Author Topic: do women really care?  (Read 62028 times)

Offline ohnomygod

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Thx for your sharing, haha...

Offline Knotty

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My Grirlfriend likes it and so random as it sounds makes me wear a bra at times! I think it's to make light of it!
I've had some girls walk away because of it but 90% like to know more about it!

Offline TigerPaws

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Do women really care? Form my experience it depends on the woman and the culture. I travel globally and have done so for many years, from my experience it really depends on the culture as well as on the intelligence and compassion of the woman. Perhaps part of my observations and experience is that I have no tolerance for women who are the typical "dumb blond" (no matter what the color of her hair might be). In broad general terms I have found that the more intelligent the lady the more she accepts who I am verses what I look like.

I do have a personal preference for women from the Former Soviet Union but that is because I spent several years living and working in Krasnoyarsk Russia shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union and resulting break up of its satellite states into their respective countries. In my humble opinion these are the most intelligent and beautiful women in the world as well as being very understanding and compassionate towards having a serious case of gyno.

Sure some women are put off by male breasts, so what, I blow then off and move on. The majority of ladies I have been and that I am with accept my gyno (FYI I am 58, 5'8" 175 lbs and fill a full B/C cup depending on the bra manufacturer), some even enjoy my breasts but all accept me or they are gone in a heartbeat.

Offline Mothas

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Only in highschool and I can only say the good girls don't care. They might wonder why you may have them but that's it. I'm 3 weeks away from surgery but i wish having boobs didnt hold me down mentally those years before. Chickend out from starting relationships with hot girls(I now know that all of them knew i had a little boobage) who didnt care about them.The only people who will make fun of you are shallow girls and guys(we all can be assholes).

Offline Paa_Paw

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I think it is safe to say that having breast enlargement never actually stopped me from doing anything.

Equally true is the fact that my attitude about the breasts did stop me from doing a lot of things for a long time.

It is fair to say that we are our own worst enemies.

It is not the surplus tissue on our chests that trouble us but what is hapening between our ears.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Alchemist

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In Jr High it was the guys that gave me hell about breasts.  The girls were curious, even to the extent of "you can feel mine if I can feel yours".  In high school and college, the same thing occurred; guys were nasty and the girls were accepting and curious.  The only thing that slowed me down with the girls were my own fears.  Now as a nudist with nudist ladies and men, it is a total non issue though there are still some curious ladies (thank you ladies).  I get included in some of the discussions of the problems of tan lines forming under the breasts and comparisons thereof.  Now that may not seem a serious problem to many of you and it isn't.  I find it amusing.  But having an even tan that protects from sunburn is nice to have.  I'm having fun with it all now and no problem at all.  I am seeing more and more sizable breasts of men on TV these days from major network popular shows (Criminal Minds for instance) to reality shows like Swamp People.

Offline davidbenz017

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i understand it noise difficult to think however ive resided together with gyno for lots of many years solely a slight case puffy nipples etc! didn't really knew precisely what had been goin in untill i couldnt take any more along with moved to the quacks. simply thought it was indeed typical lol.
i have been together with a few girls as well as didn knowledgable about feature a secound thought. most of them have will never described anything a few have commented however tbh the couple tend to be those that are far from ideal themselves. from my experience girls love self-assurance dont come on all delicate concerning it simply say i know i gotta begin on exercising or perhaps anything. the couple wont comprehend simply what it is!


Offline VaserGuy

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Greeting and salutations my fellow men with gyno.  I can tell you Strait forward a women does not give a darn about gyno.  Unless your out there chasing superficial woman who just want to use and abuse you..  You have nothing  to worry about.. A good woman won't reject you because of gyno.  Every person has insecurities and gyno is pretty small in the great scheme of things.  If a women isn't happy about a couple of puffy nipples then she ain't a good women and you better darn her off then and there instead of her fuckong you down the track.

Offline TigerPaws

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While I generally agree with you, I have basically given up on American and most western European women, the feminist movement has turned far too many into raging men haters. I am not talking about young immature women but highly educated 36 to 40 year old professionals. 15 years ago I discovered that better hunting grounds are in what has become the former Soviet countries, especially Russian and now Ukraine.

There and few other countries in that general region offer many choices in well educated, intelligent and stunningly beautiful women who have yet to be poisoned by the propaganda of western feminism. With very few exceptions these women look more to the quality of a man than his appearance.

My Gyno (I am a rather firm and pronounced 38C on a 5" 8" 135lb frame) has for the most part not been an issue with these Ladies. And while some of the more senior members of this forum/support group may no longer be interested or have settled down with a good woman for others I would suggest looking overseas for companionship.

The choices are much greater than you will find in either Europe or America.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:08:28 AM by TigerPaws »


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TigerPaws, I don't think it is a fair statement to say that there are no good ones here in America! It's a big country, and I have one that just today posted that reminded me that I should put my bra on as I haven't wear one for a while, and the care she has given me during my surgeries is unbelievable, from bathing to wiping me because I'm not supposed to do any twisting!

Now, that all being said, I know of many others, through fellow Ham Radio Operators, and other groups that have wives and/or girls freinds that are just like the one I'm happily married too!

I know the term for this is called unconditional love, and I know for a fact that it is not totally dead, yes it's hard to find, but it is still alive and well right here in America, even among some of our younger generation, as I personally know some. I have found it is more common around Christain groups then any other type group.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 02:17:08 PM by hammer »

Offline Alchemist

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Hi Tigerpaws,

I do just fine with American feminist women, especially very intelligent ladies who wanted honest and equal relationships.  They have been very accepting of me and my having breasts, often larger than theirs.  It was with their friendly help and encouragement that I got through the crap from the guys.  The guys who harassed me also harassed the women. 

Offline TigerPaws

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Gentleman, everyone"s mileage will vary, I was simply painting a very broad brush. Please do not take anything personally, there are a few good Ladies but like diamonds they are rare in America and Europe where radical feminism has taken root.


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As my wife just said, in one way you are right, but one must leave no stone unturned!

Offline TigerPaws

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For what it is worth; in my very humble opinion far too many men settle on a woman who may be less than what he actually wants because he is afraid of rejection by more intelligent and attractive/desirable women. Since the start of the feminist movement in the early 70's men have been pressured to accept women as they are for what they are rather than what the man desires.

With extremely few exceptions it is the man who asks the woman to be his date for the evening or his mate, not the other way around.

So why do so many men choose badly?

Again in my humble opinion the answer is propaganda brought about by radical feminism which has permeated our (western) media, educational and workplace for the the past 45 years.



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One must also remember that water seeks it's own level!

I'm sure that you know exactly what I mean!


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