Author Topic: surgery complete!  (Read 10021 times)

Offline D24

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Quick update: my nipples and chest has puffed out a lot to the point it looks like I've had nothing removed, I hope this is swelling. Around my right nipple is becoming very hard the same as after the lipo only on the NHS. Also today I transferred doctors to a more local practice and had to have a kind of medical i.e. Weigt height etc they also took my blood pressure and said it was extremely high at 216 over something (I couldn't see the paper properly with the numbers on). I've had my blood pressure taken a lot this year with the lipo and excision I've had. I had the excision less than two weeks ago and my blood pressure was taken and was absolutely fine, they took it twice and have asked me to return tomorrow to have it done again. They said if it's high tomorrow I'll have to go on medication for the rest of my life. I can't understand how it can change so much, maybe stress I don't know but I'm pretty down at the min.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 12:10:35 PM by D24 »

Offline kingboob

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Are you over weight.... IE: BMI over 25?  Do you have any other risk factors for high blood pressure such as high alcohol intake, a salty diet, lack of exercise, lack of fruit and vegetables in your diet, family history of HBP / heart issues??

  Were you stressed at the doctors (anxiety 'white coat' related high blood pressure). I remember from a previous post you said you are 24 and into bodybuilding??    I'm 23 and while I'm no bodybuilder I do enjoy the gym and walking my dog every day..... I had my BP done at the hospital yesterday and it was very high at 180/83... previously 179/85 6mnth ago....    Your figure of 216 is even higher.     My doctor is doing various blood tests to see if there is an underlying cause;  people our age who take regular exercise and eat a reasonable diet shouldn't have high BP for no reason.  Age and obesity are usually the two biggest risk factors.

I would suggest you press your GP to investigate WHY your BP is so high before taking medication to lower it.   It may also be worth getting a home BP monitor and seeing what numbers you get when relaxed at home, you can get them in boots for about £60, a worthwhile investment???  I have a home monitor and my BP swings about wildly from 120/65 to 150+/80+, but I always get the scary high readings when in a hospital setting! (anxiety related I think)

As for the puffy nipples/chest.... it could well be swelling., most likely is since you are only a few weeks out of surgery.... I had a seroma drained and it seemed to partially refill with fluid and made the tissue hard and lumpy.... it has / is taking a long time to go back to normal, even many months later. 

If you are getting some kind of freaky regrowth 6 months down the line then it is time to see an hormone specialist.

Offline D24

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Thanks kingboob for the reply. Yeah I am classed as over weight @ 17stone and 5ft 11. Iam into bodybuilding which has had to stop obviously with the recent surgery. I do have a seroma which was drained on fri and has to be again this fri so maybe that's the cause of the puffiness. As for the blood pressure I am feeling quite stressed lately because of the whole gyno thing and I did wonder about the white coat syndrome you mentioned. Hopefully tomorrow my bp will be normal again, if not I'm goin to request they leave it for a while until I can return to my normal routine i.e in the gym 4 times a week. As for eating I eat very healthy and use very little salt I.e. Less than 6 gramms a day and no hidden salt in foods as I eat chicken tuna potatoes rice and protein drinks. Since I had to stop training before my excision op I have ate a bit of crap and not my routine meals. I think the home monitor is a good idea being more relaxed, hopefully it's just an one off as I've always had bp well within normal readings and especially with it being checked less than two weeks ago before and after surgery.

Offline postiey

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not meaning to sound funny but 17st for 5 11 is a big weight to carry. im 6.0 and at my heaviest 14st. is it mostly muscle with u? are u body builder?
cardio i think would be better rather than weights i would of thought. atleast untill u get ur bp down

Offline D24

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not meaning to sound funny but 17st for 5 11 is a big weight to carry. im 6.0 and at my heaviest 14st. is it mostly muscle with u? are u body builder?
cardio i think would be better rather than weights i would of thought. atleast untill u get ur bp down

Yeah i admit it is heavy, to cut a long story short i was 13 stone with very little bodyfat and trained 4 times a week. Realising training had no effect on my gyno i lost all confidence and ballooned to 20 stone. So i finally thought that's it iv'e had enough and got back into my bodybuilding. I've dropped 3 stone and will get back to around 14 stone and have also put a lot of muscle on but is obviously covered by fat. Bodybuilding's bringing my weight down well and building muscle but as i said i have been advised to stop while healing. Blood pressure always been fine even less than two weeks ago when it was checked until todays reading. Hopefully all will be normal when checked tomorrow.

Offline D24

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I'm very happy to say I had my bp checked again and eveythin is fine. The nurse took it and littlerally said wow your bp is very good and no cause for concern it's came down to normal. So not sure what happened yesterday maybe just nervous about seein a new doc for the first time. Got a follow up with my surgeon on Friday to have more of my seromas aspirated. Thanks again guys for the replies
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 12:43:39 PM by D24 »

Offline postiey

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great news mate! happy ur BP has come down

regaurding the other post i totally know what u mean gyne just affects ur detrmination to train. i get down all the time when my stomach shrinks but the gyne stays. one day i will be rid of to hopefully.

thanks for the reply anyhow

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the first result you see after the surgery is really just the quiet after the storm!

Its just swelling, ive had it and ive still scar tissue 7 months on. But it gets better with every passing week of massaging/gym work dont let it get you down it will even out eventually. But it will take time :(. Ill try and take some pics of mine later on but if you look at my orignal pictures the day after the op im completley flat but if you go to the next page you will see some swelling. That took a long time to dissapate and its mainly just scar tissue in the RH side now!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline D24

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Thanks postiey. The way I look at it now is that eventually we'll be rid of the gyne so keep training hard and when we are gyne free we can enjoy it coz of the work we've put into the rest of our bodies.

 It would be good to see some pics if you could Todd. I have a seroma on both sides that I'm hoping will go after a few aspirations but wish it looked like after surgery I was on cloud 9 then and couldn't stop lookin in the mirror a my chest.

Offline D24

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Had another aspiration today from my surgeon and my chest's deflated instantly a lot better. I have to have another aspiration next friday but it's getting better. Last time was very painfull but wasn't to bad today thankfully, last week it felt like someone had stuck a knife in both nipples (well that's what i expect it feels like as i've never had a knife stuck in me). My surgeon said it will probablys need aspirating a few more times and will eventually go away. He also said im fine to return to the gym for cardio preferably the stationary bike or anythin that doesnt involve upper body and that i should be able to resume normal training in a few weeks.

Offline postiey

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sounds good the mate! ive got to be honest i hope i dont have to got through that it sounds painful. post some pics off the incisions if u get a chance.

cheers postiey

Offline D24

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sounds good the mate! ive got to be honest i hope i dont have to got through that it sounds painful. post some pics off the incisions if u get a chance.

cheers postiey

Yeah it's not the nicest thing I've ever experianced haha but it's not unbareable, I'd rather have aspiration than gyno. I'll post some pics tomorrow if I get a chance. Unfortunately a seroma after gland removal is pretty common from what I've been told and read, basically the fluid occupies the void where the gland was. Not everyone gets them but it is quite common.

Offline kingboob

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sounds good the mate! ive got to be honest i hope i dont have to got through that it sounds painful. post some pics off the incisions if u get a chance.

cheers postiey

Yeah it's not the nicest thing I've ever experianced haha but it's not unbareable, I'd rather have aspiration than gyno. I'll post some pics tomorrow if I get a chance. Unfortunately a seroma after gland removal is pretty common from what I've been told and read, basically the fluid occupies the void where the gland was. Not everyone gets them but it is quite common.

I believe this is why wearing a compression vest is very helpful.... it must push the sides of the cavity together meaning it can't fill up with fluid as easily. 

Having a seroma aspirated shouldn't be all that painful, but of course it carries a risk too...... mainly introducing bugs and creating an infection via the needle.

Offline postiey

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thanks for that information king boob!

Offline D24

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I agree the vest is valuable but my surgeon said i'm ok without one as it was excision only this time so i just followed his judgement. On the other hand after my lipo only i did suffer a large hematoma even during wearing a compression garment 24 hours a day for 6 weeks. Returned to the gym today, did 30 mins on the stationary bike and some sit ups and leg raises for my stomach and feel good, no pain touchwood.


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