Author Topic: Why are there 3 times as many threads and posts in "Revision Surgery"?  (Read 4640 times)

Offline moreadvancesplease

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Than there are in "Successful Surgery"?

I must admit it's hard to ignore the fact that there are nearly triple the amount of posts and topics in the revision category than the success category on this forum. For someone with very mild to mild gyno I really feel like there should be more focus on other alternatives to surgery, because honestly many to most of the "before and after" pictures i see posted on this forum aren't very impressive. In some cases (too many in my opinion) an outpatient actually looks worse.

I am well aware of the fact that ALL the "natural supplements" that are advertised online do not work. I just don't seem to understand how there isn't any progress on the non-invasive side of this problem? I mean, i'm pretty sure the surgeons who do gynecomastia removals wouldn't really be too excited about a non-invasive solution :P (no offense to those that help out the community, but let's face it - business is business. A serious non-invasive fix for gyno would essentially eliminate this procedure from a plastic surgeons repertoire). Given the advances in modern science i just don't understand how there isn't some medicinal compound that could enable a gland to shrink over time.

Anyway, my main point here is that "SURGERY IS YOUR ONLY OPTION" seems to be jammed down the throats of the users on this forum. When I feel that for those of us with very mild to mild gyno would do just fine with a simple undershirt that doesn't look like plastic (Again, doesn't seem to difficult to make a compound shirt with a mix of cotton and other fibers to produce a NORMAL looking compressive A-shirt). Or water-resistant shirtless options like sprays or creams that stiffen the area for a few hours at a time to allow for normal beach visits. I mean all this stuff i'm mentioning seems completely within the realm of "possible", and once again simple solutions for seemingly simple problems are over shadowed by overly expensive procedures (that have far too high a failure rate) and overly complicated products.

No ones competent anymore, lol.

Offline mrpower33

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The main reason there are so many revision surgery posts is that people go cheap.  It's as simple as that.  There are only a handful of surgeons in this country that specialize in this type of surgery and they are expensive, going with someone else is just a big question mark and those are the guys you see on this forum complaining about it.  It's partially self-selective also.  People with successful surgeries might come and post here, but most won't, they have better things to do.

As for non-invasive solutions, there are, they just don't work for everyone.  I think aromatase inhibitors are a very strong candidate for a full-on cure if you are treated early enough.  The problem is that gynecomastia is a pretty minor, non-health threatening phenomenon that's a problem only to a small subset of the male population.  Most guys don't have this problem and for most that do, it goes away in a few years.  This has been confirmed in study after study despite what people say on this board.  For the VAST MAJORITY of guys, it goes away.  That's why you never see it and you never hear about it, because during the 3-6 months that teenage boys have it, they're not flashing they're chest to everybody.  For the small number of unlucky people like us it never goes away and many others just don't care.  After a few years, surgery really is the only option, the tissue becomes fibrous and the body can't get rid of it anymore.

People who have minor cases should try to live with it first, with just the ideas you posted.  Sometimes weight loss and weightlifting can help.  For many here, it's just not good enough, no matter how minor the case.  That's up for everyone to decide on their own and you can't really judge people on how they choose to spend their money. 

If you do decide to go with surgery just remember one thing:  don't go cheap.  If you do, it may work out for you or it may not, but you can always make more money.  You only have this one body to work with. 

Offline zane949

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Agree with Mrpower the people that are happy with there results dont post. 

Offline superduty

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I dont think "Cheap" is the reason.  Rather it is people choose the wrong surgeons.  There are many surgeons out there who charge a fortune and do a crappy job.  Many surgeons that charge the same as Jacobs or Bermant, yet their work doesnt compare.  Price is one factor, but definitely NOT the only one.

Offline kingboob

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its because people have unrealistic expectations of cosmetic surgery due to the media.
Try to think what is happening here- you are cutting your body up with a knife!. There is bound to trauma there in those circumstances!

yep, that is my belief also.     I think people have massive expectations without really stopping to think just WHAT  they are having done.   There are endless examples of guys with moderate to severe  gynecomastia who state pre-op that they would be happy with an 80% improvement; looking good in a thin T-shirt for example........... yet AFTER the surgery they are posting up almost immediately in a panic because one nipple is VERY slightly puffy or there is a slight crease or visible scars,  etc etc etc.   

 It is almost like people do not realise this is SURGERY.  SCARS are part of getting cut open, there is no such thing as a perfect result and this type of gyne reduction operation is a trade off between boobs and potential complications (as previously mentioned, scars, craters, creases, loss of sensation etc), and in large cases being able to go topless on the beach may never be a realistic goal.

Guys with very small or mild gyne are disproportionately represented when it comes to revision surgery (IMO). They actually have very little to complain about pre-op (the problem is usually more mental than anything) and post op very few ever seem satisfied.

Offline headheldhigh01

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disguising it is a coping technique.  it is not a fix.  surgery is a fix.  most who get it don't bother coming back here, and that includes lurkers who never posted at any time. 

that's why i always tell people, if you can live with it, great, but if you can't, surgery is the only option.  i've had it up to here with people who think if you aren't hauling around 45d jugs in a titanium bra, it's all just in your head, you must have body dysmorphic disorder, if you don't have terminal cancer you shouldn't spend any money on yourself, blah blah blah blah. 

if you can't stand the thought of other people deciding for themselves what's right for them and fixing their problems, don't impose your views on them.  they're going to take their lives back for themselves, whether you approve or not. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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With only a few notable exceptions, most people who have had successful surgery are not heard from thereafter.

Conversely, we hear from people who are less than thrilled with the outcome of their surgeries again and again. Sometimes, the first time they post it is about their "failed" surgery.

The best chance of having a really good surgical outcome depends upon the patient as much  if not more than it does on the surgeon. Simply put, the patient picks the surgeon more often than the other way around.

Be careful in the selection of your surgeon and start your relationship with them by being completely honest. Finally, follow all instructions from the surgeon to the letter.  Anything less than that and you have only yourself to blame for a less than desired outcome.

Grandpa Dan

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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With only a few notable exceptions, most people who have had successful surgery are not heard from thereafter.


You hit the nail dead center there Dan...  ;)


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline headheldhigh01

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i did read your comment.  it wasn't as bad as the thread starter, but you DID say if you don't have it as big as a woman, it's just mental, it isn't a problem, it's all in your mind - to which i answer, h*ll no. 

gyne is gyne, from small to severe. 


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