Author Topic: Need your help Post-OP Man  (Read 2250 times)

Offline 3cheers

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I had the surgery on the 22nd at 745am but I am starting a new job (security dispatcher)on Monday so I cant go to the post op :-[. Can  you guys fill me in on what exactly happens at the post op.  Here are some questions I had. 1. When can take these foam pads off. 2. I order two compression vest from IUnderworks sowhen can put them on? Do the stiches fall out by themselves. I feel relatively ok. No leaks or bruises yet. Just sore when I walk.

Some advice for the guys waiting  to waiting have the surgery wear  Something to put on. Like flip flops instead of shoes. A Loose BUTTON shirt and shorts.
10-4 :P


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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'Post-Op'? Are you referring to your 'follow-up' meeting? I gather that's what you mean.

At my 'follow-up', Dr. Fielding just had a look at my chest and made sure that it was healing well. You should wear the foam until your PS says it's okay to take them off. You could probably put your compression vest on at any time. Yes, your stitches will either fall out or dissolve on their own.

Yep, you'll be sore for 3 weeks+....   :o

John out....
« Last Edit: June 23, 2005, 08:46:02 AM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline T-Cups

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I highly recommend going to the follow up.  If you can't make it, just call and reschedule, it doesn't have to be right the next week, I had mine 2 weeks following.  

In the mean time, keep the area under compression at all times.  Give the foam pads at least a week, and then call dr. fielding's office and ask the nurse/secretary when it's ok to take them off (she's the one who told me I can take them off and it's ok to shower instead of fricking sponge).  

And take it easy, i'm 3 weeks post op and still have some soreness and swelling.


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