Author Topic: should i see a Psychiatrist?  (Read 1444 times)

Offline goffchigo

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I have recently gone to an endocrinologist and they did blood work to check for prolactin and several other things, but the results of the tests came back normal. i have extremely large man boobs but i used to be bigger due to medications that caused me to gain weight as i was a child. now i am 18 years old and have suffered many years of dealing with the name calling and humiliation of have this problem i talked to my parents about having a surgery done but we just cant afford it i need to find out any doctors in the rockford Illinois area that could help me get insurance to pay for the procedure. i dint want to listen to all of the negative things people have to say to me anymore its to much to handle i wear hooded sweat shirts everyday to try and hide my problem but it doesn't work i dont do anything social anymore because all i get is humiliation out of a time that should be fun. so if there is anyone that could help me out or refer me to someone that could help me i would greatly appreciate it. also do you think it would be a good idea for me to see a psychiatrist? please reply



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