Author Topic: Breasts enlarged to same size as before surgery (pictures)  (Read 4678 times)

Offline helpmeplease

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I had surgery 2 weeks ago to remove my gynecomastia and now my breasts look just about the same as they did before surgery just a little smaller.

Can anyone tell me if this is just normal swelling or was the surgery a failure? I only had breast tissue removed and the surgeon said that i didnt need lipo. I am extremely anxious and worried about what the final outcome will be. it seemed like the swelling was subsiding but now i just dont know.

any help is greatly appreciated.

here are pictures
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 03:27:23 AM by helpmeplease »


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I had surgery 2 weeks ago to remove my gynecomastia and now my breasts look just about the same as they did before surgery just a little smaller.

Can anyone tell me if this is just normal swelling or was the surgery a failure? I only had breast tissue removed and the surgeon said that i didnt need lipo. I am extremely anxious and worried about what the final outcome will be. it seemed like the swelling was subsiding but now i just dont know.

any help is greatly appreciated.

2 weeks can be very early after surgery with some techniques.

Posting Standard After Gynecomastia Pictures can help other better understand your concerns.

Early after surgery swelling can mask residual deformity.  How Tissues Evolve After Gynecomastia Surgery depend on many factors. Firm tissues after surgery can be residual gland, but also can just be healing tissues or scars.  Different surgical techniques injure tissues to different degrees.  The body typically needs to heal before understanding if the surgical contouring was a success or considering revision surgery. Rushing into secondary surgery can be a mistake unless there are complications that need to be addressed or the next surgery is component of a staged procedure.  Time to tissues softening can vary depending on the original problem, what was done, after surgery care,
Scar Care, After Surgery Compression Garments, and many other factors. I see many patients who complain of residual deformity after another doctor's surgery.  There are many possible problems causing such a contour. Options depend on the problem to be treated. Time can range from 6 months to a year but can vary depending on many issues best explored with your doctor.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia Chest Sculpture

Offline helpmeplease

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i can feel a depression under my nipple where the breast tissue was before it was removed but it seems as if it has just been replaced with a mixture of fluid, fat, and some hard tissue, making my nipples protrude just as they had before the surgery. they removed a lot of tissue from my chest (the nurse said around the size of 3 chicken eggs) so i just can not understand why i still look like this

Offline kaka

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Mine is the same way also.. there is an empty space behind both of my nipples. The skin on my left breast is a bit loose but im guessing when i start working out, it will even out. Patient is the key my friend. Besides, I only look at my chest in the mirror once a week and try to give it time to heal. like they say ..."A watched pot never boils."

 It takes 3-6 month for it to take shape. So to be patient. We are moving in the right direction.

hope this help..

Offline helpmeplease

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yeah you make a very good point. it seems like i cant go more than an hour without pulling up my compression shirt to look. i dont know what im expecting to happen, like they are going to magically be perfect all of a sudden.

Ive even called the surgeons office to ask about it and i think they are starting to be annoyed by all my concerns. and its pretty much impossible to talk to the surgeon himself, they just pass me on to his nurse. they keep reassuring me that it is only normal swelling and that i can expect it to go away in 6 weeks to 3 months.... I hope it does


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here are pictures

Have you checked your Body Mass Index or Body fat?  These can be a measure of overall body fat as a contour issue. A BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index) can help to a certain degree, but Body Mass Index does not take into account muscle mass vs. fat.  Body Fat Analyzers can help define that issue.

Plastic Surgery is not an alternative for a global fat problem. When used in such a fashion, breasts are often smaller, but there still there since there remains a global fat issue. There are many other issues about what can cause contour problems after surgery that are best explored with your surgeon or an experienced gynecomastia specialist for a second opinion.

yeah you make a very good point. it seems like i cant go more than an hour without pulling up my compression shirt to look. i dont know what im expecting to happen, like they are going to magically be perfect all of a sudden.

Ive even called the surgeons office to ask about it and i think they are starting to be annoyed by all my concerns. and its pretty much impossible to talk to the surgeon himself, they just pass me on to his nurse. they keep reassuring me that it is only normal swelling and that i can expect it to go away in 6 weeks to 3 months.... I hope it does

Yes it does take some time for tissues to evolve after surgery, how much depends on the problem, what was done, skill of the surgeon and many other factors as pointed out above. Patience can be quite important.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Offline helpmeplease

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i had to have a large amount of tissue removed. i am 6'3" and have some excess body fat but i would not consider myself fat by any means.  my breasts have always been this same shape no matter how much weight i have gained or lost. the day after surgery my chest looked great, now it looks bad. I take some of the responsibility for this because the compression shirt i got was not quite tight enough. so my swelling is greater than it should have been.

If all else fails and it is fat causing this, the tissue is gone and i can lose weight, and my surgeon also said that if it wasnt right they would fix it and make it right.

But like stated before, waiting and having patience is the hardest part...


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i had to have a large amount of tissue removed. i am 6'3" and have some excess body fat but i would not consider myself fat by any means.  my breasts have always been this same shape no matter how much weight i have gained or lost. the day after surgery my chest looked great, now it looks bad. I take some of the responsibility for this because the compression shirt i got was not quite tight enough. so my swelling is greater than it should have been.

If all else fails and it is fat causing this, the tissue is gone and i can lose weight, and my surgeon also said that if it wasnt right they would fix it and make it right.

But like stated before, waiting and having patience is the hardest part...

6'3" 215 pounds BMI = 26.9 and Overweight by definition. This does not take into account body fat percentage as mentioned above.

Yes, I find that a correctly fitted compression vest can be an important tool after surgery.

Patience is difficult but rewarding for most.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Mahseri

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"helpmeplease" who was your surgeon if you dont mind me knowing ? :) thank you

Offline helpmeplease

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my surgery was done by Dr. Garland Porterfield of Oklahoma city

and just for an update my chest is really starting to look a lot better. my right side is near perfect and i just have a little swelling on my left side that should go away. my scars look great as well. for right now im feeling pretty good that it will look good when its all said and done


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