Author Topic: Merle How many people have ever regiestered on???  (Read 4632 times)


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         Merle as administrator, I would like to ask you how many people total are members on here.  My point in case is that there seems to be Many Many more men in the world with Gynecomastia than what is on here. 

Do you or the medical world have firm numbers of how many men are affected by Gynecomastia?

Do you or the medical world have firm numbers of how many men who have Gynecomastia have had surgery to correct it?

Do you  or the medical world have firm numbers on the number of successful surgeries there are compared to the number of Botch surgeries there are?

It seems very very obvious that the Minority clearly is the people on here, what I mean is that there are so so many many more men in the world who have Gynecomastia and don't let it bother them, compared to the Minority of men on here that it drives them crazy.

 8)Thanks in advance Merle!

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It seems very very obvious that the Minority clearly is the people on here, what I mean is that there are so so many many more men in the world who have Gynecomastia and don't let it bother them, compared to the Minority of men on here that it drives them crazy.

How do you know that the 'majority' don't let their G bother them dude?

As for your questions...  Doubtful on all three accounts...  ;)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline moobsbrah

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haha there are not statistics to any of your three questions. The first one has a wide range of possibilities, and is really not definitively known. But I remember reading gyne surgery is the 5th most common plastic surgery done on men, with something like 20,000 performed last year...with numbers growing each year.

Offline cecly

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According to the forum stats on the first page, mike686, our newest member has a user ID of 17031.

Offline headheldhigh01

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But I remember reading gyne surgery is the 5th most common plastic surgery done on men, with something like 20,000 performed last year...with numbers growing each year.
very interesting.  

According to the forum stats on the first page, mike686, our newest member has a user ID of 17031.
this is however the third board in a series, the first of which went into archives when it couldn't be properly fitted into an upgrade, and the second of which imported not perfectly, iirc.  

part of the problem is definition too.  every time someone cites statistics about a significant percentage of guys having it sometime, you know they weren't really serious.  for a lot of them it probably wasn't more than a brief itch.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline nasa3

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HHH- do you know for a fact that the other boards are archived somewhere? I ask this question because I had posted aseries of posts regarding my journey thru surgery on the old boards, but most, but not all of them, disappeared when this board was constituted...any idea where the old posts might be?

Thanks and God bless

Offline postiey

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just wandaring if anyone knows how long this site has been going for?

Offline i_dont_know

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Take a look around (especially now that it's summer)..  I've noticed a TON of males with mild-moderate (even worse) gynecomastia. Just like we all do (or did), most males who have it go well out of their way to keep it concealed somehow. But trust me.. it's a lot more common than you think.

Offline i_dont_know

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titmouse... that's awesome that YOU can be content with the gynecomastia you have, but you have to realize that there's a difference between a very mild case and a case like yours where there are breasts comparable to that of a female. It's not a criticism or me poking just is what it is. Most males want to LOOK like males.. so to have that much breast tissue would be confidence destroying for most of us. Kudos on your ability to embrace it.. I would never be able to.

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i think it takes a strong person to be able to cop with gyne, i have struggled with it for years and just want to get rid of the crap. i agree with titmouse tho
we all see and want to be like a poster boy these days. years ago i dont think it was talked about i know wich isnt a good thing but it wasnt really an issue for most people. i am struggling with it and only hope i have the courage to go through with the surgery.

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I'm not sure what happened to the old archives, but the present archives only go back to Jan 6, 2005. I first signed on in Nov of 2004.

The site has been updated as previously noted and a lot of good information has been unfortunately lost as a result.

As to how many people have the condition that are not counted, I will point out that my brother and all four of my sons have it and I am the only member of my family represented here. At that rate, there are at least 6 people who have Gynecomastia for every one who shows up on this site.

There are many who regularly visit the site without signing in as well. I do not know if there is a means of tracking those numbers.

Another factor to be considered is the fact that the condition is so common that many healthcare professionals consider it to be "normal" if there is no pathology involved. For what it is worth, pathology is actually rare.
Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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HHH- do you know for a fact that the other boards are archived somewhere? I ask this question because I had posted aseries of posts regarding my journey thru surgery on the old boards, but most, but not all of them, disappeared when this board was constituted...any idea where the old posts might be?
Thanks and God bless
i'm pretty sure they posted a link to at least board #2 with this one went up, you might find it with the site search engine (like keyword archives and date older than a year or two) or just dig up the very earliest posts here.  i remember the last board had at least links to the first site too.  another thing you can try to do, if you know the right keywords, is either google's cache of old pages or the wayback machine at but you might be able to get at least the second, if it's still on the server.  merle also comes and goes at intervals, though i should talk, but if he doesn't respond here, you might be able to get his attention on the site's suggestions/comments board, just asking him if he might be able to post the link as a useful resource.  also, same on you ;)  

p.s.  a little background on the migration at and looks like it might be possible, seems like an 02 mssg by you, maybe an import (that stuff was hit or miss) at for example  the old addresses had yahoo board app formats like;action=display;num+1069020120;start=0#0 but that just comes up missing, if it was archived, it probably would have been in some other directory.  if you find anything, post it so the rest of us can see too. 

« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 02:55:48 AM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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just wandaring if anyone knows how long this site has been going for?

On the Home Page it says  'Copyright...  1997-2009'.  Twelve years... (+?)

However, prior to this site being created, Merle had a website '' for his practice. On that site, he had a small section about Gynecomastia. There were so many hits to that G section that he then decided to create


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I'm not sure what happened to the old archives, but the present archives only go back to Jan 6, 2005. I first signed on in Nov of 2004.

I'm able to retrieve my first post from November 24, 2004. ( My birthday...  :P )

The best birthday present of all was finding this website...  Thanks Merle!!!  I am eternally grateful to you dude!  ;)  

You DA MAN!!!



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