Author Topic: Yesterday's Surgery with Fielding  (Read 6822 times)

Offline Travelbum

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Today marks the 12th day since surgery.  I, like Radio, have noticed improvement each day.  I am MORE than satisfied with the results that I can see now.  Hopefully, that won't change. 

My chest does not feel numb but I have the usual bruising and periodic pain during the day.  The eighth day was actually the most painful day since I was brought back from the recovery room.  I have discontinued the morphine pills because they are too hard on me.  I only used them twice because of a "hangover" affect.  Therefore I took day eight in stride. 

Each day after there was less and less pain.  I have been able to sleep on my right side for the past couple of days.  Last night I woke up and realized that I was laying on my left side.  I have been unable to do that in the past.  I have a very large bruise under my left armpit and imagine that he must have had some extensive work to do there since it was the area with all the pain.  Later in the night (last night) I woke up and found both arms up over my head which I have not been able to do with my left hand.  Needless to say, I think my recovery is coming to the end of the painful stage.  All in all, it was not bad considering I didn't use pain medication throughout.

Before I went into the operating room I told Dr. Fielding that I trusted him completely but I had one request "make them both even".  We both chuckled but I can see that he did just that.  I THINK HE DID A FANTASTIC JOB.  I didn't even expect this kind of result.  I realize that the healing is not over and anything can still happen.  However, if I end up being unsatisfied I can assure you that it ISN'T because he didn't perform his magic on me the correct way.

I am so proud of the new me.  I am glad I did my "homework" and checked out MANY PS's before I made my choice.

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Everything is continuing to heal. I gauge my overall healing by my body's functionality; each day I'm more flexible, and more able to do whatever I need to. Still, I avoid any added stress to my chest area. I removed the surgical tape yesterday. Holy hell, that is the stickiest substance I've ever come across. Canadian1987, I can see how it took 3 weeks to come off! However, because my chest is numb, I didn't feel any pain removing the pieces, and just went for it. I now apply Polysporin and bandaids to my 2 areola incisions and to my 2 puncture points.

In terms of appearance, my chest gains a better contour as each day passes. I'm excited to see what it will look like 6 months down the road. I also have some swelling on both sides. My right side actually has, what seems like, some new swelling: on my RHS, the area about 1-1.5 inches above and to the left of my areola is most swollen; it's slightly discoloured like a mild bruise, and is stiffer/harder than other areas.

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Day 17 post-op.

I continue to heal. I phoned Dr. Fielding's office this week, and within two days he called me back. Such a nice doctor! He patiently talked with me over the phone, and listened to my questions. He even began asking me questions; it was a great feeling to know he actually cares how his patients are doing, and how his "handy work" turned out. I mostly just asked him whether the numbness and swelling I was experiencing was normal. He assured me that they are.

I've noticed that the 2 incisions at the base of my areolas are healing well. He did a great job making those cuts. They were very fine, and carefully sutured back together. They look less visible with each day. The two puncture scars (from lipo), however, are more visible that I expected them to be. Prior to surgery, I always heard that these wounds, if anything, would be very insignificant. I'll admit, they're not huge, but they're darker and more noticeable than the incisions (at this point, anyway). I'll continue to be patient.

My chest has swelling. To the touch, the swollen areas are very hard. Though, I think the swelling has gone down a little in the last couple days. My RHS is slightly more swollen than my LHS, which is odd, considering my gland was bigger on my LHS. Dr. Fielding told me that swelling can take up to 3 months to subside. Minor amounts of bruising are also still present as well—again, predominantly on my RHS.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Thanks for the update dude...

Dr. Fielding told me that swelling can take up to 3 months to subside.

One guy a few years ago said that he was still swollen at 6 months...   :o


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

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Day 25 Post-op

In the past week, my swelling has reduced significantly. Some swelling remains however. Although I was allowed to remove my surgical compression vest after 3 weeks, I've continued to wear it. I'm still healing, and I read somewhere on these forums that a number of people experienced significant swelling in the few days after removing their surgical compression vests. In the next day or two, I plan to switch out my post-op compression vest, and begin wearing the Underworks compression vest t-shirt I was wearing prior to surgery. I'll likely wear that over the course of the next month, which isn't too inconvenient for me, after all, I was wearing that vest every day for the past year

Scars are continuing to heal. I may order some biodermis silicon gel sheets to assist in the healing of my lipo scars next week. They are more apparent then I expected. I also intent on resuming my exercise routine (running and weight training) this week. I'll also wear compression t-shirts under my gym clothes over the next month, just to be safe.

I'm still numb in my chest, but the numbness-area radius has decreased. For the first 2-3 weeks post-op, an area with radius of approx. 2 inches from the center of my nipple (fairly large circle) was entirely numb on both sides. I'm talking, it felt as if I was anesthetized. Now, that radius has decreased in length (the circles are smaller). So now I'm still entirely numb below my areolas, and the skin surrounding it, but my entire chest isn't numb. I'll continue to be patient.


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Offline Travelbum

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I had my surgery the same day as Radio but I have different concerns.  My lipo "slits" (for lack of a better word) are completely healed although there is a slight small "bruise like" discolorization.  There is no scar tissue whatsoever and the surface of the two marks is smooth.  I expect the bruise appearance will go away with time.  It is hardly noticeable right now anyway. 

My biggest concern is the fact that I have two creases across my areolas (one on each areola).  I have been working out for the past couple of weeks doing exercises that will build muscle in the chest.  The creases seem to be going away because they look better each day.  I am hoping that I am really seeing them objectively and not just because I want them to go away. 

I remember someone who had surgery a few weeks/months before me reported that they had a crease over one areola.  I would be curious to know if that ever went away.  I do have a follow up visit with Dr. Fielding in December so I can ask him about the longevity of these creases.  I still believe that the good doctor did a FANTASTIC job and even with the two creases I look 100% better than I did before I went to see him.   I can't ever remember seeing myself with such a flat chest.  LOL 

The funny part of this whole story is that I am 61 years old.  I had some of the best professional doctors in the U.S. tell me that because of my age and the elasticity of my skin, that I would never be able to have a flat chest.  Well, perhaps I should mail them some photos. LOL  Fielding never once considered either issue to be a problem since that was the first thing I asked him about in the consultation.

Like Radio, I am wearing a compression shirt.  I usually wear mine during the day when I am not working out.  I wear my "Dr. Fielding" vest when I go for my daily bike ride.  I don't wear either when I work out or sleep at night.  I have tried each of these activities with or without the vest or shirt and I find this combination works best for me (keeping in mind that I judge the results by how prominent the creases are after each activity).

Feel free to ask questions.  If you have any experience with post op creases, please tell me what I can expect.     

Offline dizahs

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It's good to know you guys are all healing well...I just had my surgery yesterday.. so I guess today is Day 1...any advices? I'm not in too much pain...don't feel anything other than the pressure of the vest when Im lying down in bed...When Im moving around I can feel it a little bit...and also i do have some pain meds which I haven't taken yet...I also have a follow up meeting with Dr. Fielding 1 week from now...Any other advices for this week? Do's and Don'ts?

Offline dizahs

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Btw you guys should put up some before/after pics!

Offline cross

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Hi Travelbum,

I'm from Quebec too and have been thinking about having the surgery done by Dr. Fielding as well.  Could I ask you the cost of the surgery?  If you prefer to reply by private message, I would understand.


Offline cross

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Just found the other thread where you paid $4200 for the surgery!  ;D


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