Author Topic: Appointment With Kaiser Permanente PS Tomorrow  (Read 2271 times)

Offline Gyno-more

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I will post and let you all know how it goes.

Offline Gyno-more

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Had my appt today.  The Doc felt it would be best if I waited til after my endocrinology appt and continue the Tamoxifen.  He discouraged surgery saying that the scars that would be left would make me not want to take off my shirt - so what's the point.  I felt that he was not confident in himself and/or did not have much experience with gyno.  I'll go to endo tomorrow and see what they have to say - I'm sure my elevated (double normal) estrogen level is not helping the situation, but I doubt fixing it will completely fix the problem.

Offline Gyno-more

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Went to my endocrinology appointment today.  Am being given a catscan of my adrenal gland and liver.  Apparently this is to find out what is causing the elevated estrogen levels so the doc can determine the appropriate course of treatment.


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