Author Topic: Consultation  (Read 3615 times)

Offline Trycer6

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So I went in for my consultation today and it became apparent that my doctor didn't really know anything about the surgery. My heart kind of broke a little when he was talking about just doing liposuction and no gland excision. I really pushed him and asked if he would do gland excision and liposuction, but he said it was almost impossible to do both in the same operation (?). Is there some truth in this, or is this guy just completely useless? So anyway I'm back to square one and I think I'm either going to go with Dr. Bermant or Dr. Jacobs. Which one do you guys recommend? I hear that Dr. Bermant always does gland excision, while Dr. Jacobs doesn't always. Is this true? If so I think I'll go with Bermant, because I just need this fucking gland out of me, pardon my language. Any input on anything I said would be great. My dad is kind of pissed that I don't want to just listen to the advice of the first doctor and I'm kind of doubting myself. I'm right, aren't I? The gland needs to be removed, doesn't it? Sorry for the rant but I just want to know I'm doing the right thing.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 12:52:13 AM by Trycer6 »

Offline krucial

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Man dude! that is total bullshit what your doctor told you....Dr. Bermant or Dr. Jacobs. are the big names you wanna stick to. There are a few others but not many. Many surgeons know plastic surgey thru women and have very little experience with gyne surgery.So its very important you stick to a Dr. with good history. Gland removal is the way to go, most definite a good investment if time and money permits.

Good luck man!


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So I went in for my consultation today and it became apparent that my doctor didn't really know anything about the surgery. My heart kind of broke a little when he was talking about just doing liposuction and no gland excision. I really pushed him and asked if he would do gland excision and liposuction, but he said it was almost impossible to do both in the same operation (?). Is there some truth in this, or is this guy just completely useless? So anyway I'm back to square one and I think I'm either going to go with Dr. Bermant or Dr. Jacobs. Which one do you guys recommend? I looked at some of the pictures on Dr. Jacobs's site, and no offense to the man because I'm sure he's a great surgeon, but some of the improvements just didn't look that drastic. I hear that Dr. Bermant always does gland excision, while Dr. Jacobs doesn't always. Is this true? If so I think I'll go with Bermant, because I just need this fucking gland out of me, pardon my language. Any input on anything I said would be great. My dad is kind of pissed that I don't want to just listen to the advice of the first doctor and I'm kind of doubting myself. I'm right, aren't I? The gland needs to be removed, doesn't it? Sorry for the rant but I just want to know I'm doing the right thing.

Not all doctors use the same methods. For almost all of my patients I perform excision and liposuction and have been doing such sculpture for many years.

Yes, I prefer to target gland first with my Dynamic Technique. Rarely when the gland component is so trivial, I will only perform liposuction.  But for almost all, gland excision is what helps leave a flat contour under the areola when that areola muscle relaxes.  I can target the gland first without a Crater Deformity by employing my Fat Flap Reconstruction that supports the areola with fat instead of the pointed gland. I have seen too many patients from other surgeons complaining of Residual Puffy Nipples After Gynecomastia Surgery complication when the deepest components of the gland are removed and superficial gland was left "to support the areola." On that last link you will need to hover your cursor over that phrase to see what I mean.

We see many patients from around the world who prefer my techniques.  To help minimize travel, many start with our Preliminary Remote Discussion. Jane is my office manager and can explain the process.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline fluffy_tits

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yes that doctor is full of shit!  I had both done!  I think your doctor isn't very experience (sounds like it).  He's prolly young huh?

And I think you should PM each doctor about their tecniques instead of posting on a public forum what think of their surgeries turn out bc I'm sure they don't wanna come on here and see that you said "well i don't think he's work turns out to good...etc" yah kno? (ikno those wasn't the exact words...just sayin)

don't listen to your dad.  it's not his body and if a surgeon messes up on you, then what is he goin to say??  you're goin to be left with the results for life so find the best surgeon you can possibly find and that suites your needs! 
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Yes, it is absolutely possible to do lipo and gland excision at the same operation -- it is done all the time.

I do direct gland excision (via a peri-areolar incision) when necessary.  This decision is made during the operation.  Oftentimes, using my own aggressive cannula, I am able to remove excess gland tissue from a small nick in the skin near the armpit.  If, during surgery, I am unable to do so because of very thick, dense gland tissue, then without hesitation, I will make an incision at the areola and remove any tissue that way.

But in 40-50% of my cases, I can achieve an absolutely flat and contoured chest without having to make the additional incision around the areola.  And if I can save the patient a scar, then why not?

My understanding with my patients:  one way or another, they will leave the office with no gyne remaining.

Dr Jacobs
« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 04:28:15 PM by Dr. Elliot Jacobs »
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Miguel Delgado

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From plastic surgeons coast to coast who perform this procedure and do it right are in agreement with Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Bermant. If you live on the East Coast, I would recommend that you go with either one of those fine surgeons. We are in Northern California, and Dr. Delgado who also specializes in this procedure would agree with their opinion...rarely is liposuction alone going to get the best result, in fact we get many patients that need to have a "redo" of their original surgery when liposuction alone was done. Now you have a more difficult procedure due to scar tissue that is involved, not to mention the additional costs!

Janice Nunez
Email Communication Coordinator
Office of Miguel A. Delgado, Jr., M.D.


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