Author Topic: Has anybody else told nobody - and wants to keep it that way?  (Read 19697 times)

Offline gotgyne

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The most challenging is hiding it from my former work mates, doing manual work in the heat and wearing some form of jacket or fleece.

For the same reason last week I told my gyne a female co-worker. We were discussing about docs in our town that both of us knew, and I took the opportunity and told her that my doc is not very familiar with gyne. She looked at my breast and I said, "yeah, it's between an A and B cup". She didn't laugh at all, she was very sympathetic.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 05:38:18 AM by gotgyne »
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline BoneBleached

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The most challenging is hiding it from my former work mates, doing manual work in the heat and wearing some form of jacket or fleece.

For the same reason last week I told my gyne a female co-worker. We were discussing about docs in our town that both of us knew, and I took the opportunity and told her that my doc is not very familiar with gyne. She looked at my breast and I said, "yeah, it's between an A and B cup". She didn't laugh at all, she was very sympathetic.

None of the guys at work that I have told were sympathetic at all. People will never understand how this affects us as males, and they can be brutal, but they can suck it for being assholes, those people don't matter. I almost telling my friend that I was no longer going to talk to him because I didn't think it was right of him to just laugh and make the comments he did, I still want to just tell him off and stop talking to him sometimes, just writing about that time pisses me off. What is wrong with people these days, I wish I was born in a simpler time.
Tired of being that one link that just cant break

Offline dwl

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The most challenging is hiding it from my former work mates, doing manual work in the heat and wearing some form of jacket or fleece.

For the same reason last week I told my gyne a female co-worker. We were discussing about docs in our town that both of us knew, and I took the opportunity and told her that my doc is not very familiar with gyne. She looked at my breast and I said, "yeah, it's between an A and B cup". She didn't laugh at all, she was very sympathetic.

None of the guys at work that I have told were sympathetic at all. People will never understand how this affects us as males, and they can be brutal, but they can suck it for being assholes, those people don't matter. I almost telling my friend that I was no longer going to talk to him because I didn't think it was right of him to just laugh and make the comments he did, I still want to just tell him off and stop talking to him sometimes, just writing about that time pisses me off. What is wrong with people these days, I wish I was born in a simpler time.


Man, I feel ya.   It's interesting that some people actually think they're being funny by grabbing your chest or making a comment.   A couple times, I've just wanted to climb into a hole because comments were made in front of a group...many times, in front of people I've never met.   It's sad that we're in our mid to late 30's and people can act that way.

Offline BoneBleached

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The most challenging is hiding it from my former work mates, doing manual work in the heat and wearing some form of jacket or fleece.

For the same reason last week I told my gyne a female co-worker. We were discussing about docs in our town that both of us knew, and I took the opportunity and told her that my doc is not very familiar with gyne. She looked at my breast and I said, "yeah, it's between an A and B cup". She didn't laugh at all, she was very sympathetic.

None of the guys at work that I have told were sympathetic at all. People will never understand how this affects us as males, and they can be brutal, but they can suck it for being assholes, those people don't matter. I almost telling my friend that I was no longer going to talk to him because I didn't think it was right of him to just laugh and make the comments he did, I still want to just tell him off and stop talking to him sometimes, just writing about that time pisses me off. What is wrong with people these days, I wish I was born in a simpler time.


Man, I feel ya.   It's interesting that some people actually think they're being funny by grabbing your chest or making a comment.   A couple times, I've just wanted to climb into a hole because comments were made in front of a group...many times, in front of people I've never met.   It's sad that we're in our mid to late 30's and people can act that way.

No doubt man! when do people actually mature, Sometimes I feel like I'm around middle schoolers all over again. I never make fun of people with problems, I will joke with my friends about stupid stuff, but if it was something like that, I would be there for them as a friend who will listen and try to help, wish more people would be that way.

Offline mtlgyno

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I've never spoken a word to anyone - except for this forum - to anyone. Ever. My friends (who are all immature jocks, forget it), my mother, my brother. Nobody.

I would never trust my mom with a secret. Been there done that. My father passed away when I was a kid, and my mom never dated or remarried. She broke my trust steadily every year since then, no matter how much times I repeated that it was a secret. Whether it's telling the whole family about my crushes in elementary school, telling everyone and their neighbors about the bad shit I did as a teenager... She has a few glasses of wine and she calls everyone one by one in her phone book that I broke my leg, got in a car accident etc. She wants excuses to call people. I got a DUI one weekend, next weekend was my cousins wedding, and I was the talk of the wedding. She just can't shut her trap about me. She does not go out therefore does not have many friends, so she doesn't talk about herself because not much is going on. Everytime we go to x-mas dinners with the extended family, I have to drill into her head in the car that if I want to talk about me, I'll talk about me. Never matters though, after a few glasses of wine there she is running her mouth about me.

And she complains to me that I don't tell her anything, even after I enumerate that time and time again she betrays my trust. Even for random shit that is not a secret, that a normal person wouldn't need to tell another person to keep to themselves. For example last weekend my uncle brought over a new girlfriend (Egyptian), before anyone arrived for supper I asked my mom if she was muslim (pure curiosity, got nothing against muslims). Sure enough dinner and wine comes rolling along, and she asks her in the middle of supper out of the blue with a serious look on her face "My son wanted to know if you're muslim?" Well I look like a fucking racist thanks mom.

PS Before anyone brings it up, I know she talks about me because she loves me. I love her too, she just can't keep her mouth shut, can't imagine how fast everyone and their dog would know about plastic surgery and a 5000$ bill.

And sorry for the long post. But I'm jealous that you guys all said "I don't tell anyone except my family" I've never told a living soul face to face and I never will. It's an embarrassing problem (not anymore though, I got my surgery yesterday hehe, fingers crossed for good results). Anyways thank god for the anonymity of the internet. Sometimes it's good to get secrets like gynecomastia off your chest (no pun intended).

Offline Gallego

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I never told anyone but my mother. She's the only person I trust in this world. I'm very close to my mother, I was raised by her as a single parent because my father split when I was small. It feels good taking some of the load off and discussing your issues with someone you confide in. Keeping it all buried within is quite damaging.

Offline pharmerjoe

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I have never told anyone either. Many people noticed it when getting changed at school, and got usual shit, but I was a lot heavier then so that was kind of an excuse. However on losing weight, I just look like a complete freak with my top off, and it is just too embarrassing. I am sure one of my close friends (not from school) who has not seen me with my top off, but still has possibly seen it through my clothes, is trying to prompt me to talk about it. He is quite mature and understanding but I am scared in case I am reading the signs wrong. He mentioned he himself has man boobs (never noticed myself) and he is trying exercises to get rid of them. However, he is a fairly heavy guy and sounds like its something he just developed now from doing many chest workouts. If I pluck up the courage even just to confide in him, I think this would make the difference. Most friends would not understand, especially males ones, and its just one of those things that some people are lucky enough to have people who understand.

Offline 42D

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sounds like some of the posters are experiencing sexual harassment. Bra or not, it is your choice to wear or not. No one should be making harassing comments, not to say anything about touching. 42D and happy.

Offline jd79

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I'm 3 weeks post op and love it. Only person I ever told was my Wife.

Offline maybeachance

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I have never told anyone but  everybody notice and knows about ..... But one time I thought it would be easier to show my moobs to my best friend for seeing his reaction....At summer when we were sitting in my room I changed my shirt in front of him first since I was a kid....I changed the shirt very quickly but I followed him for  the right time that he could see me....That time was just 4-5 seconds ...I knew that he saw me but nothing told that time..After a couple of time he told me that "if I were you I got very embaressed because of this look" .....I was just a little fat and  acted like this was related about weight  , something like that and never talked about again....

Another one .... One of my friends got closed to me to get the pencil which was in my shirt pocket , suddenly he made a move to get the pen by the time he pulled my shirt  pocket a little and wanted to look down from my neck but I got back off quickly. He didn't say anything but I knew that he wanted to see what was inside ....And then I never talked about this with him, too....

Another one  ::)  ....After a couple of months that I came from military , when I and my cousin were sitting and watching tv, he suddenly told me that very silently but we were alone at that time he said silently like talking with himself , how did you do with that balls at military ...I heard the word very clear "balls" ...I had the courage to talk with him but then again silence  and act like nothing happened because he was talking silenty like talking with oneself ....Actually this was the best time to talk with anyone but couldn't .....

So I never told  to anyone but everyone noticed already ..... I will go  surgery in a couple of months I hope and don't think to talk about the surgery too .....
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 09:58:59 AM by maybeachance »

Offline stonejode

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I had never told anyone until a month ago. 25 years I lived with it and I let it eat away at my soul. I'm not sure what is best for others but I now wish I had talked about this from the start. This has caused me years of depression, years of missed events, years of missed opportunities. I'm really hopeful though that I will have surgery by the end of this Month!

Offline Kvalhion

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I'm pretty much over the "i have to hide my gyne" thing.  I wear a compression shirt daily and that pretty effectively hides it.  I've told people though that after I lose weight, I am going to need surgery.  Most people do not really care all that much.  I've told my mother, father, some friends, etc.  It usually ends up being a much bigger deal to me than it does to others.

I've managed to lose 85 pounds over about 13 months and I am getting close to my ideal weight.  I'm not sure how I'll pay for the surgery, but it's nice to know it's starting to be an option.   I also have a great new girlfriend and had the 'talk' about what to expect when she sees me without a shirt, and it went fine.  No negative reaction when she did see and insists that I am very sexy. lol :)  

I pretty much see this as a nuisance now more than anything. It'd be nice to finally have it gone after having it since I was 13 or so.

Offline Alchemist

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For me it was impossible.  Everybody noticed. My breasts started growing when I was 11.  They were large enough pretty quickly to be impossible to hide in 1960 junior high.  In junior high I got stabbed with pins to "pop your balloons" (so did the big breasted girls) by one not a nice person but I also got invitations from girls of the "you can feel/see mine if I can feel/see yours".  In high school a guy with a darkroom took nude pictures of me in the gym shower and distributed hundreds of copies around the school and several other schools in the area.  In college at the end of the summer we had 2 "nudist camp weeks" at my mothers summer place in Maine and invited lots of friends from school, brothers and sisters and their boy/girl friends.

With DD breasts you don't have to TELL anybody.  I don't know what the threshold of "impossible to hide" size is.  However, once the cat is out of the bag it becomes old news quickly.  The bullies move on to fresh territory.  Nobody else cares.

Offline occasional fighter

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I agree and I'd consider telling that even to parents cause they might a) not get it and b) blabber about it on every corner cause mine did and I deeply regret ever bringing up that problem with them.

Offline tpuk

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I've now told a GP to whom I showed the problem..... he brushed it off in an unconvincing way.

I then went to see an endo. Turns out she was a real hot looking chick  :o & I ended up having to get naked in front of her more or less. Pretty wierd. She was an extremely kind person though......& said almost anything she could to make me feel better - but words aren't enough unfortunately -

One time in work a girl I was friends with, came running up to me - pointed at my chest & said 'man boobs !!' but I was surprisingly not bothered because there was no bad will in it...she was just a young girl pissing around.....

Told my mum yesterday. She thinks its not that bad but does accept there is something there - Its a bit difficult for her because my brother has much larger man boobs than me & doesn't care it seems.... I haven't talked about it to him - I'm not sure if/when I will yet. He doesn't cover up or anything & my nephew often talks about my brothers 'boobies'.

As for telling friends....maybe......but I would prefer not. If I have surgery & was happy afterwards I might not give a darn. (I love the way this forum changes fxxk to darn) 8). The main problem is that everybody knows each other in a large network of friends & so stuff generally becomes common knowledge....

Last time my bro was visiting - him & mum had some old photos out.... It was clear to me that my Dad had/has gyn / puffy nipples. My dad was always very reluctant to swim (I noticed b/c this is all I ever wanted to do as a child until gyn happened to me).


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