Author Topic: Areola repigmentation  (Read 2389 times)

Offline Kilgore

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OK, so I had my surgery two and a half years ago after seeing some good pictures of the surgeon's previous work, and one not so good one of his previous work.  But after having my self esteem damaged worse by two other surgeons I went to previously, I decided to take my chances with this guy.  He was really nice and made me feel comfortable, and told me that he will have me looking good and that none of the other patients he has performed gynecomastia surgery on has had to come back for a revision.  So, during the surgery, he cut around the whole areola, which left some permanent scarring.  I was not satisfied with the end results.

A year later I had the scars covered up with a cosmetic tattoo from a certified cosmetic tattoo artist at the surgeon's office.  After a week, the true color of the tattoo is apparent and I was impressed by the appearance.  However the tattoo gradually fades after two months.  So I had the tattoo applied again 6 months later.  It faded once again, but remained a little darker than before.  

Has anybody here had areola repigmentation?  Did the color stay?  Should I go back and have it done for a third time?  Keep in mind, my areolas are dark brown.

If it keeps on fading, this might be something I have to do every summer for the rest of my life.  That is the only solution I have come to, thus far.  

Has anyone had any success with any other types of scar revision?  

Thanks for any response.  I just wish all this would end.  It's getting to me.


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