Author Topic: Taking The First Step  (Read 2270 times)

Offline modman126

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I've always been reluctant to get the procedure done.  I have suffered from the condition ever since I was around 16 years old, now I am 23 years of age.  I suffer from mostly gland only gynecomastia at the moment, but previously a mixture.  When I was in high school, I never really played sports or anything, and I was somewhat overweight.  I was 5' 11" and I weighed roughly 195 pounds when I graduated from high school.

When I got to be around 21, I got sick of being overweight and I changed up my diet a little bit and I joined some intramural sports and things in college.  I dropped almost instantly to 180 pounds, and I was content for a while.  Now I have friends that have cabins, and we spend time on the water.  I take my shirt off and stuff, and it really bothers me.  My friends never say anything, and they are all good people, but I've always wanted to "get it off my chest." 

Recently I started a very strict diet that has allowed me to lose even more weight.  I am down to roughly 160 pounds, and I am really happy with my body except for the really puffy nipples.  My chest has a little fat left on it, but the nipples are extremely puffy.  I fit great into medium t-shirts...except that my nipples stick out that extra inch.  I run every day, and lift light weights a few times a week.  The work has really paid off on all other parts of my body except for my chest.

Surgery has always seemed like it isn't an option.  I've followed this website for roughly 3 years now, and every time I read everyone's stories, I am so motivated to get surgery, but with bills, debt, and daily living expenses, I press the little red x in my browser and say to myself "Maybe some day when I have some money."  This year, I will be finishing up college, and I have roughly 12,000 in student debt for loans and such.  My parents make a lot of money at their jobs, but with the economy in America being as bad as it is, I feel awful even bringing up my problem.  My mom tells me every time I see her that she is proud of how much weight I have lost, and that everything I have been working for has paid off.  Little does she know that it really hasn't.  I'm not sure how my dad will react.  My father is the nicest man in the world, and tomorrow when we play our Sunday golf, I am going to let him know what I plan to do.

I would like to thank everyone on the website for their courage and helpfulness.  You have no idea how much better you feel when you know that you are not alone.  Remember, there are people out there that suffer from the same condition that we do.  I plan to keep on working hard at my job to save some more money, but I am going to begin shopping around for surgeons that seem adequate for the job.  (If anyone knows good surgeons from the Minnesota area, let me know!)

Thanks again for your support!

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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It sounds like you have a great relationship with your parents.  That's wonderful.  Wish your dad a Happy Father's Day tomorrow and bring up the subject over golf.  That's a great time to talk.

I wish I knew a plastic surgeon in Minnesota for you.

Dr. Pope, M.D.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline headheldhigh01

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it hasn't not paid off, it's just getting there in steps.  good for you for having the cojones to do what you've done, gyne doesn't get fixed in one blink of an eye.  also, there's a find somebody in your area site on the board (plus the site search engine), but if you don't find somebody experienced in gyne, it could be worth traveling for too. 

keep three things in mind.  one, you're no longer in ignorance about what this is.  two, you're moving faster than some of us who've been longer than three years.  three, you've got the internal commitment, the rest of it happens out of that and nothing happens without it.  
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 02:14:32 AM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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