Author Topic: Pictures  (Read 4395 times)

Offline Michael99

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My mini story...
I have a good diet and all that, but for the past 5 years I have found I have these boobs, when i move around or even ride in the car I can feel them jiggle, i dont work out but I do walk to work 30 mins every day and back. I am not over weight and have been told I could do with putting on weight but I fear I can make these things work.

I hope to see a doctor in the next few weeks about a new procedure called Vaser Lipos (info below), i dont know if im over reacting, but I have felt so uncomfortable for a long time about this. It's more there poking effect on clothes I wear and the weight of them when I move, that gets me....

I did post my photos here before and was told im fine but just loose some weight - that has not help so I was hoping you could take another look at my pics again. Thanks Hope I dont annoy anyone by posting, but i think last pictures were not well taken

new minimally invasive procedure called Vaser Lipos.
This is done under local anaesthesia and the treatment doesn't take much more than 1 hour. The surgeon dissolves the fat, and this is then painlessly suctioned out. Some men may need minor surgical excision of extra tissue, if this is necessary, you will be advised of this at your assessment.

Offline Jguerrero222

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dude sorry man but get off your ass ahd work dont need anything.

Offline anon85

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dude sorry man but get off your ass ahd work dont need anything.
that's what i was thinking as well. kinda hard to tell for sure tho with the size of those pics.

Offline John2009

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yep seems to me you just need to work out a bit. Good luck!

Offline dbphil

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I know what you mean. I just posted my photos this week and I was told I need to losse some weight. and I am pretty thin. I would like to gain some weight. I dont think I could make an opinion from these photos. You need to take better pics. get a side view. good luck

Offline Michael99

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Here are some more pics, so from what ur saying its off to the gym and stop moaning, kinda relieved, so im outa here then..

Comment on pics if u think there is anything

(see new pics below)
« Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 06:56:05 PM by Michael99 »


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My mini story...
I have a good diet and all that, but for the past 5 years I have found I have these boobs, when i move around or even ride in the car I can feel them jiggle, i dont work out but I do walk to work 30 mins every day and back. I am not over weight and have been told I could do with putting on weight but I fear I can make these things work.

I hope to see a doctor in the next few weeks about a new procedure called Vaser Lipos (info below), i dont know if im over reacting, but I have felt so uncomfortable for a long time about this. It's more there poking effect on clothes I wear and the weight of them when I move, that gets me....

I did post my photos here before and was told im fine but just loose some weight - that has not help so I was hoping you could take another look at my pics again. Thanks Hope I dont annoy anyone by posting, but i think last pictures were not well taken

Have you used a Body Mass Index / BMI Calculator?  BMI in conjunction with Body Fat Analyzers can be valuable tools to determine if fat is a significant component.   Weight loss before gynecomastia surgery is usually much better than weight loss after.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline Michael99

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my bmi is 23.6....

Offline thetodd

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I mean from the pics id say youve got gyne, but it occuring in the last 5 years would make me thing ... its fat

23.1 is a good bmi! Id go and see your doctor

Loosing fat off your chest is amazingly hard!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Michael99

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humm, anyone else on the latest pics?

Offline thetodd

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how old are you? any marjuana/steroid use in the past?

The pics youve took make it hard to judge, look at the pictures in my sig try and get a Front facing/Side View/Profile shot in an area with good lighting (and dont compress them so much)

Seriously though, see a doctor! gyne can sometimes be a sign that something in your body's amiss and only a doctor will be able to give you a 100% diagnosis, i mean its unlikley but better safe than sorry!

Offline Michael99

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im 27, no to marjuana/steroid...

ok, hope these pics are better

Offline gofast_er

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My mini story...
I have a good diet and all that, but for the past 5 years I have found I have these boobs, when i move around or even ride in the car I can feel them jiggle, i dont work out but I do walk to work 30 mins every day and back. I am not over weight and have been told I could do with putting on weight but I fear I can make these things work.

I hope to see a doctor in the next few weeks about a new procedure called Vaser Lipos (info below), i dont know if im over reacting, but I have felt so uncomfortable for a long time about this. It's more there poking effect on clothes I wear and the weight of them when I move, that gets me....

I did post my photos here before and was told im fine but just loose some weight - that has not help so I was hoping you could take another look at my pics again. Thanks Hope I dont annoy anyone by posting, but i think last pictures were not well taken

new minimally invasive procedure called Vaser Lipos.
This is done under local anaesthesia and the treatment doesn't take much more than 1 hour. The surgeon dissolves the fat, and this is then painlessly suctioned out. Some men may need minor surgical excision of extra tissue, if this is necessary, you will be advised of this at your assessment.

Don't mean to make light of how you feel about your chest. But maybe this might help a little. This is me. I would give anything to have a chest like you.

Offline Michael99

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Hi there, thanks for sharing... I know I am not that serious a case but I was just curious as to see if I had an issue I could not work out myself, to date excerise diet change has not affected the buggers I think i'll go to the doctor and ask for medical advice on this get it off my chest - pun intended

Thanks everyone for help


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Here are a few tips:

Run to work, not walk.  I am 4 weeks post op and just started running again, you get your heart rate up much higher when running and therefore burn alot more fat.  Secondly join a gym or start doing home work outs. Start doing 100 pushups and situps a night.  No matter how long it takes to do those 100 reps, just do it. Then after a few weeks go to 200.  I haven't started lifting/working out yet post op but pre-op I was doing 300 pushups a night.  Overtime, it took me about 2 months of consistent workouts to see great results, and then I decided it was time for surgery.  Look me up if you want to see my pics.


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