Author Topic: Advice on my gynecomastia. PHOTOS. Should I get surgery?  (Read 9114 times)

Offline trojan213

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Hey guys, just wanted to get some feedback on my gynecomastia.

Background: 25 years old, 145 lbs, <10% body fat (checked at the Cooper Clinic). I hit the gym 4-5 times per week. Run at least 10 miles per week. Play basketball and racquetball. People tell me that I'm skinny, but anytime I take off my shirt, I see people's eyes go straight to my chest!

I stupidly used steroids (dianabol) when I was 15 so I could get big for lacrosse. Didn't use anything when I came off the cycle. I think my gynecomastia growth coincided with that, although it wasn't until I was about 17 and someone made a comment in the gym that I noticed it.

I live in NYC and I've been considering Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Bermant for years now. Just wanted to see what you guys think about my gynecomastia. Am I a good candidate for surgery? Should I talk to my GP or an endocrinologist to make sure my hormones are okay? It's been a decade since I did my one cycle of steroids, and I really don't feel comfortable bringing it up with a physician (don't want it on paper either)...

Thanks guys!


Offline kingboob

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Looks like you have large pecs to me, the bottom of your pec is larger than the top...... what kind of weights are you lifting.

I know you can target different parts of the chest by doing incline,decline and flat bench presses, so maybe find out more info and target the top (incline benches IIRC) of the pec area if you are worried about proportion.

you don't have gyne or excess fat on the chest though.......
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 10:22:05 AM by kingboob »

Offline i_dont_know

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I wouldn't get surgery if I were you, you don't appear to have any noticeable case.

Offline thetodd

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You used Dbol at 15! bloody hell

Id just bring up the DBOL cycle with the surgeon, just to let them know they wont judge you. You dont want any reoccurance or anything! i mean yeah mate your in good shape and from the front your built like a arnie. But i can see what you mean from the side (its very minor though!). although id be happy in the shape your at. I really dont know anything about the US surgeons but i remember seeing one who's operated on a lot of bodybuilders like yourself. And they came out with amazing results

If its really affecting your life, then go for surgery mate because i guess you wont be able to train forever and maybe treating it while your 25 is the best option!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline **Gynefor**

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Don't worry mate, your chest looks perfect to me. Nothing to worry about. If I were you, I would NOT have the surgery.

Offline trojan213

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I know my condition isn't as obvious as most on the boards, but I can definitely pinch off a good amount of something on my lower chest.

@ Kingboob --> It varies, but I do pushups, barbell bench (incline, flat), dumbbell bench (incline, flat), dumbbell flies, pec dec. I haven't done any decline pressing for years now after reading on these forums that it may push lower chest fat out further...

I still feel like I have gynecomastia. Sometimes one nipple will get hard, but not the other and it looks super awkward. One side looks toned and the other looks pretty puffy. After I hit the gym or when it's cold, my chest looks great. But other times, people definitely seem to notice something weird about my chest. I've slept with people and had them say something like "ooh, puffy" when they play with my chest...

@Giantfan --> Front view usually looks pretty good in clothes, but side view looks man-boobish especially with tighter clothing. I can't wear thin t-shirts like American Apparel stuff, so I usually stick to thick printed graphic tees...

Maybe I'll try to get some better pictures up (standard gynecomastia poses) and get more feedback...

Offline Jake

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First off: in my humble opinion, I don't think your chest is worth putting several thousand dollars into.  Simply because there is nothing to be fixed.  If it IS a case of gynecomastia, it is very slight.  I doubt a lot of surgeons would even excise much tissue, if any at all.  You would be at too high a risk for cratering.

Second: don't worry about posting more pics for more feedback.  No amount of criticism on this site is going to give you relief, even if everyone is saying you look fine.  I DO think you look absolutely great, and that you're just being obsessive.  I don't want to offend you, but that is what it seems like.  I simply think you need to take a step back and reevaluate your body.  Are you seeking perfection?  Because I'll be honest, if you are then you may not end up too happy.

But, in the end if YOU do think you need surgery and are willing to drop the money, the Doctors you listed are great.  You do whatever you want to make yourself happy.  But I'm telling you: you look great.  I'm not saying that because I have some morbid case of gynecomastia either.  I've had the surgery and while it isn't perfect, I'm closer to normal than I've ever been.  I just choose to accept that my chest still looks unique.  It doesn't look bad, but it's not completely flat.  Society any more dictates that a man's chest should be flat because that's what you see in magazines and on the TV.  But it isn't true and it's mostly unrealistic.

Who cares what someone says when they're in bed with you? They're IN BED with you aren't they?  They must see something attractive about you/your chest. 

Just do me a favor and think about it for a while before you do anything.
Age: 19
Had gynecomastia since age 12.
Surgery performed on July 18, 2008 by
Dr. Jeffrey Wagner in Indianapolis, IN.
(Excision and Liposuction)

"The heart moves on while the mind remembers."

Offline kingboob

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trojan213:  My concern would be that your case is so minor (you don't have it IMO), that having surgery could be a disaster.   I mean if you are really unhappy with how you look now, how would you feel if you had surgery and ended up with an indent or concave nipple,  etc?  - which are potential risks of surgery with any surgeon.

Offline john_loren

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IMO people's eyes go right to your chest b/c you have a great chest -- not b/c they think you have gyno. So just be flattered and live your life!

Offline rage.against.the.machine

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trojan213:  My concern would be that your case is so minor (you don't have it IMO), that having surgery could be a disaster.   I mean if you are really unhappy with how you look now, how would you feel if you had surgery and ended up with an indent or concave nipple,  etc?  - which are potential risks of surgery with any surgeon.

this is my opinion.  My surgeon told me that this is a difficult operation, and there are ways that it can mess up, it takes a lot of experience to be good at it.  Not only could you get an indent or a chest concavity (although those don't happen often), you can also get scars, and you would have to go through the healing process after surgery, which isn't fun.  From those pictures, it is hard to tell if you have gyne, but a doctor would be able to tell by feeling it for glandular tissue.

I would only suggest surgery if this is greatly affecting you emotionally, like it does for the members of this board (I used to be severly affected by it), AND if your doctor tells you its gyne.

Good Luck.

P.S. Don't take steroids, you will build muscle, and then when you are older all that muscle turns to fat.  It also messes with your boys downstairs.

Offline user87

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I would go for the surgery. Risks aren't THAT high.

Offline trojan213

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I would go for the surgery. Risks aren't THAT high.

I wonder if the risks are lower because my case is minor/moderate. It seems like the surgeon could be more tactical/targeted vs. severe cases where the surgeon has to take a more blunt approach and where contouring would be more complicated.

I dunno. I guess there's a smaller margin of error too...I'll post my more pics because honestly those pics are more flattering than reality.

Offline thetodd

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I will said what i said before, although that your in peak physical condition now you cant keep it up forever. Your at a serious advantage here.

Your Fit!
Your young!

its going to make the healing process so much quicker and youl get great results. A few years down the line you could be left with a seriously bad case of gyne (when you stop training). Go and see your doctor and check that your estrogen levels arent messed up cause lets face it steroids give you bad blood, i wouldnt want you to go through surgery and for the gland to reappear. If you go to a good surgeon like your obviously planning to then your in perfectly safe hands and i wouldnt worry!

Offline Mustoofee

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Wtf is everyone on about, I dont see any gyne their AT ALL ... no one will say you got gyne if you walked around topless m8 ...

It seems like us post-op people have become gyne junkies' & just recommend surgery to anyone now ...

Don't go spunkin £4,000 on surgery, go get yourself a nice car or something to pull more chicks!

You look HUMAN, NORMAL ... TRUST ME!  


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