Author Topic: Told today that the NHS no longer treats gynecomastia?  (Read 6884 times)

Offline kingboob

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wow that response took a lot longer than i expected. An operation for gyne is about appearance not about health. So to answer your question in my opinion for a woman that has a mastectomy on the NHS no we shouldn't pay for breast reconstruction but rather use that money to pay for the drugs that may keep others alive. A testicle? I wouldn't even entertain that claim. Who on earth would be able to tell if you had a testicle missing other than a sexual partner. Smokers and drinkers are denied treatment as it happens, usually after they have been given a chance to sort things out, seems fair. Smashed up 15 year old that has stolen a car. Yes I'd treat them on the NHS a 15 year old is a child and children make mistakes and deserve a second chance.

Really how can sorting out a pair of breasts on a man be payed for by the tax payer? the clue is in the title national Health service it should be about health. having a pair of breasts never killed anyone. One caveat if there are underlying health problems they clearly should be dealt with on the NHS but the corrective surgery absolutely not.

As it happens I lived with pair of breasts for some 30 years and whilst I found it embarrassing, annoying, confidence destroying and it seriously affected the way in which I lived my life I never thought for one minute it should be paid for on the NHS.

I think that point of view completely ignores the impact of mental health.   A woman left with a deformed body after a mastectomy may feel she cannot move on with life. In the long run it may cost more to treat her for depression, anxiety and what not rather than just correcting the problem.    Many private insurance schemes would cover that type of situation.   

 The same with a man and testicular cancer, what if he feels so abnormal after the operation that it destroys his sex life / relationships?  Why not do a quick op to insert an implant and restore normal appearance.        BTW gyne can be linked to testicular cancer as well.

For me both of those issues would be considered part of treating the original problems. I don't see how reconstructing a breast after a mastectomy is any less worthy of taxpayers cash than doing a reconstruction after someone has been in a car crash or house fire. 

I also believe that if a doctor working in the NHS (who knows resources are limited) feels that any 'cosmetic' issue is so extreme  or so abnormal that surgery is justified then it should be provided, doctors don't do surgery for fun and they wont operate unless they feel it is really needed for that individual patient.

You say having moobs basically had a serious negative impact on the way you lived your life -  I personally think that is good enough reason to provide surgery.

Many illnesses aren't going to kill anyone and are not life threatening, but they still get treated on the NHS because without treatment people would have no quality of life.

Offline Nomoregyne

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Hard to believe so many people accept socialism and a bunch of bureaucrats making medical decisions instead of doctors.  Capitalism works every time.

Too bad the United States is about to be like the UK and Canada...thanks to Obama and a few other radical leftists.  Even in the U.S. now, they are going to have death panels and health care will be "rationed" and exclusive to those who are young and are still productive.  For everyone else, you take a pain pill and are told to shut up.  

BTW....we are all human beings.  Anyone suffering an ailment that is able to be corrected should get care.  There should be no "deciding" WHO gets care.....a lady needing a hip replacement or a guy with gyne.  That's about the most ridiculous statement I've ever read on these board.  Socialism is evil, as are those who vote for those who are in favor of it.

Great. Another idiot who believes that in the UK we have "death panels". You are a moron sir.

Where did you hear about these so called death panels? From dangerous, ignorant, lying politicians like Sarah Palin by any chance? It amazes me that in a so called civilized country like America you will only recieve health care if you can pay for it. Never mind those who have fallen on hard times, lost their company sponsored health care, or never had the opportunities in life others did. No money? Tough, enjoy your illness.

I have had two elderly relative pass away in NHS hospitals and throughout their stay they were treated with dignity and care. Every effort was made to look after and care for them, and the doctors and staff fought hard against the certainty of time. ALong with that, I have several members of my family who work for the NHS and do their absolute best for every one who comes through the door....regardless of their age or "productivity".

Offline Raider Fan

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Why is it that you leftists always seem to begin by calling people insulting names?  Why are leftists always so angry?

Your ridiculous rant only shows that you don't go to the trouble of educating yourself about what socialized medicine will truly mean.  The very reason we are talking about this is because the NHS picks and chooses what they want to cover and WHO they want to cover.  That, in and of itself, is a travesty.  And I'm not simply talking about relatively benign conditions, like gynecomastia. I'm talking heavy duty illnesses.  Why do you think the NHS doesn't cover everyone and everything?  Have you ever thought about that?  Let me give you a hint.  It's called MONEY. The reason they can't cover everyone and every condition is because they couldn't possibly pay for it all.  Someone, therefore, has to NOT get something they need.  Is this REALLY something you don't understand? Maybe you'd like to tell us all what you really like about socialism.

Yes, the death panels are real and it has now been proven. Pelosi said we have to pass the socialized health care bill in order to find out what was in it.  Well, lo and behold, we see the death panels are for real.  Of course they don't call them that, but that's what they are.  Someone has to decide how the money is going to be spent, don't they?  Someone has to decide WHO gets care, don't they?  Of course they do.  And some will NOT get care. That's a fact.  

Why do you think doctors are so against the health care takeover by the government?  It's partly because the government is going to be making the medical decisions for their patients instead of the doctors. NO self-respecting doctor would put up with such a thing, and that's why a lot of our physician's will be quitting rather than do what Obama's leftists tell them to do.  Don't believe it? Ask YOUR physician how he/she feels about the health care bill.  I've asked numerous physician's about it and the subject nearly makes them sick.  

Maybe some doctors on this board would like to chime in on this subject.  

Ever heard of supply and demand?  We already had a shortage of doctors and various other medical personnel BEFORE the healthcare bill was shoved down our throats.  If the healthcare bill now covers 30 million more people who previously had no coverage, what will that do to our system?  But before you answer, consider that a poll showed up to 40% of America's doctors said they would quit their practice if the health care bill passed.  And also consider that Obama and his fellow leftists are also planning on giving amnesty to another 20 to 30 million illegals in our country. We will pay for THEIR healthcare, too.  So, how good is our system going to be when the number of doctors goes down significantly, and the number of patients goes up significantly (somewhere around 50 million more people)?  I think you can do the math and see that the quality of care will go down very significantly.  It's a certainty, and it's unavoidable. You'll be lucky to ever see a doctor under this system.  Our healthcare system will become one of a lot of physician's assistants and yes, even nurses deciding your medical care.  And the doctors?  They will be coming from other countries and won't be speaking much English.  Compared to the countries they will be coming from, America will seem like heaven to them.  

Sadly, in all probability, your elderly relatives may not have received the excellent care they SHOULD have gotten. Who's to say if the doctors did everything they could? Depending on the overall health and prognosis for your relatives, it's possible that everything possible was NOT done for them because someone behind a computer 1,000 miles away decided that it wasn't the wisest way to spend the money. For all you know, they may have decided it made a lot more sense to give a young man hernia surgery than to try to extend the lives of your loved ones.  Why?  Because in their way of thinking, the young man would still be productive, whereas, your loved ones were "past their prime" and not really worth it. This is not to say that your relatives definitely got "the ax," but someone has to be the "unfortunate one" under the socialized medicine system.  As Obama himself stated, sometimes, the best thing to do is just to give a pain pill.  I'm sure the thought of what I'm saying is disgusting to you, but it's the truth. Socialized medicine IS disgusting!  This is simply what happens when you have socialized medicine.  The "haves" have to pay for the "have nots," therefore, the quality goes down for everyone, and some don't get care at all. There's only so much of other people's money.  

If you really think the quality of care is so great in the UK and Canada, you should ask yourself WHY there are so many people coming to the U.S. to get needed operations and treatments.  If you would go out of your way just a bit, you'll find numerous articles on the internet about people who are unhappy with conditions in the UK and Canada, where they have your beloved socialist system.  And it's not working.  Many are on long waiting lists for needed surgeries, so they come to the U.S. to get their surgery immediately. Perhaps you'd like to investigate how UNSUCCESSFUL the health care system is in Massachusetts. They already have the type of socialized system you are wanting and it has been an utter disaster. This disastrous system is about to become the norm for the entire country. 

Maybe you'd like to ask yourself why there are so many people from other countries on this very board who are seriously thinking about coming to the U.S. for their gynecomastia surgery. These boards are full of people from other countries that complain about the treatment they received and "botched" surgeries.  Do you know what someone from another country would consider coming to the U.S. for their gyne surgery? Have any ideas?  Do you think it might have something to do with quality doctors, quality surgery and quality treatment?  The answer is "yes".  But that won't be the case much longer.  America's quality health care is the best in the world. But it will go down very significantly as Obama's socialized medicine is ushered in.  There's not even any debate about this, if you would bother to study up on the countries that already have socialized medicine.  You'll notice that, if anything, they are trying to change their system and get back to the way WE do things. They already KNOW it doesn't work.  

The reason Obama and the destructionists wanted the healthcare bill shoved down the throats of Americans is clear.  They wanted the votes from the people getting the free care.  It had nothing to do with "improving" conditions, because it did nothing of the sort.  It did exactly the opposite.  It had nothing to do with saving money, because it has already been shown that this will do nothing to contain costs.  In fact, costs are going up, along with the deficit and national debt.  Also, Obama lied when he said Americans can keep their health care plan if they like it.  That won't be happening, and he knew when he said it that it was a lie.  There is nothing good about socialism.  

Socialism has never worked anywhere on the planet that it has been tried.  Capitalism works EVERY time it is tried.  
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 03:06:45 PM by Raider Fan »

Offline 2fast2furious

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comon guys this site is to help people with gyne not current affairs  ???

Offline Nomoregyne

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Your right mate. I have removed my post as it was inflammatory. Good luck to all whatever their situation

Offline Raider Fan

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That's true.  My purpose in bringing it up was mainly to inform those in other countries that if they have been thinking of coming to the U.S. to have their gynecomastia surgery because of the exceptional overall quality of care in the U.S., they might change their minds after being informed that the quality of U.S. health care will be coming down soon.

The U.S. will soon be also-rans in the health care area, not a leader, and certainly will not be exceptional. This has been ordered by the federal government of the U.S., and is against the will of the American people.  So if you're thinking of coming to the U.S. to ensure the best possible outcome for your gynecomastia surgery, you better hurry up. The quality of U.S. health care will be coming down, as ordered by the President and other radicals in his party who are seeking to bring socialism to the U.S.  These are simple facts and are not politically motivated.

Offline Whiff

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lol Ive heard it all now health care in the US exceptional ...well maybe if you have money or a great insurance policy. You're not exceptional nor even also rans, you have possibly the most unfair health care system in the world. You like it cause you can afford it, lets hope you don't fall on hard times or you'll see what it is like for the most vulnerable in your country.

Offline Raider Fan

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lol Ive heard it all now health care in the US exceptional ...well maybe if you have money or a great insurance policy. You're not exceptional nor even also rans, you have possibly the most unfair health care system in the world. You like it cause you can afford it, lets hope you don't fall on hard times or you'll see what it is like for the most vulnerable in your country.

Spoken like a true uninformed America-hater. 

The truth is.....even those who do not have insurance get emergency care in hospitals when they need it.  It's called "indigent care."

60% of the U.S. is against "ObamaCare" because they know it will do nothing to control costs and will bring down the quality of healthcare for everyone.  The health care reform Obama and his pals forced upon the people had nothing to do with improving health care conditions within the U.S.  It had to do with power and control over the American people. 

Offline Whiff

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of course you all pay into private health care insurance for the love of it even though you'd be well looked after if you didn't? .. Your right I clearly have no understanding and you are deluded my friend

Just for the record i don't hate america how could i you gave us rock and roll

Offline Raider Fan

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of course you all pay into private health care insurance for the love of it even though you'd be well looked after if you didn't?

Yes, millions pay for their health insurance to be assured of the best care possible and in case something disastrous happens. Like anything else, you get what you pay for.  Those who pay have greater benefits than those who don't pay and get emergency care for free.  Just as it should be. 

The health care system in the U.S. has been the envy of the world for generations.  Like everything in a capitalistic society, the quality continues to improve year after year because people are motivated to make a profit.  You build a better mousetrap, you get more money.  Quality remains consistent because of the system.

Sadly, the socialized system that has failed the world over is now coming to the U.S. and quality will not only go down for those who live in the U.S., but the world over.  Millions have come to the U.S. over the decades to get the best medical care possible (that is not available in their country), but that will be changing.  The politicians currently in power have assured that health care in the U.S. will go down in quality because millions of lazy people and illegals will now be covered for those who work.  It will guarantee horrible health care for everyone.  Instead of great healthcare for those who work, and adequate emergency care when needed by those who don't work, no one will get quality care in the future.  Everyone in the world will suffer as a result of the socialized medicine in the U.S., not just Americans.  Doctor shortages and waiting lists will now become the norm in American, just as it is in Canada and England.   

And what about the motivation to develop new drugs and new medical technologies?  You can kiss that goodbye as well.  If there's no profit in it, no one's going to go to the trouble.  This is exactly why socialism ALWAYS fails.  It's guaranteed to fail, because if people can sit back and do nothing while those who work take care of them, they will. 

Offline Whiff

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raider I agree with almost nothing you have said in that post. However I accept that people have different points of view and I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one. However I wish you well on your gyno freedom journey ( if you haven't achieved it already that is).

Offline Raider Fan

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Well, when you're right, you're right.  There is no debate.

Thanks for the well-wishes. 


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