Author Topic: Shattered childhood, ready to finally make the change.  (Read 4991 times)

Offline AnotherGynoVictim

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Hey everyone, another victim that suffers from Gyno here. I've suffered from Gyno since as long as I can remember, I believe I was 13 when I started to notice a change in my chest. I'm very self conscious about the way I look. I've avoided parties cause of it, going to the beach, taking off my shirt during sports, etc. I've heard all the excuses from my doctor through the years, it will go away, blah blah blah. Anyway's, let's get straight to the point. I'm now 19 years old and ready to make a life changing decisions before it's too late.

Here's the plan: on February 19th, I'm going to be meeting with my doctor and the surgeon about Bariatric Surgery (weight surgery), we are suppose to be making a scheduled date for that surgery. I want to lose weight before I go ahead and get the Gynecomastia surgery.

More description about it is here:

For now, here are the pictures of my chest. Is it Gyno? I'm 100% positive it is. The scares on the side of the nipple are results of scotch tape (a trick to make it look less apparent in public).

I will most definitely, keep you guys updated on the near future.

Hope you guys the best of luck in whatever you decide to do, it's a rough crowd out there that's for sure.


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For now, here are the pictures of my chest. Is it Gyno? I'm 100% positive it is. The scares on the side of the nipple are results of scotch tape (a trick to make it look less apparent in public).

If a male has a female like breast contour, then, by definition he has gynecomastia.  Tape is a terrible idea for hiding gynecomastia. The pigmentation scars can be permanent and can serve as a constant reminder, even after surgery, of the prior deformity. Body Shaping Garments are much more effective for contouring and stabilization as you can learn by following that link. In particular look at the videos of how the tissue behaves with animation.

Weight Loss Before Surgery is typically much better than weight loss after.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Good luck with your weight reduction surgery -- you will be healthier and happier as well.

Yes, you do have gyne and although it may decrease somewhat after you lose weight, you will still have some excess tissue on your chest and also some lax skin as well.

When you are at a stable and comfortable weight, you may then wish to consult a plastic surgeon to discuss appropriate surgery to trim your chest -- and perhaps your abdomen as well.

Congratulations on taking the first steps towards a better, healthier life!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline WaitAMin

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wow bro good luck man good to see first real steps made...and more people post flicks... hope it prevents future people from trying to use tape method for temp comfort

all success to you!!

Offline headheldhigh01

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agree that's gyne.  you probably know bariatric better than me, but i've heard there's an alternative to the stapling procedure lately that involves banding the stomach or something.  did they discuss all the options there with you too? 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline tenncast

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keep your head can fix this. And you could have it done quickley.  I used Dr. Bermant.  He is good and I would listen to what he suggested. In the mean time, start excercising, eating correctly and you will start to look and feel so much better. There are plenty of good books, personal trainers, web sites....just get started.   
Surgery is not that big of a deal. But there are things that you can doby yourself to  get started.  In one year you could be a different person. Ask you family, friends, God, everyone to help you. 

Sounds like you are ready. I've been in your shoes.  I feel your pain. Excersie, eating right and taking care of yourself is just as important as surgery. I'm praying for you.

Offline jakeyboy08

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Good luck with the weight loss,
The tape doesnt look like its doing your body anygood i would stay away from it,



Offline markfj

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Good luck mate

Let me know if you need any help with diet planning, I have done a lot of research on this and can give you plenty of advice mate, for loosing some fat

Offline Lam3

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Cardio, Cardio, Cardio.

Good luck in the weight loss, and I hope the surgery goes well.

Offline AnotherGynoVictim

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Thanks for all the replies and suggestions Dr. Bermant, Dr. Jacobs, WaitAMin, HHH, Tenn, Jake, Mark, and Lam.

I will keep you updated for sure. I can't wait. New beginning for my life.


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