Author Topic: Surgery in BC vs. Fielding  (Read 9597 times)

Offline ewc212

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I'm from BC, and I am going to go to my family doctor to discuss my large breasts. I will tell him that I would like surgery. I am not sure who he will refer me to, but he will likely refer me to a physician in BC. However, I would probably be more comfortable with Fielding, since he has had a lot of experience with gynecomastia. I do want the surgeon to do a good job the first time - I don't want just lipo (many surgeons in BC only seem to do lipo), but excision as well (I think I have mostly tissue, and I'm not overweight). Plus, I heard that there is a long wait in BC, and the latest I can get this surgery this year is August (before school starts). There are a few questions/concerns I have though:

-I'm a 21 year old university student. My parents have agreed to pay for the surgery, and they are willing to pay up to around $3500. I told them about Fielding, and they're not comfortable with me going to Toronto by myself. They're worried about me especially after the surgery. Does anyone have experience flying from Toronto a few days after surgery? Can it be done alone without difficulties? They would like me to get surgery in BC (and they're even willing to pay up to $3500 for this, even though Fielding is less that most surgeons in BC...they're also saying that by factoring in hotel/flights, going to Toronto be nearly $3500, but I do have airline miles I can use that can reduce the cost...). I'm willing to stay in the hospital for 1 night. When I told them Fielding is more experienced, they said that the surgery is a simple procedure that can be done by most plastic surgeons).

-Can BC MSP cover they sugery (the excision part) if I get surgery done in Ontario? Would my family doctor in BC have to refer me to Fielding in order for the surgery to be covered?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 06:32:14 AM by ewc212 »

Offline Merangue

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You don't need a referral to see fielding.

BC MSP will be covered in Ontario.

In terms of the $3500 limit. You're going to be hard pressed to find a surgeon in BC that will do it for that much. I contacted more than 10 while I was doing my research, almost all gave me quotes in the $4500+ range. There are surgeons your doctor can refer you to who work at public hospitals (where excision would be covered, thus lower costs) but the ones I contacted are booked for months (even a consultation alone takes 3+ months for some).

For $3500 you could get it all done including expenses with Fielding. He has more experience then every doctor I've contacted combined. I had my consultation Monday and am booked for surgery in less than a month. So your chances of getting surgery before your deadline are pretty good with Fielding.

Bottom line if you can't go the private route in BC, and are on a time/budget constraint... it's hard not to go the Fielding route.

Keep us updated on your progress :).
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 09:15:01 AM by Merangue »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I'm a 21 year old university student. My parents have agreed to pay for the surgery, and they are willing to pay up to around $3500. I told them about Fielding, and they're not comfortable with me going to Toronto by myself. They're worried about me especially after the surgery. Does anyone have experience flying from Toronto a few days after surgery? Can it be done alone without difficulties?

Dude, you should be okay to travel on your own after surgery. It's not like you're 'laid-up' for weeks on end. Your parents need not worry! If you want me to talk with them to ease their concerns, have them send me an email at

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline ewc212

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Today I went to see my family doctor. When I told him that I want surgery, he said that BC MSP does not cover ANYTHING unless there is a medical condition that is causing the large breast Is this in fact true? There are many from BC here who have gotten excision covered (even if they haven’t had any medical conditions diagnosed). He gave me a lab requisition form for a testosterone test (to see if there is a medical condition). I only saw my doctor for about 3-5 minutes. He didn’t ask to look at my breasts.

I told my parents this, and they said that its ok if it is covered or not – I can still get the surgery. However, if it is in fact not covered, then the cost will likely be above $3500 (judging from what others on this board have mentioned). They still think it would be $3500 here though…

Many from BC here who have gone to see Fielding have gotten their surgery covered by MSP (the excision part). And their family doctors seemed to be more knowledgeable about gynecomastia. I don’t even know if my doctor knows much about what gynecomastia is. When I asked him about my large breasts when I was 16, he said that there is simply excess tissue, and that if I do chest exercises, the tissue would go away! Many here say that’s not true though…

Now if it is in fact not covered, then my parents would insist on me getting surgery in BC at a plastic surgeon recommended by my family doctor. They think it can be done for $3500 because my father got a rhinoplasty done 10 years ago for $3500 in BC (at the local hospital…it was purely cosmetic though). I don’t think getting surgery in BC would be a good idea, because I don’t want just lipo done (I want excision as well). When I mentioned excision vs. lipo to my father, he said I was getting “too complicated,” and that the surgeon will know best. I don’t think in my case just lipo (which many BC surgeons do) will be sufficient enough to reduce my breast size.

When I mentioned Fielding to my father, and how many from BC have had the excision covered, he was somewhat confused. He was saying that I would HAVE to have my family physician to refer me to Fielding in order for MSP to cover the surgery. He would like proof that: (1) MSP will in fact cover the surgery in Ontario, and (2) I don’t need a referral from my physician in BC to get MSP to cover surgery. He says I should show this proof to my family doctor that the excision part can be covered (in BC and Ontario), and to print my source of information. However, my source of information is this website…and I don’t think it would be appropriate to print posts from this site and present it to my physician. I also don’t like the idea of telling my physician what he should do/recommend. But I really want this surgery! Is there any way I can get this proof? What would be the best way?

And my parents are a little uncomfortable about me going to Toronto by myself for surgery. What is it like the day after surgery? I would likely stay in the hospital in the first night, followed by hotel in the 2nd night (and maybe hospital in the 3rd night?). If I’m released from the hospital the day after the surgery, will I be capable of walking/taking the bus/taxi to a hotel by myself?

Offline manwithnoname

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Hey dude, I flew there 2 weeks ago, paid, they said MSP will cover my excision no problem and my surgery is in 7 days. If all that isn't enough, I will be writing something on here after my surgery, and as well as Bambu, could answer an email from your parents, once I have successfully touched down back in Vancouver, post surgery. I was reluctant to do it in BC< and saw six doctors, 5 of whom said excision only, and the cheapest of which was 3800 dollars. For 3100 I am getting surgery by someone who does hundreds every year. Just explain to them that more than anything, piece of mind will make this easier for you.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I don’t even know if my doctor knows much about what gynecomastia is. When I asked him about my large breasts when I was 16, he said that there is simply excess tissue, and that if I do chest exercises, the tissue would go away! Many here say that’s not true though…

With that response from your GP, I would have to agree with you that he is not very knowledgeable of Gynecomastia. It's a common misconception that you can banish G by simply doing chest exercises. Glandular tissue cannot be just 'exercised away' and chest adipose tissue can be very difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of.

And my parents are a little uncomfortable about me going to Toronto by myself for surgery. What is it like the day after surgery? I would likely stay in the hospital in the first night, followed by hotel in the 2nd night (and maybe hospital in the 3rd night?). If I’m released from the hospital the day after the surgery, will I be capable of walking/taking the bus/taxi to a hotel by myself?

Dude, as I mentioned in an earlier post, you 'should' be okay to make the trip back to BC by yourself. You'll be a tad sore, but nothing that would stop you from taking a plane trip.

If you stay at the hospital for the first night and at a hotel the second, they will not 're-admit' you unless there are complications. Once you're gone, you're GONE... Why would you want to go back to the hospital anyways? If you feel you're still not up to making the trip back home, which probably wont be the case, just stay an extra night at the hotel. You'd really choose a hospital room over a hotel room dude?

Oh for sure my man... you'll be okay to get to your hotel by taxi on your own nooooo problem.

Dude chill a tad... it's just 'Day Surgery'!  In and out... nothing major! It's nothing to get all worked up over!  ;)


Offline Merangue

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If they want proof, just  have them call JCF's office and Leslie will answer all those questions (whether MSP is covered and a referral is needed).

Your doctor is an idiot. Get a second opinion, and a third until you hear what you want. The GP I went to knew about gyne, was able to answer questions and referred me to a PS in less than a week. His clinic is located at 152nd st and Fraser HWY in surrey (beside the shoppers drug mart). So if you want you can go there and he'll definitely give you the green light.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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If they want proof, just  have them call JCF's office and Leslie will answer all those questions (whether MSP is covered and a referral is needed).

Dr. Fielding: 416.766.8890


Offline ewc212

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Here's an update...still kind of frustrated!

I phoned my doctor today about the test results for testosterone. The receptionist said that my doctor said that my results are "within normal range." I didn't get an actual number for the testosterone results. Is this surprising for somebody with gynecomastia? Do most with gynecomastia have high or low testosterone? Isn't the cause of gynecomastia hormone imbalance (I never smoked marijuana, never taken steroids)? I'm wondering what my doctor means by "within normal range". Is it within normal range for somebody age 21 (my age), or is it normal for an average adult? Should I question my doctor about this? I'll be seeing my doctor next week to discuss these results.

My doctor confidently told me before that the breast reduction surgery is NOT covered by BC MSP at all if there is no medical condition causing it. Ultimately, it is my family doctor's decision whether or not I have a medical condition causing it (in this case, whether or not I have low testosterone). But is my doctor wrong, or right? My doctor probably now thinks that my large breasts aren’t a medical condition – its just normal. Nevertheless, my doctor says he can give me the name of a plastic surgeon, but he warned me it will be “very, very expensive”.

I talked to my parents more about the surgery (they seem to be getting a little annoyed now!). Their concern isn't about me going to Toronto alone anymore, but their concern is cost. They believe that the cost would be pretty much the same anywhere else in Canada ($3500), and they said that by going to Toronto, it is a waste of money. They're finding it hard to believe its $2000 in Toronto (less than in BC). They told me that I’ll have to pay for a part of the surgery if it’s in Toronto and it is more expensive than in BC.

My parents still say I can get the surgery (even if MSP doesn’t cover it). They want me to go to the plastic surgeon that my family doctor will recommend.When I told my parents that I want a surgeon who does excision AND lipo, they said “the surgeon who our family doctor will refer you to will know best”. When I told them that many doctors in BC do only lipo or excision, they said “the surgeon will know what procedures to do, and whats best.” When I repeated this again, they replied “so in other words… you’re suggesting that the surgeon doesn’t know how to do his job?” But do these surgeons in BC actually know whether lipo or excision is needed? Do they really know best? Many on these boards have complained about the results when they have gotten one or the other done (not both). And they think the surgery can be done by August in BC.

My parents are now open to me calling Fielding’s office and getting some info, so I’ll do that soon. And they’re still having a hard time believing that a referral is not needed for Fielding (but I’ll get proof). But they also want me to go to that surgeon who my doctor will recommend. So I’ll just wait and see what happens after I visit my doctor next week, and I’ll begin with the calls…

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