Author Topic: Numbness and Lumpiness - 8 days post op  (Read 7482 times)

Offline KingCobra

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     F'n aye man, I'm 2 weeks post-op and in the same boat as you.  My right side is amazing, no swelling or scar tissue.  However I got swelling and a bit of scar tissue on the left side from what I feel.
    It quite literally feels like a bruise under the skin - definitely not Gyno rearing its f'n ugly head again!   >:(  On the bright side even with that shiznit there I still look a 100X better than before!   ;D  And with a T-Shirt on, both pecs look symmetrical.  So i'm just gonna be patient and let it heal on its own.
    T-Cups I'd advise you to let it heal on its own instead of pushing it down all the time my man.  That could further irritate it and prolong its presence.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 05:47:06 PM by KingCobra »

Offline a-man

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hmm.. how very odd..

i am almost 2.5 weeks post op and my right side is also perfect... very little scar tissue and almost completely healed..

my left side on the other hand has a good deal more scar tissue, and still hurts if i jump around too much...

i wish it was healing as fast as my right...

oh well... i suppose it will all be the same in time...

Offline KingCobra

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Anonymous does your scar-tissue on the left side feel really hard?  Almost like bone?

Offline a-man

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well... not quite that hard..

it feels pretty much the same as the hard tissue on my right... just that theres more of it.. and it goes around to the side of my body...

it seems to be very slowly getting smaller though..

Offline KingCobra

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Same here a-man, I can feel it decreasing and yeah it too goes around the side.  Are you right-handed by any chance?

Offline a-man

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yes i am..

was also wondering if that might have something to do with it

Offline KingCobra

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In my case it might man.  The left side of my body has been a bit weaker than my right (noticed this at the gym) and I actually had a little bit more gyne on the left than on the right.

Offline T-Cups

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Ok, so the the left side got much better in like the span of a day.  

Maybe a coincidence but it was after my 1st chest workout after surgery... the swelling was much reduced and it was starting to look more normal.  

Kingcobra, I think you are right, I should leave it alone and not touch it.

I still can't do stuff like jump rope or run because the up/down motion of the fat/skin/flab still tugs at the area a little bit, just enough to be painful.  

All in all, a major step towards normality this week.  

BTW, a-man, My parents are of east-indian decent and the doc said that we are more prone to scar tissue and healing times may be longer... So i think that's why it's taking me so long.  

Slow but steady though, slow but steady, i'm just focusing on the rest of the body now... more updates soon.

Offline ASRel

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In my case it might man.  The left side of my body has been a bit weaker than my right (noticed this at the gym) and I actually had a little bit more gyne on the left than on the right.

Interesting... I'm lefthanded.

My right upper body is slightly weaker than my left, but my right side has worse gyne. Do you suppose handedness has something to do with how gyne forms (exercise of a certain side)?

Offline a-man

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I'm 3 weeks post op and noticing drastic improvements.

On my right side, the scar tissue (hard lumps) is almost completely gone, and it is slowly going away on my left side too. I imagine it will all be gone completely within another week.

I think I am just about able to run now.. but I can't jump up and down like crazy, which is what I am aiming for (so I can go back to playing basketball).

I have almost regained the complete range of motion with my right arm (can lift it pretty much completely above my head), but not nearly there with my left. To be honest, I don't remember now if I could do this with my left arm in the first place...

Offline KingCobra

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  I guess that we always learn new things about ourselves eh?  My right side is perfect, the swelling is at a minimum and almost non-existant.  The left side would appear to be decreasing as well.
  Honestly, there's worse things to worry about.  And even with the swelling on the left side I still look a 100X better than before!   ;D

Offline T-Cups

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Hi guys,

Ok, so it's been 2 months to the day since the op.  My left side is still imperfect, as i was warned that it may be.  

The only thing is that I really think there's some kind of fluid build-up or something as it feels like there's something in there, for example when I'm lying on my stomach when sleeping.   I doubt that there's any scar tissue left.  

My left nipple still gets puffy so that the nipple itself is actually inverted just a little bit... but sometimes it isn't... whereas the the right nipple remains fairly constant in appearance... or changes so slightly that I cannot tell.  

Anyways, not much change at all in the last 4 weeks, I'm actually gonna take the doc up on the follow up appt he made 3 months from my first follow up....

I'll update if there is any change.

Offline KingCobra

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Sure man keep us posted.  Doc mentioned to me that scar tissue can take 3 - 6 months to dissolve so you you gotta be patient.  
If you can, do take a look at Bambu's pics and you will notice that the scar tissue/lump in Bambu's right side only subsided around July.  That's almost 6 months since his op in February.
So try not to worry too much about this my man.

Offline Boobies_Redux

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Yes, the lumps/scar will go away.

I still have small lumps after a year, but right after surgery, it looked and felt just like gyne.

Right side definitely the fast healer.  Not to mention that maybe the medical world should consider hiring left handed doctors.

One year and counting.  



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