get it drained. I'm very glad I did get it drained. 50cc of blood and cr&p isn't gonna clear so quickly, a further 25cc a few days later, then 10cc drained at 4 weeks. At least the last time it looked pretty clear.

I think my recovery is gonna be a bit long as the gland was pretty big and there was a bleed. I'm hopeful the nipple will fix itself but I'm doubtful. What exactly is done to correct tethering of the nipple? Is it an involved procedure and at what stage can it be done? I haven't got a crater as such, it just seems to be tethered along the base of the nipple where the incision was made.


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