Author Topic: Post surgery blues. Will my fat come back?  (Read 5492 times)

Offline wannabemassive

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Guys just wanted to know if the fat above and below my nipple will return???

I am a regular gym goer and had built a nice chest apert from the gyno. doc has removed gland and liposuctioned the area and 11 days after surgery these flat spots are annoying me.

I know i have no patience, i should be thankful but, just think the bar has been raised higher to complete this task of liking my chest.

Will 6months of training and eating smooth them out??



Offline kingboob

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So you are saying that you have some dents or craters?        11 days is very early on, you will see improvements for a long time yet.   

 Some areas of my chest didn't heal so well and I noticed slight improvements for 6 months or so; however I recently started doing some fairly firm/aggressive massage of the problem spots and I have noticed quite dramatic improvements in only 2 weeks.............. unless you have massive craters where the surgeon has scooped half your chest out I doubt you will have any long term problems.

Offline freefromG

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had excision only about 2 months ago, i have the same problem it frustrates me more than the bit of gland that is still there, when i flex or raise my arms above my head there is a noticeable crater above my nipple that extends toward the centre of chest, the other side is much better. im thinking the doc either had a shit day or started on the bad side and could not tell the difference between fat and gland (im was a regular gym goer, with a solid chest but little fat).

When im wearing a shirt, that pec looks smaller than the other. Really bummed about it.

Is this a similar prob to you you guys?

Offline wannabemassive

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Hi FreefromG

Very similar, when i tense my chest i have an un-natural line going from outside nipple to above nipple that measures 3". Then directly below nipple i have another line which is about 2" long.

I asked my doc if this would fillout through diet and exercise. Doc said i dont know. ???

It has been 4weeks now and i am impressed with the job that the doc has done. When training i dont like the look so i wear a t-shirt over my compression top which just make me train hard and more aggressive >:(. Have been using muscle volumisers to try and pump it out, and it is looking better than 3weeks ago.

Will have pro surgeon consultation in 6months to see if they will be able to help.

If they cant my next stop is going to be a Pro Bodybuilders gym and just try and build a big chest that will mask that area.



Offline freefromG

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Good luck, hopefully the PS when i see him for checkup will agree to fix the area somehow with fat grafts or a filler of some sort. I have one big pec and a slightly smaller one haha although i dont find it very funny

Offline freefromG

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Any progress wannabemassive on the contour issues? iam still waiting, but at least the scars are rather faded. Real sensitive to touch the scooped area still and feels numb but

Does your chest look wierd around nip when you raise your arms above your head?? one of my is normal as and the other looks scooped.

I read on a journal article that a filler called Bioalchemid? can be a good filler for women who have breast reconstructions.. anyone heard of this

Offline decimal

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I mite have a similar problem going on, or even worse.  :(

Does any one have anything remotely similar

I was looking up coleman method of fat transfer. Apparently it is much more successful compared to earlier techniques, and is also used in breast reconstruction.

Any ideas?

Offline freefromG

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 have researched a bit on fat transfer and heard that coleman method might be an option. they can give women boob jobs with fat transfer alone and even to soften around implants and skinny individuals.
I think it can still be rather pricey, whereas fillers can be done with local anesthetic and do not need to be harvested.

Offline freefromG

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Hi decimal u wanted to know if i had pics, so thought this thread might be best to see if we are all looking at the same prob. It is really hard to capture it properly but it looks worse when arms above head and natural light (real bummer for outdoors). The arms up shot shows the depression above the nipple and one to the centre/below. The arms to the side is with left pec flexed (doc said it is just the natural pec line when it flexes = BS) the rigt pec is fine for fat etc, although both pics show remaining gland, although i think 6 mnths will give a better indication for what is scar tissue etc.

here are some b4 op

I just hope im whinging as im sure there are some that would be happy with the results, remaining gland is annoying but can see an improvement there.

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I can certainly see the dent problem that you are talking about. I can feel your pain, bro. But let me also assure that 70% of the people on this forum who havnt got surgery yet or didnt have post surgery issues will say that you are being overly critical.

Having to suffer from dents myself, I know only too well how pictures hardly tell the whole truth when it comes to post surgery complications. What seems quite minor in a picture can be very conspicuous in real life and even more frustrating nd depressing for the sufferer. In fact, go ahead and use the flash on your camera, and the problem will magically disappear in your pics!

I do see the glandish contour. What I dint quite get is that how could you have a protrusion at the nipples and a dent over it. I mean I would assume that either the doc took out too much leaving a dent, or took out too little leaving a bulge. But how can you have both?

How long has it been since you got surgery? I suggest you take a picture with more light to highlight all your contours. It is best to have someone else click a picture of you if that doesnt bother you.

Offline freefromG

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What seems quite minor in a picture can be very conspicuous in real life and even more frustrating nd depressing for the sufferer. In fact, go ahead and use the flash on your camera, and the problem will magically disappear in your pics!

It is hard to capture properly as there as the problem is mainly the dent in the up and to the centre from the nipple and to the centre and below that means that one pec is not full compared to the other with a shirt on, from front or side view

I do see the glandish contour. What I dint quite get is that how could you have a protrusion at the nipples and a dent over it. I mean I would assume that either the doc took out too much leaving a dent, or took out too little leaving a bulge. But how can you have both?

Well there is gland remaining but fat (and i only had excision) must have been removed from these areas somehow, or even worse mistaken for gland..

How long has it been since you got surgery? I suggest you take a picture with more light to highlight all your contours. It is best to have someone else click a picture of you if that doesnt bother you.

It has been just over 3 months so still hold hope yet, would get someone to take a pic but i have kept this whole thing to myself...which makes it mentally more difficult not buyin able to talk to family or friends, really thought this was a straight forward

Ive seen your pics Decimal, as an observer and seeing the results immediately after surgery it looked pretty damn good, i can see and feel what your goin through now but mate. Its a good thing that others consider such complications prior to going ahead and understand that even if the gland is gone, the unnatural results can often leave a very sour taste.

All things improve in time, and when it comes down to it, we really have nothing to complain about health wise, its all in our heads, when i look at a lot of poor ppl hobbling around or sick and whatever.

be good if anyone has feedback on dermal fillers, and no offence Drs, informing us of fat flap techniques now and how you dont do fat grafts etc is just disheartening.

Offline decimal

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I agree any post-surgical scars are mostly in our head...but wasnt gynecomastia just in our heads too. Boobs on a guy don't pose any health issues. But yet we decide to go for surgery coz the mental stress due to gyno becomes too much to handle.  Ultimately, surgery or no-surgery, it boils due to attaining peace of mind and satisfaction. If I m not happy after surgery, then its the same as not having had surgery at all, except that I am lighter by a few thousand dollars and have caused unnecessary trauma to my body. Thats how I feel. Yeah, I know, I might be sounding a bit pessimistic.

And TOUCHE on the fat grafts comment!!!

PS: Black text with red highlighting.......VERY HARD to read


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What seems quite minor in a picture can be very conspicuous in real life and even more frustrating nd depressing for the sufferer. In fact, go ahead and use the flash on your camera, and the problem will magically disappear in your pics!

It is hard to capture properly as there as the problem is mainly the dent in the up and to the centre from the nipple and to the centre and below that means that one pec is not full compared to the other with a shirt on, from front or side view

I do see the glandish contour. What I dint quite get is that how could you have a protrusion at the nipples and a dent over it. I mean I would assume that either the doc took out too much leaving a dent, or took out too little leaving a bulge. But how can you have both?

Well there is gland remaining but fat (and i only had excision) must have been removed from these areas somehow, or even worse mistaken for gland..

How long has it been since you got surgery? I suggest you take a picture with more light to highlight all your contours. It is best to have someone else click a picture of you if that doesnt bother you.

It has been just over 3 months so still hold hope yet, would get someone to take a pic but i have kept this whole thing to myself...which makes it mentally more difficult not buyin able to talk to family or friends, really thought this was a straight forward

Ive seen your pics Decimal, as an observer and seeing the results immediately after surgery it looked pretty damn good, i can see and feel what your goin through now but mate. Its a good thing that others consider such complications prior to going ahead and understand that even if the gland is gone, the unnatural results can often leave a very sour taste.

All things improve in time, and when it comes down to it, we really have nothing to complain about health wise, its all in our heads, when i look at a lot of poor ppl hobbling around or sick and whatever.

be good if anyone has feedback on dermal fillers, and no offence Drs, informing us of fat flap techniques now and how you dont do fat grafts etc is just disheartening.

There is a significant chance that I perform more Revision Gynecomastia Surgery on other doctors misadventures than anyone in the world.  This is more complicated surgery and much more difficult that doing good surgery the first time. Preventing such complications through patient education is much better than needing much more expensive more difficult sculpture.

What is even more disheartening is to see new patients fall victim to techniques I have seen so many failures from. If a technique works, the doctor claiming it works should be able to show such documentation. This documentation should include animation. How the tissues move such as with Standard After Gynecomastia Pictures or better yet Standard After Gynecomastia Video can really show if a technique has merit or limitations.  Hiding the limitations of a lemon car is part of the art of a used car salesman. That is the problem of looking at limited before and after photos, the angles that change from patient to patient to put the best foot forward and hide the potential issues.

An unscarred fat layer is the lubrication of the chest permitting the skin to glide over the animation of the muscles.  The problem with dermal fillers, is that they are not like fat.  They are designed to have the consistency of the firmer dermis which is more like scar tissue or gland.  Fat graft survival in fat is poor, that is why Sid Coleman's lectures features putting the fat in more vascularized muscle.  Putting the fat in the muscle for the chest will not compensate for a depression in the fat layer and moves miserably.

I have attended several such lectures over the years. Never once have I seen presented such animation documentation. Yet I have seen patients after these experts' surgery myself, both at meetings, on television, and in movies. Seeing such a person in life, I become quite uncomfortable looking at these grotesque failures of animation that the surgeons cover up with selective still images.  It is like looking at a horrible deformity, as a doctor I can hide such feeling externally just as I do with those mutilated with cancer or trauma. 

Accepting compromise is critical and is key to an ethical presentation of risks, benefits, and alternate methods of care.
There are limitations to our art of surgery.  However with public education, prevention can be a powerful tool. Just as seat belts have minimized the number of mutilated faces that used to go through windshields of cars, forum posts with links to websites with techniques that are documented can sometimes help prevent some misadventures.

That is the power of my Fat Flap Sculpture. By bringing the blood supply, fat has a much better chance of survival than of a small clump of fat that now needs to get its new blood supply from surrounding tissues. Whatever failure to keep alive results in firmer fat to dense scar or anything in between.  When it survives, it remains soft and subtle like natural fat and can provide not just a filler effect, but the animation and feel of a natural tissue.

Yes, all deformity or beauty is in our heads. Accepting defects is a blessing, but society can be cruel.  Living with a missing nose or ear from trauma can be devastating. Build that individual a functional new structure, and watch their soul soar!  That is the true art of Plastic Surgery that attracted me to this form of sculpture decades ago.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Offline wannabemassive

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Hey guys sorry for the late reply.

Does your chest look wierd around nip when you raise your arms above your head?? one of my is normal as and the other looks scooped.

Yes left side you can see there is alot less fat under chest around nipple. The line that ran from bottom outside pec to upper pec has faded considerablly from daily maasage using bio oil pressing firmly up and down and left to right and daigonal and lastly small circles. Right side you can see the dent under the nipple, but doc has not taken enough fat from above nipple so it still looks swollen, had ultrasound to see if it was a heamotoma but it is just chest tissue. I will be training extremly hard doing alot of drop sets and super sets.

Freefromg from looking at your pic after op i can see the line going from outside chest to above nipple.
Plenty of massage and weight training will help.

I dont think you have that much gland left maybe some excess fat so it does not cave in.

Will give update in 1 month




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