Author Topic: Would like your thoughts (Pics)  (Read 4141 times)

Offline buster72

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Hey all.  I'm about 2 months post opt and I feel that my results are good.  But I feel like more could have been taken out and there is a slight bit of unevenness between the two sides.  I would appreciate it if you took a look and gave me your thoughts.  Having gyne has really effected my life and would just like to be able to wear a light weight t-shirt or go to the beach and not feel self conscious.

Hey all.  I'm about 2 months post opt and I feel that my results are good.  But I feel like more could have been taken out and there is a slight bit of unevenness between the two sides.  I would appreciate it if you took a look and gave me your thoughts.  Having gyne has really effected my life and would just like to be able to wear a light weight t-shirt or go to the beach and not feel self conscious.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 03:51:35 PM by buster72 »

Offline serapis

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You look good 2 months post op.  No worries there.  However, a good strength and conditioning program would develop your chest and make it look better.

Offline buster72

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thanks for your replies.

yes i think that i little more could have been taken out though it is funny- the hanging when i bend over feels almost empty- like no volume.  i remember when i went in for surgery i asked the doc if he was going to lipo a section by my armpit-  he took a look and told me that it was a little loose skin.  i looked at it and totally agreed with him.  i did play football in college and was 300 lbs at my heaviest- and wore a 54 jacket.  im now wear a 46 and do notice that i have some loose skin- in my arms also.  i wonder whether or not a good workout program would help to remedy the situation.  i do need to tone up.

at my follow ups my surgeon did note that a little chest fat is normal (cant argue there) and i do have some scar tissue.  the thing is that i was really flat right after surgery before the swelling and bruising. I wonder whether anyone has seen an firming up between 2 and 6 months?  though  i cant complain too much because i have seen the other side of the coin- taking too much out.  i can always have a touch up but it is harder to more in.

Offline KWS86

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Bro, I think you look good. Hit some light weights and do some push ups. You're going to have chest fat, like you said. Fat hangs too. So yeah... when you bend... I think it's only logical. Anything from here on out is in your mind.

Oh... and if you think anything's uneven... shoot, sometimes things in nature are just uneven. No harm, no foul. At least you're gland free.

This is me, I haven't had surgery yet, but I'm seriously considering it:

I'm naturally uneven... so, if I heal up slightly uneven... such is life.

Offline zane949

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diet and exercise bud you look fine

Offline freefromG

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Yeah looks great!
You appear to have a healthy weight and it looks quite in proportion. (assymetry of the nipples is evident on a lot of ppl, personally i have it but its not even an issue compared to the golf balls that used to live under my nips haha)
 An almost totally fat free chest typical of a high performance athlete comes about when fat over the entire body is reduced, it is unrealistic and almost unattainable to achieve this look (although granted lipo for chest fat can aid results) without changing the rest of your body in the process eg. diet, exercise etc.
Your glands are gone!! yay! and these were the component that give you the 'gyne', which no matter what you do will remain (tried the diet and exercise for gland but nope, BUT it did get rid of pseudo gyne ;D)

Another month and a half and i may be a little fussy about my results as well, but im sure if you went back to how they were before the op for even 1 minute you would be pretty keen to go back to how you are right now. :)


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