Author Topic: My story and pics  (Read 7778 times)

Offline mrsmiley123

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The link to my pics.

Basicly i've been on both ends of the spectrum. Skinny and fat.
While I was smaller I still seemed to have it,but it was more like puffy nipples,though it didn't bother me a lot.
The size went down dramaticly.
Even though my chest is bigger now i'm about 245 it looks a lot better than before I lifted weights and lost the pounds.

Should I consider surgery or just working my wait back down an try gaining more muscle?
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 07:10:04 PM by mrsmiley123 »

Offline Merangue

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Well... two things:

1) If it is gyno, exercise won't help any. You just have to get surgery to get rid of it.

2) From that pic I can't really tell if it's gyno. Or whether you have an abnormal chest anyway...

The only way to find out for sure is to get a consultation with a plastic surgeon in your area (one who does gyno surgeries).


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