Hey guys, seriously, there is no excuse for not wearing the vest. Look, you've spent thousands of dollars, for f's sake, what is the big deal with wearing the vest. I wore the Stage 1 for 4 weeks and the Stage 2 for an ADDITIONAL 8 weeks, for a total of 12 weeks. Geez, if I can do it then everyone can. You made an investment, you should do everything in your power to maximize that investment. I am telling you that the vest really does help, it helps with the swelling and it helps with the healing. If you want to take it off after 2 weeks, then go right ahead, it's your body you can do whatever the f you want. But why take the risk? Personally, I would say just suck it up and go over and above the call of duty. In fact, take that and apply it to the rest of your life and I promise you, you will do things you never thought you could do.