Author Topic: Dr. Thoma in Hamilton?  (Read 4464 times)

Offline gsxr750

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Has anyone had surgery with Dr. Achilles Thoma in Hamilton? I would really appreciate any feedback in regards to him and plastic surgery. His site says he is Head of Plastic Surgery at St Josephs Hospital and head of Plastic Surgery division for McMaster Hospital.

Here his his site, if any of you in the know could have a look and let me know your opinions. I have a consult this month for gynecomastia and deviated septum.

Thanks in advance!

« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 01:20:08 AM by gsxr750 »

Offline shirtshy

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I did a search in the canada section of this site and nobody has yet posted anything about this doctor (except yours)

The two most reputed doctors in Toronto, and indeed in Canada as it seems people come from both ends of the country for these doctors, are dr. Craig Fielding and Dr. Frank Lista.   
I went with dr. Fielding, he also works out of St. Josephs Hospital and therefore ohip covers the gland removal part (but not the lipo)
Frank Lista has a private clinic, so is a bit more expensive.  Both have very good reviews here and consultations are free for lista, and covered by ohip for Fielding.

As for Thoma, he sounds reputable, but gyno experience is essential.  A good question to ask him is if you can see before/after pictures of his patients results .  He should oblige.

I went with Fielding, and had surgery a month ago.  My before and after (11 days post op) pics are in the links below. ↓ Any questions feel free to ask.

Surgeon: Dr. Fielding

View My Pre-Op Pictures
View My POST OP Pictures

Jan 13 2010, Moobs Remoobed!!!

Offline JCF Patient

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I just saw the pre and post ops pics of shirtshy. I amd 31 and I have almost same type of gyno as you may be a bit less and I am having my surgery in two weeks with Dr. Fielding. To be honest I was a bit concerned about lose skin or deformities but after seeing your pics I have good hope. Also, Dr. Fielding told me lose skin shouldnt be a problem because I have good skin tone. I have to say you got amazing results.

Anyhow thanks for posting your results. I will be thrilled if my reslts are simillar to yours, I pray thats the case. I am so looking forward to having a normal flat chest and finally enjoying life.


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