Author Topic: 6 Years after My Gyno Surgery  (Read 4496 times)

Offline mattmro1986

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Hello all,

My names matt and for some reason felt like I needed to share my results from 6 years after my surgery. First off, I had a terrible case of gynecomastia and had no idea. I thought I was a little fat kid that had boobies. I was constantly being harassed about it, because it was completely obvious that I had "boobs" under my shirt. Ive even had the "Are you wearing a bra?" comment from a young girl at a local bowling alley. I was deeply depressed, but got to take alot of my anger out on the football field ( thank God ). In 2003-04 I found this site and found out exactly what I had. The site was very imformative and I found guides on how to feel for the tissue under the nipple and what not. I was 100% sure that I had just diagnosed my self with Gynecomastia. I told my mom what I had found about my condition (of course she thought nothing was wrong, but listened anyways). I convinced her to take me to my local doc to have me checked out. When we got there, the Nurse had no idea what I was talking about. The other nurses started googling what I was saying, it was rather embarrasing. The doctor came in and we talked about my situation and he came to the conclusion that I was going to grow out of it. I freaked out after this, I now had my doctor convincing my mom that I should go through the rest of my highschool years with MAN breasts!???!! I ended up going to another doctor by my self, and told him the situation, he felt the glands and he said that I most likely wasnt going to grow out of it any time soon.............
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 05:12:54 PM by mattmro1986 »

Offline mattmro1986

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I then needed insurance to pay for the surgery, but they wouldnt. I was screwed and just started working out 7 days a week for almost a year. I got slim lost 30 something pounds and was benching almost 300 pounds, but my man titties remained, it was like i couldnt burn fat off my chest it was crazy. After my mom and dad noticed that it wasnt going away and that I was trying to get rid of them, they and my grandparents agreed to cover the cost of the surgery. I got it done, really wasnt a bad deal. I woke up early, drove to the hospital and was put to sleep and worked on.  They put me on some iv drip that put me in cookoo land and I didnt care if I was having my head amputated. Shortly after, I was asked to imagine a vacation spot, and I was out. Right after they woke me up, I was in extreme pain and had forgotten what was going on. I ended up being restrained by some large male nurse ( I think ), and iv fed morphine... I was good after that  ;D My mom drove me home and I went through 6 months of wearing a vest given to me by the doc. Things really did straigten out, My chest was flatter then ever. My social life went up dramastically. I met my gf shortly after. Ive now went through almost 5 years of college, ive gained about 20 pounds since, but my chest is still flat and I dont worry bout them EVER!  I am going to try and find my old username and get those pics i posted way back when, but here are my 6 years after pics. next post

« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 05:14:27 PM by mattmro1986 »

Offline BugEyeMafia

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This is so awesome!  Thanks for posting.  I just had my procedure about 7 hours ago.  I'm on some meds n stuff,  but this has been SO much better than I expected the experience to be.  HOpefully the results will be there when i remove all the wrappings and such.... and of course long term.

Nice to hear that 6 years later you are still satisfied.  Hope I will be the same!


Offline rds54

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Thanks for posting. Gives me hope that maybe someday I'll be happy like you again, before I developed gyne. Keep on livin life brother!

Offline mattmro1986

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thx for the replies guys... i know its been a while since my post. To the poster to said he hopes hes happy someday like me... I hope everything gets fixed brotha.. I Know how it feels.. Its terrible, but keep your head up. To the other guy who just had the procedure done... Congrats, Can we some some pics?

I had to post this... I remember when I was here 6 years ago, reading all the info, I was def. in the wrong state of mine and very depressed.

Thanks to everyone in the past for the support on these boards.. Honestly I dont know how my outcome with gyno would have went without these forums and the wonderful support from alot of the members.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Thank you for coming back to share your experience. It is not often that we hear from the guys that are the true success stories. The people who are less than thrilled show up and they can be highly vocal. We need your story to retain some kind of balance.
Grandpa Dan


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