I just read several older posts by Tiffany, William and others on the subject of acceptance and I have to applaud them for their opinions and insite. I have to say, that I came to this group looking for unilateral support of all views and problems surrounding Gynecomastia. I am very glad there is advice and support for those who can afford and choose to have surgery. Good luck to them. However, should there not be a separate category and support allowed for those who either can't afford surgery or simply choose to do the best they can and even those who have found that they may enjoy the condition and would like to flaunt it, like some I have communicated with recently and myself.
I was rash with my first post on the subject and I apologize to anyone I may have offended. I was asked to seek other sites more appropriate and probably with good reason. If anyone is willing to suggest sites that are more appropriate to my needs and the needs of so many others, I would truley love it if you would contact me with them.
I respect this site and those who use it for their needs, but I am not completely sure it will provide what I need at this step in my adjustment of admittance and acceptance.