Author Topic: desi guys..plz help  (Read 2323 times)

Offline parva-stella

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Hey guys, i need some advise - I'm reaching marriageable age, so my parents are looking for suitable matches for me.  i have not met any girls yet, but i am really scared that a girl might reject me just because i have big boobs.  granted that i would not like to spend the rest of life with some one who judges me by my boobs, but i absolutely would not be able to take the humiliation.  i m not in a position where i can have surgery yet either.  i have considered talking to my sis or my mom about this, but i m not sure if they will understand. talking to daddy ain't gonna happen. have any of you been through a similar situation? what did you do? what should I do??

Offline toinkz

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If a girl really loves you then she should accept you whoever you are and whatever you look like and there's nothing to get scared about rejections you've got to be honest and sincere and if they dont like you then move on.Rejecting you means they only after good looks.Its hard to find a girl who accepts your situation and others are only after your money.If your goal is to get rid of your man boobs then start saving money,read and research about the price and look for a good surgeon(I think you can find all the answers here in this site).And remember....age doesnt matter:-)

Offline mumbai.experience

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My suggestion would be to save money and get the surgery done because if you are posting in this forum, you must be severely self consious about your looks.
The surgery will boast your confidence and help you in other aspects of life too. I had my done recently and am very happy about my decision.

Offline jngyne

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trust me..get the surgery done..
in case of the great indian arranged marriage..there is not going to be a case where the girl will like you for who you are and blah blah..
save up up..tell your parents that this matters a lot..and there is no way you can get married before the got to put your foot down on this man!
Surgery done on April 29th, 2009
Dr. Ramachandran- Apollo Chennai
My case: puffy nipples
Procedure: Lipo, excision with gland removal
Surgery experience


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Arranged marriage? your getting married on pure looks of each other. So yeah, save up, and get the surgery, she's not going to accept you unless you knew her in person and love grew for the both of you, the whole point of arranged marriage is youve both reached an age where you need to settle down, so your going to get married and let love grow afterwards, and if you have any insecurities about yourself, she's going to notice this.

On another note, I have a friend from Dubai who's fat, has man boobs, but hes rich, and his self esteem is over the moon and he still has plenty of girlfriends that love him ... why? because he's not ashamed of himself, so why should any one else have problems? Its all about being confident, im not saying im confident, or I wouldn't of had my operation, but if your happy with yourself, ultimately thats all you need and no one else will look down on you.


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