Author Topic: help tell me your opinions please  (Read 2046 times)

Offline Nearliverpool

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Went to my doctor and basically told my GP that i have gynecomastia. She asked me to take my top off to have a look, After having a feel round whih was very painfull for me, she said i didnt have any lumps which i blatantly have and she diagnosed me with mastitis or something?? Is anyone elses gyno very very painful , were as you cant sleep on your front? Also if i squeeze the nipple a liquid will come out!
So my doctor referred me to the hospital and i got an appointment within 2 weeks. Today i have been for my appointment were i was weighed and my height measured. I then had a blood test to check my hormones. Then i seen the doctor who had a feel and said he could definatly feel excess breast tissue which my gp denied. Without me asking he said i would need and could have surgery to remove the tissue. He didnt mention LIPO which i would like aswell , he just mention making an excison under the nipple and warned me of the riskes. I told him no matter what i wanted the surgery as it was depressing me not being able to take my kids swimming, give them a cuddle properly etc without it hurting. I am now waiting for a date to go back for a mammogram to see whats under the nipple. at this stage breast cancer cant be ruled out. If you have any questions i will be more than happy to answer them thanks.

Offline Eric Robertson

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  • It's time to spread the word about Gynecomastia
If lipo is necessary along with the gland removal, then it may be good idea to speak to the surgeon before you go under the knife. Most of the time, the surgeon will determine whether or not lipo is necessary while he is performing the procedure...not before.

Good luck,
Surgery Date: 6/06/06
Surgeon: Dr. Elliot Jacobs M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., P.C.
Procedure: Liposuction and incision under the nipple.
Cost: $6,500
Discovery Health: Plastic Surgery Before and After I was featured in:

Offline Raider Fan

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I had a mammogram and I was diagnosed with bilateral gynecomastia.  However, only my left one was giving me noticeable symptoms, and my main complaint was/is pain.  Like you, I noticed that most people don't really complain of pain very much when it comes to this disorder, especially in older, overweight men.  Most of the time, the main complaint of people is simply that the breast tissue is growing. 

My tissue is definitely growing, but pain is my main complaint.  I'm older so I don't really care about having a saggy boob.  But I do care about pain and it's pretty much all the time.  My other big complaint is a feeling of fullness under the breast.  I can literally feel a lump under my left breast when I'm just walking around or sitting in a chair.  It feels like a marble underneath the skin.  The combination of the foreign body in my breast, the increased size, and the pain is very disconcerting because it never goes away.  Anytime I flex my chest it hurts.  If I get out of a recliner, it hurts.  If I turn over in bed, it hurts.  It hurts if I make any type of sudden movement that require chest muscles.  I have not heard of this from anyone else with gynecomastia, so it makes me wonder if mine is somehow different than everyone else's. 

Apparently, others do not have this type of pain with their gyno, which makes me wonder why I do.  Unfortunately, no one can answer this question.  My doctor and I have not been able to attribute a medication to my gyno, and that's often a major cause in men who don't use drugs/steroids. I'm waiting to get my hormone level results, but in all probability, there will be no problem.  My physician said it was a "shot in the dark". 

It has been said that there is ALWAYS a cause for gynecomastia, however, 25% of the time, no cause can be found.  It would be nice to know what the prognosis is for older males with gynecomastia, but no one can answer least for an older male.  Apparently, even in older males, it goes away on it's own sometimes.  If it doesn't go away, I don't know if it will keep growing and being painful forever.  Even the experts cannot answer this question.  I've noticed that most doctors don't really seem to know much about the condition, which is kind of surprising, considering it's so common. 

Offline Nearliverpool

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I can really understand your pain mate. I hope soo you are cured of this horrible condition.


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