Author Topic: question...  (Read 3938 times)

Offline ibarumah

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hi guys. i am 23 years old and have puberty gyno. When i was 15 years old i remember that i felt something like a small ball in my chest which disappeared later.
Until the age of 20 i was a fat guy and i lost many pounds and now at the age of 23 i am 150lbs with 19% bodyfat.

When i squeeze my breasts i feel 100% pure fat, no gland. and my nips are too puffy.

If i would do just liposuction would it solve my problem? (liposuction costs 2000$ and gynecomastia surg costs 3500$ and i am a very poor guy)

thank you

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Looking at that pic, you definitely look like you have some gland going on. Are you SURE you can't feel any gland?

To me, it looks like lipo only will NOT help your puffy nipples. The vast majority of good results I've seen come with a combination of lipo and excision. Your case looks particularly like one that will need gland excision.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 06:30:01 AM by doddy »

Offline ibarumah

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ok thanks:-(

yes i dont feel any gland at whole breast is fat only. at least it feels like only fat

Offline usernameX

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Doddy, what does the gland feel like anyway? I feel a ton of fat on my chest but im sure theres gland in there. How do i find it?
Had surgery with Dr. J.C. Fielding on August 2nd.

Offline wolfman

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i looked like that after my first op becouse they omly did lipo :-/ so i had to do a second op and they cut out the gland and after the second op im flat and fine ;D

        Bye Henrik
i finally feel like im a man

Offline rcbrown23

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i looked like that after my first op becouse they omly did lipo :-/ so i had to do a second op and they cut out the gland and after the second op im flat and fine ;D

        Bye Henrik

Me too. Don't recommend lipo only.

Offline nukem2k5

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Your breasts don't look like that if they have only fat in them.  Trust me, you probably have gland that needs to be removed.

Nobody really knows how much gland or fat there is until they cut into you and look at it.  I'm sorry, but you really should not consider lipo-only, as you will only find that you wasted your money.

I have yet to see a satisfied person on these boards who has gotten lipo-only.  You should discuss this with BlarneyStoner.  He had a similar case and got lipo-only, and now he's at about 5 weeks post-op and is completely dissatisfied.

Please get the gland + lipo surgery.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 08:27:19 AM by nukem2k5 »
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
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Offline SRK

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man whts wrong with u man......its just a small or minor case of gyno......y the hell ru even concerned abt far as i look at u......u shld chill man n concentrate on somethin meaningful
a man walkin with gyno is a man walkin with a heart of steel

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
man whts wrong with u man......its just a small or minor case of gyno......y the hell ru even concerned abt far as i look at u......u shld chill man n concentrate on somethin meaningful

Utterly pointless post.

Do you really think that those with 'moderate' cases aren't aware that it would be easier if they weren't "concerned abt (please type properly) it"?

Offline ibarumah

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i know that i have a mild gyno but that doesnt mean that i want to rest and live like this.
generally i am a very beautiful guy,i have lots of girlfriends all the time and these breasts are killing my body.

I will save money and do the op

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Alright, but please don't get lipo only. Seriously.

Offline allbah

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I fully agree with doddy, you need the gland out otherwise you did not do anything. you ll be surprised after surgery how large your gland is.
 good luck man..wish you the best.
one can never prepare to win a war, but one can prepare not to be defeated.

Offline allbah

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I fully agree with doddy, you need the gland out otherwise you did not do anything. you ll be surprised after surgery how large your gland is.
 good luck man..wish you the best.


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