Author Topic: swelling!  (Read 5131 times)

Offline EvDog

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today when i woke up, i saw that my right side was predominantly more swollen than my left.  I felt below the nipple and there was this mass and when i pushed on it, it squished and disappeared (probably mass of blood?).  i also noticed that there is a lot of fluid just sitting in the larger, upper area of the chest. is this a bad sign or will this go away?  i am on week 3 of healing, and am contacting my doctor on monday.

Offline tpatdd

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Two questions:  (1) have you been wearing the vest? and (2) was this a sudden development?  Others have described this when they talk about scar tissue development, but I would certainly call your doctor and ask him/her. If you're concerned, why wait until Monday to call?

Offline thetodd

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everyone gets more swelling on their right than their left, dont ask me why! Chill take arnica massage and drink pineapple juice

youve just gone through evasive surgery, your body has to heal there is nothing you can do apart from that! 3 weeks really isnt that far into your recovery yet dont worry!

but yeah my right side is more swelled than my left as nearly everyone ive read about on here
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline EvDog

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the vest i had was too loose, so i use ace bandage and a size small underarmour skin-tight shirt (putting in in perspective when im not wearing the shirt, it looks like its for a toddler so it's tight).  and it wasnt a sudden development but the other side has like no problem, but the right side i think had more stuff removed and was also the more bruised of the sides, prolly has something to do with it.  And i can't really call him now because he isn't in the office until monday, and im not terribly worried but just concerned. as for the blood lumps or whatever they are, should i rub them away so they would be better absorbed in the body, or should i leave them as they are a part of the healing process?

Offline mrpower33

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You should get a tighter vest asap.  The vest is very important.

Offline unsure101

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You probably slept on your chest the night before you work up yeh? ... i find when i sleep on one side more the particular side of my chest swells a bit and my nipple puffs cause im not healed yet..

interested in hearing if you did sleep on your chest and recommened to try and sleep on your back.

Offline EvDog

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You should get a tighter vest asap.  The vest is very important.
i have no means of finding a vest quick enough to be here in order to make a difference, and i already cleared the tight bandage and compression shirt with my doc, he said it would work fine.

You probably slept on your chest the night before you work up yeh? ... i find when i sleep on one side more the particular side of my chest swells a bit and my nipple puffs cause im not healed yet..

interested in hearing if you did sleep on your chest and recommened to try and sleep on your back.
yeah last night i did sleep differently than i usually do, and i slept mostly on my side.. but was on chest... im gonna sleep on my back tonight haha

Offline Cellar_Door

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You should get a tighter vest asap.  The vest is very important.

Apparently, some surgeons say it's not that important really.

But I'll be wearing it!
Surgery completed. Mission accomplished!
2/6/09. Dr. Karidis, UK.

Offline don_joe

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You should get a tighter vest asap.  The vest is very important.

Apparently, some surgeons say it's not that important really.

But I'll be wearing it!
I conquer.

Offline Cellar_Door

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I will just come in to throw a spanner in the works: my left side is a little more swollen than the right.

Your hypothesis, sirs, needs revision.

Offline i_dont_know

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My left is more swollen than my right as well.. probably cause I had a lot more taken out of that side.

Offline EvDog

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so i went into the doctors office today and he said i could take two routes: let it be swollen, it will all be absorbed eventually, or i could get a needle stuck in me to drain the fluid, which would serve as a preventive measure for any stretching in the future.  I opted for the latter option and he numbed me up a little then stuck a huge needle in me to draw out fluid (which turned out mostly to be old blood).  he couldnt reach one of the fluid pockets very well so he instructed me to go home and massage the area to break down clots so he can get more fluid next time.  i guess im getting this done weekly until its over.  on the plus side, my left side looks fantastic! :P

Offline unsure101

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I am going for my 4 month consultation with the doc on the 16th and am still swollen on my left side (right is quite good), but with that said it is going down by so so so slowly.

I wonder if i go into the consultation they can take the fluid out as well or if it will just a consultation. hrm.

I think I will call them today!

Offline EvDog

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doc also told me to massage the area so i can break down the old blood so he can draw out more fluid next time.  is there any special massage technique i should use or just basically rub it?  and yeah, i highly recommend you ask your doctors about draining the fluid.  it feels a lot better not worrying about complications, and too much fluid could lead to infection. So query away!

Offline unsure101

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Yer i hear you.

I just called moved my appointment to 2 days time instead of a weeks time.

I told the nurse about my swelling and that i was 4 months post op... she suggested a) deep tissue massage. or b) drainage if required (not sure if i do to be honest)

the appointment is with the doc so will get him to check it out (only the left side is still swollen) and see what happens... will post back in 2 days time.


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