Author Topic: Breast Shape  (Read 28097 times)

Offline gotgyne

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I was thinking that a thread on exercises to firm and reduce Breast size would be beneficial

Hi William,

is there a real chance to reduce breast size with exercises? I don't know at all, but if I look at the pics of female body builders
it seems that big glandular breasts are not much reduced by exercising.

I just read a posting by Dr. Bermant on gyne vs. pseudo-gyne
He wrote on losing weight: "Fingers of fat in the gland can become smaller, but the contour problem from gland does not go away."
I guess this is similar with exercising.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 06:21:28 AM by gotgyne »
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline gotgyne

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I think that it is good that conversation here touches on the fact that our breasts are part of our bodies, not something foreign.

Hi William,

your attitude is a huge step on the road to acceptance.


Offline Bman41

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Well said.... 

Each of us has own level of acceptance, however that may be!   I think that most people only come here to give their side of how they deal with their acceptance of their gynecomastia.  However EVERYONE who comes hear should respect each others opinions if we agree or not.  It seems that MUCH to often people who accept their gynecomastia are down right looked upon and treated as leapers by those on here who push surgery or can't fathom the thought of living with breast(you all know who you are, doctors are not included) so many on here do not even have full blown gynecomastia in the first place, and most of us that do would love to be as flat chested as you are, enough said!   This is my opinion and if any of you don't like it tough SH_T.[/b]

Offline Bman41

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I have problems with it (give or take a 40B/42B cup, a C cup is just a tad big on me), surgery isn't my desire at all (several reasons), and how I am is how I am.  I don't like it necessarily but it is what it is.  I survive fine.  I have tried bra on, it is needed, but can't bring myself to wear it where people could possibly see or feel. 

I have a couple compression like tops that are help, but not the answer.  I won't put my family through surgery again (just had rotator cuff done) and my little ones were quite upset and scared over it.  Not my idea of voluntary fun.....

Thanks Bman14, I know there are some sensible guys on here!

Offline S.Trogen

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I realise that there has not been a posting within this thread for a long while, but that does not matter because I do not require a reply. I only want to say how informative, interesting, and therapeutic I found the level of honesty and, in places, either intentional or unintentional humour, to be. I trust that future readers of it, will receive the same degree of benefit and satisfaction from it, as I have done. Thanks a million.
Let Experience Grow Into Wisdom.

Offline livelife

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WOW! ok, here is a response. I see that there has not been a post in this area for sometime. After reading through I would almost say that every response seems to be attacked by a certain member. Now that I got that off my large chest, I will respond to the actual topic.

Breast shape:
My right side seems to be growing larger than my left. Ironically this is the only side that I sleep on at night. Would sleeping on my left side encourage the left side breast to grow proportionately to the right side?  Just a thought..

Offline walt

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hello . the shape of my breasts is somewhat feminen they droop somewhat [coopers droop ]and from the side they look like a womans breast just not as large.

anyone else?

Offline gotgyne

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Dear Ryan,

if removing the breasts is your solution, then it's okay. But here you`re in the acceptance subforum. And as far as I remember are the breasts of William very large, which requires not a liposuction but a mastectomy.

In my opinion for a man it needs much more guts to live with big breasts than to remove them. Hats off to these men!


Offline walt

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well ryan seems you don`t like manboobs thats your choice but some of us have come to acept them and embrace them as so does my wife they are part of me and thats to each his own,blessed be.


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Mine are the same! They are very full double D's!  With having gynecomastia from a teen, losing my testicals in my thirties, I am not surprised that I have the breast that I do now! This was completely out of my control just as it was for all my brothers here in acceptance!

What is in our control is how we handle it! Like John said, "it takes more guts to live with them" I would also say it even takes more "balls" and I don't even have them anymore!!!

The surgery would be a very extrem surgery, we decide to forgo to save ourselves and families that trouble for many personal and medical reasons. We wear bras for comfort, even at the risk of ridicule, and we are able to come to the understanding that those that have a problem with this, it is their problem and not ours, as we do not own the problem. And we have the aditude that the bra is to support breast, and that breast could be on a man or a woman.

If you are experiencing problems accepting the men in the acceptance area, there a people that can help you deal with this kind of issues. I for one do support the people in the surgery area, so if you can not do the same in the acceptance please try to get help or stay in your area.


Offline Paa_Paw

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You seem to have figured out Ryan very quickly, congratulations!

The fact is that all male mammals have breasts and while they are less developed than females of their species generally, some degree of development is actually rather common. To be considered abnormal, the breast growth would have to be attributed to a pathology of the breast itself such as cancer. Such cases are comparatively rare.

I have been an active member of this forum for over 8 years and I can recall only a couple of older men who made contact with the forum who had breast cancer. The number of members to date is over 18,500. Obviously the number of men who truly have "abnormal" breast enlargement is very small. Even those of us who have profoundly enlarged breasts are mostly normal.

"Normal" is not a spot on a chart or graph but a long line or curve often taking up much of the graph. I have known perfectly Normal men who were barely five feet tall and I once knew a very normal gent who gave his height as five feet seventeen inches.

Anyone who comes to this forum and throws out the word "abnormal" obviously does not know what he is talking about. The same is true of anyone who calls Gynecomastia a disease. I will usually try to gently correct the person once before I simply ignore them.
Grandpa Dan

Offline ryan1221

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dear william and friends
am sorry to have upset you guys. am new to this forum and in my excitement forgot that this is the acceptance forum. i feel that everyone has a right to do what they feel is right for themselves with regards to their breasts and i am no one to decide for them. please accept my apologies and i shall delete my post on this subject. i had no intention to hurt someone's feelings nor to be a troll!!!
with best regards to all

Offline dbweb

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Happy New Year all,

I just want to throw in my 2cents here with regard to comments Ryan made and follow up from William.

This is an open forum and other than maybe starting a different topic in the wrong area, we can't be pressured to take back something we feel and say.
I believe it is much more important to talk over these feelings than to keep them bottled up, short of being disrespectfull.

Having said that, while I don't agree with Ryan's thoughts about surgery, and believe he should have expected the response he got by writting that in this acceptance forum, the beauty of this open dialogue is that we can talk about it.

This is very helpfull to me for sure, I belive others feel the same, so lets promote openess with respect, and allow this communication to carry on, without further pressure for someone to remove their thoughts if others don't agree with them.


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