Author Topic: do women really care?  (Read 62025 times)

Offline user87

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my problem is that i think that the girl I am with is looking at my chest and thinking "uh he has some strange nipples .. this sucks". sometimes i even think that this could be a reason for them not to have sex with me "i could never sleep with someone with such nipples .. it's reeeaaally unsexy"
another problem would be taking my shirt off in front of them, because in that moment i would think "if they have not seen my nipples until know, they will now see them and say something or look strange".
do women care about puffy nips, do they even realize them? or if they realize them do they think about it as something "different" or rather as something "niormal". i have got a minor case. not really bad.
but it's holding me back from starting my rocket. i am not that shy but this thing stops me.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 07:54:49 AM by user87 »

Offline user87

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any suggestions what to say if the women says something about my nipples or if she laughs (but not in a mean way)

Offline WishmasterK

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Consider  approaching her outside of an event where your chest is being viewed and comment on it, ask her how she feels and get communication going.

Also know that any laughs are probably due to nervousness about the situation, not about your chest. if you have mentioned it before it will deflate the situation when you take your shirt off.

From the women I have spoken with, i am 99% certain that you care more about your puff nipples than she does.

Consider this, if you have gotten to the point where your both taking off your shirts you have already "won", forget about how she if going to interpret your chest and have fun yo.

Offline radic

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I've mentioned this before... having had gyne since puberty every woman I was ever with found it to be interesting at least... and most found the extra sensitivity a turn on.  Could it be you are misinterpreting your lady friend's looks?  Maybe she is afraid touching you would embarrass you.  At some moment just ask her. 

If she is so vain that she has negative feelings about your chest, she will probably find many other "negatives" which may be stumbling blocks in your relationship.

Yes, women really do care, in different ways than you might think.  The negative thoughts are yours, and until you hear her say tell you something negative about your chest then you are approaching the situation form a standpoint of fear. 

Next time you are with her just approach her with the thought that she finds every part of you sexy. 

Offline Curiousone89

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Lets just put it this way: there are literally hundreds of thousands of men in her general area that have normal looking chests.  You don't.  People in general are that shallow  so I'd suggest you keep your shirt on and/or find some way to justify having the lights off,  etc. The reality is that she has no incentive of staying with you.

Um what?

Don't listen to what he just said because if that was a joke, that really was a bad one.

If the woman you're with has any intention at all of actually breaking up with you because of your chest, then darn her, if she's that shallow and fake it isn't worth it.

Find someone that can accept you for what you hold, not for what you portray.

Offline cecly

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Most women are generally concerned about their own bodies more than anything else, even if they are smoking hot.

It really depends, if they look kind of normal then that will be the least of your concerns, if they are large, weird and floppy and you are <=70kg then you might get a giggle (but as mentioned, you are already in bed with them).

Also don't think people can't notice it with your shirt on, it is incredibly difficult to hide, especially when you are skinny.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 05:26:39 AM by cecly »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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As the other guys have said, if your g/f is that shallow to think less of you because you have G, then it's time to put her to the curb my man...

If she loves you, she will not judge you on your physical appearance and accept you for who/what you are...

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Offline postiey

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guess it depends on the woman!


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Any woman who puts you down because you have Gynecomastia isn't worth your time, as the others have said if the are then it's time to find a different lady!


Offline talons

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I have the same insecurity about taking my shirt off in bed with a woman.

I would secretly pinch my nipples so they wouldnt be so puffy. But that would solve the problem for only a short time, when your nipples becomes puffy again i would try to stretch my chest so it wouldnt look so much like breasts if i crouch over or something like that.

However, with every women I have been with (probably about 6) they all dont seem to care about my puffy nipples. I would say people in general are not as vulgar as you may think.

But nonetheless I would prefer if I was more open and able to discuss with my parters about my nipples. I guess I am embarassed...

My goal is to try to break the ice on this topic soon with my girl.

Offline postiey

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i know it sounds hard to believe but ive lived with gyno for years only a mild case puffy nipples etc! never really knew what was goin on untill i couldnt take any more and went to the quacks. just thought it was normal lol.

i have been with a few women and didn used to give it a secound thought. the majority of them have never said anything a few have commented but tbh they are the ones that are far from perfect themselves. from my experience women love confidence dont come across all sensitive about it just say i know i gotta start working out or something. they wont know what it is!

Offline Bill37

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I'm at the other end of the age spectrum - early 70s, and my growth comes from an anti-androgen used to treat an enlarged prostate.  The growth started about two years ago, and I had to call my wife's attention to it.  Now that they're a bit bigger, she's asked me if I like her caressing them when we make love.  The answer is definitely yes!  Treat them as an asset, not a liability!

Busty Bill

Offline chris1234567

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There's a real simple answer to this, go take a picture of yourself with a compression shirt on and then one with out one and post them both on one of those 'rate my pic' sites.

Before you do this make sure you're absolutely confident that seeing some low results won't mess with you too much. There's some really crazy people out there and guys tend to score real low on these sites anyway.

btw, I found out my hair cut make more of difference then my gyne  :-\

Offline Trycer6

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Lets just put it this way: there are literally hundreds of thousands of men in her general area that have normal looking chests.  You don't.  People in general are that shallow  so I'd suggest you keep your shirt on and/or find some way to justify having the lights off,  etc. The reality is that she has no incentive of staying with you.

Sadly, this sounds like the truth to me. So far I have been mocked and shit on and ignored by girls (I'm 17) because of my gyno. Girls are shallow and cruel and aren't going to sleep with you if you don't match up to their physical expectations. As soon as I get the surgery and finally get with some girls, I'm going to treat them just like they've treated me. It's childish and spiteful, but it's going to make me feel a whole lot better.

Offline radic

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Sadly, this sounds like the truth to me. So far I have been mocked and shit on and ignored by girls (I'm 17) because of my gyno. Girls are shallow and cruel and aren't going to sleep with you if you don't match up to their physical expectations. As soon as I get the surgery and finally get with some girls, I'm going to treat them just like they've treated me. It's childish and spiteful, but it's going to make me feel a whole lot better.

Huh?  Your 17?  You need a bit more experience under your belt (pun?) before making that conclusion.  If that's an attitude you plan on hanging on to you have more problems than gynecomastia.... I would suggest a shrink before you see a surgeon. Maybe it's time you quit looking for "girls" and found a "woman". 


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