Author Topic: post-op and...GETTING WORSE!~***  (Read 5450 times)

Offline tonysoprano

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I had surgery 13 weeks ago - for a so-called 'minor-case' - excision and minor lipo-sculpting, with a well-respected and highly reccomended surgeon, with a great folio of surgical work, especially his gyne pictures.

Even from the first week post-op when I removed the vest for the first time (taking into account swelling and all), there was a slight assymetry which I hoped would resolve somewhat or at least stop bothering me.
Other than that everything was great and although I felt (for the first 4-5 weeks post-op) that I could have been left just slightly flatter, I felt my results were swimmingly great ,with totally flat small nipples,flattish chest wall,and I was trying on new shirts etc.
not perfectly what I expected , but a massive improvement that I could live with happily.

I began massage at 5 weeks post-op and did away with my compress.vest permanently after week6.
since then my results have just gone downhill and continued to worsen. every week they look worse, and despite massaging for 20min. twice daily every day, nothing has changed or improved. the chest area is bulky, the nips are very scarred and puffy, and the incisions are very red,raised and packed with scar tissue underneath. there are many areas of hardness in my chest, and the assymetry is blatantly obvious.

despite all this, there is still an improvement from my case pre-op, but if I was a 4/10 pre-op in terms of gyne severity, I am now about a 3-3.5. I was hoping to be a 0 (that being no gyne at all, and no puffy nips at all), or even with room for being pessimistic, a 1/10.

for the first few weeks after my op I felt like I was infact a fussy 0 with a slight complaint re:assymetry. Now that the swelling,brusing etc has gone and large amounts of scarring and hard tissue have developed I feel like I have just had a very slight improvement that almost makes the whole ordeal not having been worth it.

I will certainly need a revision, even just to get my results looking like they did at 1 month post, when I thought things would only improve from there - not worsen dramatically week by week. My chest is most definitely, both in terms of feeling (to the touch) and appearance, totally unacceptable, and is even worse when I flex.

I dont hold out any hopes for the next 6 months (at which point Ill be in the correct timeframe to have a second procedure,having let things settle for long enough), and its just all so depressing and dissapointing.

Unfortunately I have no pics to post, and my ps has my only hardcopy of the pre-op pics from 3 months ago.
Im not worse off from having the op (except now I have mutated nipples that were just puffy but normal before,but hopefully they can be revised fairly well  and a lot less $$ in my pocket), but Im not that much improved, aside from a very slight reduction of the chest area.

the point of this thread is to soak up any advice or mutual experiences, from which I can draw strength and support.

[ps. massaging every day does not achieve anything other than wasting time,making my nips puff out worse an hour later, and leaving my chest sore and sensitive. thinking about  maybe giving it up soon,especially if Im gonna have a revision anyway in several months time
« Last Edit: June 24, 2005, 06:21:53 AM by tonysoprano »
... and the saga continues

Offline nukem2k5

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Please post pictures.  

Today marks me one month post op and I still have lots of rough tissue (often referred to as 'scar tissue') underneath my skin.  My entire chest is covered with it.  It became really prevalent as soon as I stopped wearing my vest, which was one week post-op.  The scar tissue will go away in the coming months, my PS informed me.

Is there any hard tissue / numbness around your chest still?  Assymetry can often be caused from this hard tissue, and final results may not show until several months after your surgery.

Like I said, post some pics so we can get an idea about what your situation is.
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You are just 13 weeks post-op. Everyone heals differenty Dude. Hang in there and try not to get too upset about it. It will work out for you!  ;)

As nukem mentioned, post some pics Dude! If you don't have a digital camera, borrow one from a friend.

John out....
« Last Edit: June 24, 2005, 07:28:26 AM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline rcbrown23

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What are you massaging with? Maybe your having an allergic reaction to whatever it is! if it only gets worse after the massage, then stop doing it and see what happens.

Tony, I still think about your case a lot. I was worried about the same thing happening to me. I'm now 6 weeks post, not wearing the vest at all, and the scar tissue is dissolving daily. Other than one side having a slightly noticeable scar, I'm almost healed with excellent results. I'm sorry that's not the case with you...but it sounds like something is going wrong. I say call your doc and see what's up. Talk to a general doc too, not just your PS. After this much time, IT SHOULD NOT BE GETTING WORSE.

Offline Blarneystoner

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You can't be sure it's getting WORSE until you see the pre-op photos.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2005, 12:20:54 PM by Blarneystoner »
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!


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What exactly is the time-frame for final results after surgery? Some people say right after the surgery you should be able to see the major changes and some say you have to wait up to a year. Which is it?

My endo, when I told him about full recovery from gyno surgery in only about 6 months, scoffed and said it shouldn't be more than 2 or 3 days. I guess he doesn't know jack about gyno surgery or is horribly misinformed.

Liposuction and fat sculpture can take at least 6 months until the final results are seen.  Evolution of tissues after surgery depends on the original problem, what was done, skill of your surgeon, aftercare, how you heal, and other factors.  Typical evolution for my patients can be seen here.  For my patients, you can see the results actually on the operating table.  The change is immediate.  it is fun to watch them look at their new chest in the mirror the day after surgery.  For major reduction cases, the change is radical.  For finess subtle gynecomastia, minimal swelling from the tumescent fluid and tissue injury can obscure results.  Excessive bruising, tissue injury, and complications like hematoma can delay the evolution.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It is fun to watch them look at their new chest in the mirror the day after surgery.

Yeah, I know what you mean Doc. One of the members of this board 'Zardoz' is from Vancouver B.C. He is in town ( Brampton/Toronto ) for his Gyen surgery with Dr. Fielding. Tony had surgery this past Wednesday and on Thursday, he stopped by my house for a BBQ. Tony was curious as to what his new chest looked like. He took off his tensor and foam pads and had a look. It was so awesome to see Tony's face light-up! What a rush! He is happy camper now let me tell you!  ;)

John out....
« Last Edit: June 25, 2005, 05:39:35 AM by Bambu »

Offline jc71

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great story bambu.  did you offer him a Heineken and one of those fine cuban cigars.  ;D

Offline tonysoprano

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Please post pictures.  

Today marks me one month post op and I still have lots of rough tissue (often referred to as 'scar tissue') underneath my skin.  My entire chest is covered with it.  It became really prevalent as soon as I stopped wearing my vest, which was one week post-op.  The scar tissue will go away in the coming months, my PS informed me.

Is there any hard tissue / numbness around your chest still?  Assymetry can often be caused from this hard tissue, and final results may not show until several months after your surgery.

Like I said, post some pics so we can get an idea about what your situation is.

Hey Nuke
I will have to ind someone I can borrow a digi-cam off, before I can get some pics up here, whcih will still only be post-op pics.

Its not assymetry due to swelling . Its a clear difference in the size of each "breast", and also in the extent to which each side protrudes from the bone. (ie. difference in the extent of convexity between each side of my chest)
All swelling has subsided and while there is much scar tissue, this is not in the areas creating the assymetry.

Offline tonysoprano

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You are just 13 weeks post-op. Everyone heals differenty Dude. Hang in there and try not to get too upset about it. It will work out for you!  ;)

As nukem mentioned, post some pics Dude! If you don't have a digital camera, borrow one from a friend.

John out....

thanks for the support John
but at 13 weeks, with no improvement since week 4, its hard to see things changing for the bettr.

ps. am trying to get hold of a digi-camera

Offline tonysoprano

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You can't be sure it's getting WORSE until you see the pre-op photos.

not getting worse than it was pre-op. worse than it was in the weeks immediately post-op.

its not worse than the gyne  I had pre-op, but its only  just slightly improved from thAT, yet with very concerning additional,new problems and scars.

Offline tonysoprano

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What are you massaging with? Maybe your having an allergic reaction to whatever it is! if it only gets worse after the massage, then stop doing it and see what happens.

Tony, I still think about your case a lot. I was worried about the same thing happening to me. I'm now 6 weeks post, not wearing the vest at all, and the scar tissue is dissolving daily. Other than one side having a slightly noticeable scar, I'm almost healed with excellent results. I'm sorry that's not the case with you...but it sounds like something is going wrong. I say call your doc and see what's up. Talk to a general doc too, not just your PS. After this much time, IT SHOULD NOT BE GETTING WORSE.


The appearance of the scars, and the incisions is not  of the type that is symptomatic of an allergic reaction, but rather just deep wounding thats unable to heal, and cosmetically unacceptable for plastic surgery. If it was a medical procedure for a medical problem then maybe one can expect bad scarring, but not when its cosmetic/plastic/corrective surgery, for aesthetic purposes.

I cant go to a general doc, because My family doc doesnt know i HAD surgery to begin. plus a gp is not gonna be able to do anything my ps cant/wont do, its just that he doesnt want to administer any injections or conduct a scar revision until at least after 6 months he says. Im hinging my hope on whatever he thinks is best when he re-examines in another 4-5 months again. I am just going to try and make it till then, and try to keep my mind off it as much as possible. you of all must know how hard waiting out a "settling down" period before another op is,right?

I have also tried to massage with many different things.
vitamin e oil, vit e cream, cocoa butter with e, vitamin a/e moisteurizer and none of them seem to be doing much different.
The big issue is that every time I massage I feel very painful and sore after, and the scars look very inflamed and lumpy in a way after, and this gets worse with each massage. I mAY give it away for a few days and see what goes on...

thanks for all your advice and thoughtfulness man,
you have been very supportive and caring all along. cheers for that


ps. Are you sure that scar tissue dissolves?
I was under the impression that it just softens over time, thus appearing to "dissolve". otherwise if it doesnt, I guess it is re-excised just like the gland tissue was originally.

Offline allbah

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one thing that I found useful and helped my anxiety was ultrasound scan of the breasts. this will give you good idea about the following:
1) comparative measurements of the thickness of the muscle, fat tissue and skin oedema (swelling).
2) if you have any ruptured lymphatics causing islets of fluid accumulating here and there affecting the final look of the chest (unfortunately this takes months to resolve)
3)blood supply around the breast tissue.

healing takes time, scar tissue goes away but takes from few weeks up to a year.
one can never prepare to win a war, but one can prepare not to be defeated.

Offline rcbrown23

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I had gland AND scar tissue excised on my second time around. I've heard of people saying that it doesn't dissolve, but softens. Well, I find that hard to believe. At week 2 post op, I had large "lumps" of hard tissue pretty much all over my chest. At week six and a half (present), one side has almost no tough tissue, and the other side has a small, but very firm, lump left. It's a little sore, but it doesn't bother me a lot. If I lift my arms up, it is noticeable, but other than that, you can't really see it. It is pretty tough thouh...but it's going away slowly. It started the size of a grape, and now it's a raison. But the hard lumps have gone away, not just softened.

Offline jack9

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where did you have your surgery done?


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