Author Topic: Do i have Gyne?!  (Read 2048 times)

Offline 20yrold

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Im 20, just over 15 stone and around 5,9/5,10.

I can remember being younger and having 'man boobs' however in my early teens i was quite over weight. In my mid teens (15/16), i was very ill and my weight fluctuated almost weekly, as you can see in my pics i have my scars and stretchmarks to show for it.

That said, when i was ill/recovering and around 11/12 stone i cant honestly remember if i was concious of my chest or not and looking back at pics and remember moments around that time, i was quite confident and oblivious to what i had felt when i was 12/13 in locker rooms feeling highly concious of my big belly and chest.

The pics i have posted were taken today. I used to go to the gym alot, and swim all the time and have just got lazy and out of the way of it. I know theres ALOT of fat on my body but im unsure whether whats up in the chest region is purely fat, or fat/gyne, or mostly gyne...

By the way all i have blacked out is a tattoo!

I just want an honest opinion about whats going on there and i know theres alot of people on here who have seen many cases and can tell the difference.


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I would say pseudo gynecomastia, try losing weight and see what happens, also go to your physician and ask them if you have real gynecomastia, pseudo gynecomastia. Also remember that on here all you can get from people looking at your picture is an opinion, no-one can do anything more than that SEE YOUR DOCTOR!


Offline 20yrold

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Thanks for that!

Certainly gives me much more of an incentive to shift the weight and then take it from there.


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