Author Topic: do you ever have bad days?  (Read 11455 times)

Offline postiey

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also mine tend to change after i have sex or orgasm, I guess because of the testosterone level changes.

i feel this affects the puffyness of mine to, there must be something in the testosterone level then. i have had my levels checked and the dr said they are fine,what levels are fine tho i dont know.

also i think ur testosterone levels are high in the morning wich could make a difference.

thats why most good fitness instructors say to work out in the morning.

Offline fluffy_tits

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yea you get the best results in the morning/when you wake up cause you have no glucose in you and it's easier to lose weight/burn calories that way.   (that's what i was told anyway)

Fluffy( o )v( o )...

My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline GoldenGate

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Nipple Puffiness Changes Thread

I posted a thread about this a little while back and did not get very many responses.  I am 100% positive that the puffiness changes for me from day to day and even throughout the day.  I think that is related to my hormone levels which perhaps are more delicately balanced than other people.  I know that my diet, sleep, workout, and mood patterns all seem to affect my hormone levels and perhaps sometimes there is a cyclical effect where the hormone levels in turn affect those patterns.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 11:17:43 PM by GoldenGate »
If the worst health issue you face is only an aesthetic one - remember it is just that. You can fix it with surgery, or hide it, or deal with it. The bottom line - we are all battling something that shouldn't stop us from missing out on life and living how we want to. Everyone should be so lucky!

Offline fluffy_tits

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Nipple Puffiness Changes Thread

I posted a thread about this a little while back and did not get very many responses.  I am 100% positive that the puffiness changes for me from day to day and even throughout the day.  I think that is related to my hormone levels which perhaps are more delicately balanced than other people.  I know that my diet, sleep, workout, and mood patterns all seem to affect my hormone levels and perhaps sometimes there is a cyclical effect where the hormone levels in turn affect those patterns.

That link doesn't work.

Fluffy( o )v( o )...

Offline doomzor

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Do any of you have days where you think its worse than others?

I have minor gyne and am due to have a consultation on Friday.  Some days I feel like I have DDs stuck on to my chest and want to wear about 10 layers to hide it, some days I feel like I have nothing and have no problem running around with my chest pushed out.

I just hate it - the way they wobble, the way they stick out.  Some days feel 100x worse than others.

All the time, some days I stare in the mirror and imagine what it would be like without "g". And some days it dont even think about it. My gynecomastia has gotten bigger since i started working out and doing chest exercises but I just stopped working out on my chest until i get the surgery.

me2, i've worked my chest so fucking much, bench press etc but it only makes it worse :(

Offline GoldenGate

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Sorry, I am still learning how to use this board...  I think I fixed it now.

Here is the link again:

Clickable one!!!

Offline KAG

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I notice eatting certain foods causes mine to swell or shrink. Weird thing i notice is if i diet, depending on the foods i eat they will swell up and stay swelled until i start eatting a normal crappy diet.

I also found DIET SODA will cause mine to swell and stay swelled with erect nipples until i don't drink it for a few days. I have to add i do suffer from chemical sensitivities so this might be why it effects so badly. I often wanted other to ask other people on this site to try staying away from diet soda and see if they notice anything.

Mine also got MUCH worse after having alot of sex over a 6 month period. Its words can describe how disaapointed i am in the surgery i had and any of the doctors i've seen. Scary when you know more about it than the doctor.

If i have sex my chest swells, if i have no sex for about 5 days its goes back down. Try telling this to a doctor..........DON"T!

What a FUCKING wonderful way to live.

Another FUCKING wondeful thing is being accused or stereo typed because of this condidtion.

Lets go down the wonderful FUCKING list.

I'M Gay

I'm a Transvistite woman to man. I SHIT you not, me and my wife were treated like crap in a resturant last year in bumblefuck central PA because the 50 yearold bitch waitress thought i was really a woman in mans clothes!

Being accused of using marijana by quite a few doctors! <THAT ONE REALLY PISSES ME OFF! Infact next doctor who even suggests it is getting a nice gift.

I'm a dangerous mutherfker world, i'd stay the fk away from me and keep your commets to yourself. Someone is going to push me over the edge over this and honestly i feel they are going to get what they asked for. Poke at the bear in his cage but once its open you better fking run.


Fucking bad DAYs....should be more like when do good days start?
AND DO NOT POST AFTER SURGERY! MINe was done by a board certified PECKER HEAD, it just started a whole new bunch of problems because of his poor skills. See they don't rate surgeons skills or experience. Doctors and hospitals don't police their own ranks. You gotta be a very very poor doctor to get tossed out of the club trust me.

The surgeon who i put my trust in was NOT quailified and personally think never even did this surgeon on a man before. BUT NOONE STOPPED HIM FROM working on me.

Just the look on some REAL gyne quailfied surgeon faces when they examined me afterwards spoke more than any words they could say. DO YOU THINK ANY OF THEM would help or one even asked me if it was ok if he didn't report this to the pa medical board! WTF!

« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 08:04:59 AM by KAG »

Offline KAG

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  • Posts: 29 Everyone please go read the BS doctors are taught! This is why we all have trouble when you go to a doctor. look at the missinformation at that site

"How is gynecomastia treated?
In most cases, no treatment is needed. Your doctor will probably want to check the size of your breast tissue every few months. In 90% of teenage boys, gynecomastia goes away in less than 3 years.

Sometimes the problem can be solved if you stop taking a medicine that is causing gynecomastia or stop using an illegal drug that is causing the problem.

Occasionally, medicines may be used to treat gynecomastia, especially if tenderness is a problem. The medicine will make the extra breast tissue go away. Rarely, surgery may be necessary to remove the extra breast tissue."

COMPLETE BULL SHEET! Read that statement above, Rarely surgery is necessary BULL SHEET!

This is the info doctors have...its no wonder they act like i'm a freakin criminal!

God i hate doctors!
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 05:37:34 PM by KAG »

Offline headheldhigh01

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the statistic might be close in some strictly technical sense, but when they say ___% of men get it at some point, i think those cases are so minor, like a less than pea-sized bud, i don't know why they count it, and they probably include the guys who still have it just bad enough in the "recovered." 

your experience proves an important point, you either specialize in gyne and you know it, or you don't and you don't.  if the guy doesn't do dozens a year at least, he's not going to know his stuff, and somebody else is going to have to go clean up his botch.  but i'll give credit to the ones that do it right, they can make a real difference in turning this mess around. 

* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Anonymous_Man

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Every day that I have to go out into the world, mostly to work, is a bad day.  It's all I can do, to go out in public. 

Offline chrisf39

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im really into working out and i find when i work out my chest that strictly doing incline style workouts help out my chest

Offline Stingercut

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Fantastic thread this.  KAG love your posts. Nothing better than to say it as it really is.

In my case the only time my Gyne Moobs look ok, is when im either wading out of a freezing cold ocean or I have spent 15m pumping away on a Concept II Rowing maching at my gym. Other than that, I just look a mess. I just hate that evil magical transformation, as they expand out in a conical way and the nipples puff right up. Ironically my wife has great shaped good sized breasts and puffy nipples and they look fantastic on her.

I digress....but I also think of all those women with small boobs they are unhapy with and all this excess unwanted male Moob...why cant the breast tissue just average out so everybodys happy...I know breast Eutopia...hey its been a long day.... and I have lost the plot...

Rant over... :-[

Offline jsboob

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Most days are good for me - Im married to a loving wife, I enjoy my work ( most of the time!), Im relatively healthy,  we arent rich by any means but we go on nice holidays & just generally enjoy life!
 yes I have breasts but I have two legs, two arms all my senses, and realise you are dead a very long time! ;D

There are many , many less fortunate people in this world than me, so I am happy with what I have! 8)


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