Author Topic: What to do now? ( NHS )  (Read 1725 times)

Offline mbsucks

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Ok. so two weeks ago i finally plucked up the courage to see my GP and everything went great he was very sympathethic and could see i was in alot pain because of my gyno. He reffered me to a breast specialist and said i'd be able to get surgery on the NHS, so of course i was really happy and excited.

Two weeks on (Yesterday) and i go up to dorchester hospital to see the breast specialist.
He said to me to they would do it  but i have to wait untill im 19 before they do ( im 17 now, 18 in november ) because the gyno might come back. which i suppose makes sence but i really doubt that it will tbh also i've had gyno since i was 12 and it's not going anywhere.

What really pissed me off is they didn't do any tests on me at all. all they did was examine me then basically told me to piss off and come back in 15 months.
I can't wait another 15 months and go through another summer lying to my mates about why i don't want to go swimming or go to the beach. I'm extremely depressed and feel so worthless right now, i'd rather just die than go through another year pain and telling lies  :'(   :'(

So what i thinking because is i'm going to be turning 18 soon, Would i have better chance of getting the surgery if i go back to them then and keep nagging them till they give me the surgery or should i just sit back and wait till i turn 19?

« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 07:40:01 AM by mbsucks »

Offline creative

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Well done on plucking up the courage to see the GP. For many, this is a difficult step in itself so you should feel happy in doing this. Unfortunantely, you are likely to encounter a lot of delays if you want this procedure done on the NHS. No one is going to lie to you about this - it's just how the system is i'm afraid. Also, what the specialist has said to you seems pretty standard procedure. I know it may be hard to see this but I believe they are trying to work in your best interests by waiting for your hormones to completely stabilise. The NHS is overly cautious and while it may be the case that the gyno has already settled, they are probably trying to cover themselves.

It was a while until i had endo tests (maybe even a year). I think they only do this when they are confident that the condition is unlikely to change. I hate to say it buddy, but it seems the only alternatives you have are: 1) keep pushing and telling your GP how much this condition affects you in your day-to-day living. 2) Try another area? NHS is a postcode lottery 3) Go private

And maybe a fourth...use a compression garment. I appreciate how difficult it is to lie your way through pretty much everything! I've been doing this for years.

However, whatever you do, don't give up! Don't let this rubbish get the better of you. Try and discuss the problem with your parents, as daunting as it may be, i'm sure they'll be very understanding and might support you through doing this privately. Like i said, it might be worth a shot going back to your GP and pleading your case but the sad matter is that the NHS is hugely underfunded and even more so (thanks Brown?) and so procedures such as these have to be considered even more carefully by the PCTs before anything goes through.

Best of luck :)

Offline mbsucks

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Is this really what they do   ???  ???

This is what i found about the guy who was gunna do surgery on me........

The Operation

You will be admitted to The Cosmetic Surgery Centre for The South West at the Winterbourne Hospital in Dorchester on the day of surgery. The room facilities will be demonstrated to you and your nurse will ask you some basic questions about your health.

Mr Graham will see you before the operation to answer any questions you may have and you will be asked to sign the consent form that gives him your permission to operate. You will be given some tablets to take before the procedure, which may include an antibiotic and a mild sedative if required.

After a short while you will be taken to the operating theatre. Mr Graham will draw some reference lines on the areas to undergo Liposuction and take pre operative photographs. A small needle will be placed in a vein through which sedation can be administered if required.

The skin will be cleaned with Iodine and following the injection of local anaesthetic several small (2-3mm) incisions will be made in the skin. A solution containing an anaesthetic and a substance to help prevent bruising is then run into the fat using a very fine needle called a cannula inserted through the small skin incisions.

After a short period of time when the area has been numbed the fat is removed using a cannula attached by tubing to a very strong suction machine. During the procedure you will be asked to change position with the aid of the nurse to allow access to the fat deposits. You will be asked to stand several times to assess the progress of the procedure.

Further reference lines will be drawn over any stubborn areas of fat before they are suctioned. At the end of the procedure when Mr Graham and you are happy with the result your postoperative photos will be taken. Absorbent pads and a pressure garment applied. You will then be taken back to your room.

Written post-operative advice will be given and your follow up appointment arranged usually for six weeks later. Painkillers and antibiotics will be given to you to take home. When the effects of any sedation have worn off you will be allowed home.

You will usually need to allow four to five hours at the hospital and should arrange transport home. You should not drive for twenty four hours.

Offline mbsucks

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"During the procedure you will be asked to change position with the aid of the nurse to allow access to the fat deposits. You will be asked to stand several times to assess the progress of the procedure.

Further reference lines will be drawn over any stubborn areas of fat before they are suctioned."

Surely thats not what they do?

It really doesn't sound like they know what they're doing at all

« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 09:53:08 AM by mbsucks »


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