Author Topic: Painful Gynecomastia. See Doctor/GP?  (Read 6689 times)

Offline john7heaven

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Hi guys.

I've recently started getting a symptom with my chest that is rather weird, but painful!

I get 'burning' breasts. It's so bad that I don't really care anymore about being ashamed and proclaim to my household
out loud about it.  Sometimes, it's so bad I can't sleep (the pain), and can't sleep on my front.
I would describe the pain as someone having pinched you hard (in your chest), and the sort of glowing
feeling that is horrible.

After a couple of days, the severity of burning backs off, but the soreness is always there if I
press the side of my chest, or rub it. However, only at the side near my ribs/arm pit rather
than the whole breast area feeling buring.

Inside if I press firmly, I can feel little capsules, like tiny peas.  I told my mother and she thinks these
are lymph glands? However, I can feel them all the time, they are only more sore during these
flare ups.

It does get a lot worse when I get an infection/sneezing/mild temperature and I do
keep getting these more frequently.

I was going to ask please, is this normal in males with gynecomastia, to have burning?
Or should I brave it and go to my doctor?

I am worried the doctor won't believe me, but short of getting an appointment during a flare up,
I can't really prove anything.

Thanks for any ideas.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is perfectly normal for the nipple and areola to be sensitive.

It is not normal for them to be painful without some sort of reason.

As with any unexplained pain, You should see your Doctor.

Women are much more likely than men to see a Doctor when they have unexplained pains. Men are more likely to try and ignore the discomforts and be tough. Women live longer than men. Draw your own conclusions on this, but see your Doctor.
Grandpa Dan

Offline turtle78

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John, I sent you a private message

Offline john7heaven

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Hi Turtle and co, thank you for your messages.

I saw my Doctor

He was not helpful.  Maybe I should have kept with a female, although I have actually resorted
to 'pinching' my bare boob infront of my last doctor, which was rather humiliating. She laughed and said
I looked like a tough guy, or someone's husband she knows!

I think females feel awkward, doctors or not - with men with big hairy breasts.
So I chose a male doctor this time...

Well today, the guy admited I have gynecomastia - which wasn't too hard as it was my diagnosis anyway.

I told him it was psychologically destroying me, to which he replied that he didn't think it was worth it having an operation/surgery.
I said I would pay to go private (not state health care), he still said it was 'pointless'.

I suggested that women with double A cup, do not see it as pointless having a breast enlargement - he smiled.

He offered no breast scan and told me to take paracetamol due to him finding no 'lumps'.

He was sceptical I could have on and off breast pain, and said if it was cancer it would not hurt on and off, but
be constant - and/or ofcourse, have a 'lump'.  He said no lump, no breast scan.

I remained polite and calm, but left somewhat - dissapointed.

He didn't take any blood.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Am I correct in drawing the conclusion from what you have said that you have now seen two Doctors about this condition and have had similar responses both times?

I also wonder about something else you have said. If you pinch your nipples and produce pain it is not quite the same as having painful nipples.

Offline headheldhigh01

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women doctors, however well intentioned, very rarely seem to take gyne seriously  :-\ 

as for the guy, ignore him.  who knows why, but he wouldn't understand unless he grew a pair himself.  ignore him.  you need medical advice about the sensation.  outside of that question, you probably know more about gyne than he does. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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