Author Topic: Should I go for it? (Pic + question)  (Read 5792 times)

Offline kingboob

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Wow, you people are 100% crazy.  Buying drugs of the internet with no idea of knowing what you are really putting in your body, planning surgery for practically non existent conditions............ I mean how can you think your areolas are too big or that you have boobs....

I wish you the best of luck but I think this is gonna end badly - I have seen it before with people on this forum and it is sad to see to be honest.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 09:40:45 AM by kingboob »

Offline Bensin

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I'm not ordering meds off the internet.

I'm also not "planning surgery". I'm suggesting that I'd be willing to see a professional for a consultation to check this out. Given an increase in hard lumps in the chest following a course of medication which has gynecomastia as a listed side effect, I don't view this as completely insane - but whatever.

Offline thetodd

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I wasnt telling him to order it off the net, if you google any of those drugs youl hit a wikipedia page with medical studies about said drugs with treatment on gyne. If he went back to his doctor who prescribed him that hair loss stuff then i cant see why he wouldnt prescribe tamoxifen at least

end of the day these drugs have been proven to work on newly formed gyne, im not saying to get them illegally its just what i did because i didnt want to see a doctor because i was to embarrased .... it was a bad idea. If you want an alternative to surgery then go to a doc and get an honest opinion and get some testosterone tests done

like ive said before, i cant see anything. But if youve noticed a significant change then forget consulations with plastic surgeons , You need to speak to the doctor that gave you that hairloss stuff

There's a few threads on that board about anti estrogens working

Make an appointment with the GP
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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