Author Topic: Do I have gynecomastia? (+pics)  (Read 13754 times)

Offline ManBoobs187

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This is a duplicate post. I tried this thread in another location on this site, but nobody has commented yet. So, maybe somebody in here can help me.


I am brand new to the site. Ive been doing research on this off and on for about a year now. My life has been a living hell. I dont know if i indeed have gyn, but i am miserable. I havent been swimming in years. I can never wear T-shirts, and I wear sweatshirts in the middle of the summer to cover up my boobs from embarassment. I avoid all activities where it requires me take off my shirt. My sex life has been non-existent. I havent been layed in almost 3 years. My self esteem is as low as the Mariana's Trench (look it up if you dont know what that is). Haha

I am unemployed, and have no medical insurance, so, even if it was confirmed i have gynecomastia, theres not much i can do about it. I may just be overweight, with puffy nipples, but who knows? Im 20 years old, 6ft, and around 200 pounds I thought maybe these would go away as i got older, but it seems they havent. I went on an extreme diet and workout plan, and only lost about 8 pounds in a 6 month period.I'm too embarassed to tell anybody about it. I just try and cover it up as much as possible.

So i turn to you guys, as the anonymous guy with big boobs. Please let me know what you think. If you feel you must laugh to make yourself feel better, do so. It wont matter. Ive had enough teasing and discomfort to last me a lifetime.

Sorry if the pics suck. I was having a hard time taking them. Lol. Let me know if you need better ones.

Thank You.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 01:46:58 AM by ManBoobs187 »

Offline Exit

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Your nipples are puffy and protruding, so I think you have gyno.  I don't think it has much to do with fat because even at your weight, I don't think they'd usually look like that if you were non-gyno.

Offline headheldhigh01

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that's a lot more than puffies.  yes you definitely have gyne. 

why would guys who know what it feels like seven miles underwater laugh at somebody else with the same problem?  the only ones who laugh are a very few d-juggers who tell anyone less than them oh that's nothing. 

only solution is start saving for a couple grand for an op and find a board-certified ps who knows and does gyne well.  but it can make a lot of difference and be worth it.  welcome to the site. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline doomzor

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it'll go away on its own if  u have normal hormonal production =)

Offline ManBoobs187

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Thanks for the replys, guys.

I have seen some posts on this site where people (probly people who just made a username just to bash people) just post rude and obnoxious things. I just wanted to make it clear that it wouldnt effect me.  :)

Anyhoo, I had the same thoughts about my situation. I have done research for a while. Im just glad I could get a second opinion. I wonder if i do have a hormonal imbalance or something? My mother has abnormally HUGE breasts, that are completely natural (no implants or surgeries). I dont suppose that coulda had an effect on me? Shes not happy with hers either, but at least she is SUPPOSED to have breasts.

There isnt much i can do about it. As i said, i coudnt start saving money even if i wanted to. Ive been unemployed for a long time now.

But thanks again for your input. Anybody else have anything they would like to contribute?

Offline PBC

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Are insurance companies as miserly with their money when a woman wants a reduction?

Offline headheldhigh01

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it'll go away on its own if  u have normal hormonal production =)
hormones are ultimately what started it even if they leveled off later, but no way, it's too developed, did you see the thumbnail side profile to the right?  

Are insurance companies as miserly with their money when a woman wants a reduction?
insurance companies aren't normally generous.  i believe women have to say it makes them off balance and causes back problems or something, but you're right that they're worse for guys since they can take advantage of the shame and giggle factor, plus even as a small percentage of society it would be a lot of payout.  

Offline Gamer7

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Layering your clothes, like tee shirts worn under plaid buttonup shirts, helps while you work on a permanent solution I bet you already knew that, though. ;D

Offline ManBoobs187

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Layering your clothes, like tee shirts worn under plaid buttonup shirts, helps while you work on a permanent solution I bet you already knew that, though. ;D

Thanks for the input.

Yeah, that is one of my tactic. I just hate it though. I cant be like a normal man, and comfortably go outside in a T-shirt in the summer. I cant just dress casual if i want. Its always some kind of sweater, buttom up shirt, or a wife-beater/undershirt/shirt combo. I suffer in the heat so much because of my insecurity. Like I said in the first post, I shy away from any water actvities. I havent swam in years. There is a river that runs straight through the middle of my city, that I used to (and like everybody that lives here) float on a regular basis. Dont do that either. I dont know, I'm sure this is nothing knew to anybody here, so I dont know why I'm beating down the subject so bad.  Boo hoo, poor me.  :-X

Offline Paa_Paw

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The almost total absence of body hair and an apparent high waist makes me wonder if your hormone levels are what they should be.

I think a good first step would be to see an Endocrinologist.
Grandpa Dan

Offline ManBoobs187

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The almost total absence of body hair and an apparent high waist makes me wonder if your hormone levels are what they should be.

I think a good first step would be to see an Endocrinologist.

I just turned 20, i didnt think i was supposed to have chest hair yet? I assume thats what you are refering to. However,  I do not have a lot of facial hair, either. I just figured that ran in my genes or something. I know a lot of guys that cant grow a thick beard, too. And how could you make the assumption of a high waist with just those photos? There not even low enough to show my bellybutton.

Im not crtisizing (sp?) your post, just from my inexperience, i dont understand what you mean. Maybe you can alloborate...

Offline MyName

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I think you should see and endo also. I waited until i was 40 years old have the surgery. I have hair on my chest and face although I am not very hairy. I did not go to an endo before my surgery and my gyno started to come back after a year. It has now been a few years and I would say that it is right where it was before the surgery.
The first year was great! Tight t's, no more rubbing nipples before takin my shirt off. Life was good!
In retrospect, I think it is the Dr.'s responsibility to advise ANYONE going for the surgery to go to an endo before surgery! I have seen many pics of guys with gyno that were VERY hairy. It doesn't matter...I think everyone should get checked by an endo if your Dr. doesn't have enough sense (or doesn't really care) to tell you.
At this point I am not sure what my ps surgeon is responsible for. When it started to came back after a year I couldn't believe it. I spent over $6000 dollars and now this?! It's very frustrating and can be depressing to see it come back.

Offline Jopet

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Was the surgery you're referring to is the excision of the glands or liposuction only?

I'm planning to have a surgery by this september or next month.
And like most of the others, and like you, i haven't consulted an endo for my case yet. I'm 25 and I do have body hairs. I'm also suffering in gyne for how many years (i dont know).

Offline Paa_Paw

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In the third picture, there is a decided narrowing of the torso not much below the ribs and as you said, the navel is not shown. I'd call that a high waist for a man..

I had little to no body hair and a sparse beard when I was your age too. But then again I know that I had some hormonal problems and just think about where you found me. On this site....Hmmm

See the Endo, If there is a problem, they can set things straight. If there is no problem, the reassurance is well worth the price.

Offline mrpower33

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You need to lose some weight man, probably at least 20 pounds.  The fact that you lost only 8 pounds in 6 months means you weren't even trying, the fat that it was extreme doesn't tell us anything, you need to be smart about it, not extreme.  Please be honest with yourself.  I think you may still need the surgery, but you're not going to feel better about yourself until you drop some weight.  I don't meant to be harsh, but someone's got to tell you the truth.  Surgery is not the end all be all.  Get on a weight lifting program, eat more protein and less carbs.  Stop drinking soda, except for diet and no junk food at all.  I'm pretty sure at your age and your weight, you're probably taking in a lot of refined sugar, you should eliminate it completely from your diet for starters. 


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