Author Topic: Question for those who had surgery  (Read 1728 times)

Offline Jan1010

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I had my resection gynecomastia surgery on Jan 6, 2010 and am now over three months post-op.  I started lifting again about a month ago and still wear my wrap every so often.  My nipples are still quite swollen, especially the left side.  There are lumps under each nipple that are painful sometimes and are bigger sometimes compared to other times and my nipples are very sensitive.  It looks and feels just like my old gyno.  Is this just swelling?  My doctor has been performing this surgery for about 15 years and I trust him I am just nervous because this looks and feels like the gyno I had, and you know what they say if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...its probably a duck.  Am I overreacting?  Also, after I workout or shower My chest looks totally flat.  Good news its that my scars have totally faded.

Thanks all

Offline unsure101

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It will go down...

mine were the same up until 9 months or so post.

They still are a tad puffy, though there is very very little hard tissue underneath now compared to 0-9 months post

Offline helpmeplease

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I had surgery 3 weeks ago. the day after my chest looked amazing. now i have what feels like a hard semi-circle where my incision was that i assume is scar tissue and i am swollen up to the same size i was pre-op.

I started freaking out and called my surgeon and they keep telling me that it is just normal healing and swelling and that it will take a few months but will go away on its own

so im sure it will be ok and i bet yours will be fine as well. And im pretty sure that a touch up within the first year is covered by your initial surgical fee. so no worries

Offline Jan1010

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Thanks guys, I just was really worried because it is literally like a gyno lump just as before.  You can't help but worry, I think it is just human nature.


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