Author Topic: 10 Days post op through NHS Broomfield hospital  (Read 3612 times)

Offline ChristianS

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For the guys on here that haven't seen the before pictures, i have a diary done on this link here:

to keep you updated i will add a few pictures of how its looking 10 days post op.
You can still see swelling and a bit of dry blood here and there on the nipples (stitches haven't fallen out yet either)

tell me what you think please.


Offline ChristianS

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Offline Hope

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There is defiantely a huge improvement from before and you must be thrilled with the results. A couple of questions

 How do you feel about your chest now?

Phycologically how have you coped and changed?
*Gyne free thanks to Mr Levick on  April 9th 2009*

Offline as400

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Minimal bruising....impressive.
Before you criticise a man walk a mile in his shoes, after that who cares? your a mile away and have his shoes.

Offline ChristianS

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Hello hope and as400, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I told a mate of mine i had a operation and when he asked me where and how i said i got some lumps removed they went in through the nipple etc etc and he said ow ok lets see... after a second of thinking i pulled my top away from my chest like i used to do to stretch the shirt and hide my gyne when he leaned over and stuck his head in my shirt to see, after the first few seconds of having this shock and panic omg he will see my breasts i looked down and... how can i say this. NOTHING... just NOTHING my boobs were gone and all he said was ouch, no omg u have breasts like i used to hear nor anything. that was the first time i thought WOW i am normal now and for the rest of the day i felt awesome. does this make sense to you hope?
I look in the mirror every day and i stand there and just look at them and feel normal now, i wear tshirts WITHOUT a hoodie on and actually enjoy talking to people, just stand there talk to them without worrying about the wind hitting my shirt or when you see the eyes of people stare at your chest etc

It has had a huge impact on my life although it has just been 10 days and i am very happy now and feel awesome about my chest (although its still swollen) i do have a problem with it at nights though as i am having these dreams ever since the operation that they would just pop back out like pinokios nose or something. its weird but it makes me wake up nearly every night at the moment when i run to the mirror and have to check to make sure lol

one question though:
Is it normal that when i try to stretch my arm completely over my head (as if i try to reach for the sealing) that it feels like something is ripping on the inside of my chest?
was just wondering, i still have from a scale of 1-10 of a 0.5 in discomfort its only when i try to stretch or reach for something that it feels like its ripping or something

anyone else got this? or had this?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 07:43:19 PM by ChristianS »

Offline gofast_er

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Dude, your results are amazing! I screwed up only getting lipo when I should have gotten excision too  :-\
I seriously hope I can get excision soon and have results similar to yours. I can only imagine what it must feel like for you.

Offline thorne

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Im still waiting for my consultation. Ive heard that the surgeon is the one who gives the go ahead for you to have the op or not. I need this, Im 20 and its ruined my teens and cant let it ruin my twenties! Can you give me some info on what the surgeon asks and how I can convince him to allow me the op?



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